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Leftover Soup For Weight Loss

Recipes | December 27, 2012

This soup out of leftovers saved my life last night. I had my dinner around 6pm and I thought that I won’t be hungry. Boy I was wrong! I got hungry around 10pm and I wasn’t going to sleep for another 2 hours, so I had to do something. I wanted to avoid snacking on all those cookies, chocolates, and treats that we have plenty of at home from Christmas. I looked in the fridge and this is what I found. Enjoy this leftover soup for weight loss.

3 large carrots, 1 small red potato, 1 stalk of romaine lettuce, 1 medium size onion, small parsley root, about a handful of parsley leaf, 1 egg, 1 cup of chicken broth and about 1/4 cup of coconut milk.

All I had to do was to chop, mix it in a medium size pot that was half way full of water, and cook it until the carrots were soft. About 12-15 minutes. Done. I love soups and the great thing about this one was that I used leftovers, it was low in calories, and it filled me up. Anything that is made out of super foods, is dense in nutrients and low in calories is great for weight loss. Or in my case weight maintenance.



Ok, I admit it. I threw a few goldfish into my bowl of soup. Still better then horfing down the 5lb chocolate bar that I got for Christmas 🙂 haha.

What do you do when you get hungry at night? Do you snack? What do you eat? Do you eat at all at night?

Always looking forward to reading your comments.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    This is my first time commenting on you site. Just wanted to share what I do when I have late night hunger and would like to know your advice on it. I like to eat Raisin Bran (in a small bowl) drizzle it with natural honey, lil’ bit of cinnamon and sprinkle grated nuts (which I grind in my Ninja blender) pour some almond milk and viola!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    i always have some fruits in the fridge so whenever i’m hungry and i’m too lazy to cook i eat two or three fruits 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Soup would be a much better choice! I often ruin my efforts at night. If I want to fill myself up though and not be so healthy…I eat 2 cups of multi-grain cheerios with 1/2 cut up banana and 1/2 cup almond milk…..the low cal almond milk. It really fills you up, tastes great, and satisfies the sweet tooth and it is only 300 calories….you can do 1 cup and take out 100 cals. Not the best, but a good splurge when you want to stop the binge and get to bed with a full tummy.

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