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You Are Greater Than Your Genetics

Blog | February 23, 2014

Sometimes people mistakenly blame their lack of fitness and wellbeing on their genes.  They insist that heredity is at fault rather than their own lack of effort or will.  The good news is they’re wrong.  While our genetic makeup does affect many aspects of who we are, it does not completely dictate our physiological or psychological makeup.  Sure, height and eye color are beyond our control, but various ailments and illnesses that may be linked to us by way of inherited genes do not necessarily have to afflict us.  We have a significant amount of control over our wellbeing even if heart disease, arthritis, or cancer has lingered in our gene pools for generations. 




Research at the University of Utah has shed considerable light on the study of epigenetics, the study of how environment plays a significant part on our genetic development.  The term epigenetic literally means ‘outside of genetics.’  The research offers a great deal of insight regarding the changes that occur in our genetic makeup due to external, environmental factors and also demonstrates that we are not locked or confined by our genes. 

 Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the University of Utah study was the research done with identical twins over an extended period of time.  Twins are born with an identical genetic makeup.  Therefore, they share the exact same DNA sequence upon birth.  However, over time, twins not only change physically from one another, but also genetically as well.  Environmental factors such as diet, stress and exercise play a significant role in creating these distinct changes.  These external factors are rooted in the choices the individuals make for themselves. 

 It’s vital that we don’t fall prey to negative ideas that don’t allow us to change and, more importantly, grow.  Too often people believe that they’re at the mercy of their bodies due to what they believe or perceive as their genetic inheritance.  The good news is science now claims otherwise.  To a large extent, we can actually influence our own genes.  While we can’t change everything about ourselves we can definitely change a lot for the better.  What we eat, how much we exercise and how we deal with stress are all things that we can control.  Of course, it’s hard work and some days are harder than others, but all good things require consistent effort.  Remember: the only way to climb a mountain, no matter how high, is to put one foot in front of the other. 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    It’s a good post. In spite of what many people now think, we are not genetic robots. Nor is what we are prone to genetically the same as what we can be or should be. Personal responsibility goes a long way in life.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I have a back condition where the right side of my back is too far right of my spinal cord. can be very painful–‘specially when I go to the gym and do heavy lifting. strangely, however, the pain starts long after i’m done working-out. I saw a youtube video of yours that focused solely on how to manage and decrease lower-back pain. thought it was very helpful. do u happen to have others either here or on youtube ? thanx. brian.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great post! So true! Take personal responsibility!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Good post, I remember back when I worked in the gym my colleague/training partner used to always tell me you can improve a lot but you can’t get like this because genetically you just don’t have it. I always knew it was rubbish, I’m a fan of bodybuilding and whilst I may not have symmetry like those guys, I’m sure if I dedicated myself to it I could still get very big, it’s not like anyone is born a muscle freak. It just takes a whole lot of effort and time and hard work!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    could you please please please post your daily foods again? i can’t stop obsessing over food and weight loss and planning and just all the negative aspects about this journey. i would love to see your perspective on food and how you eat and not let it consume your life. thanks!

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