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4th of July Low Carb Cookies (FM)

Recipes | July 03, 2014

 I feel like the 4th of July is a holiday of food lovers and creative cooks more than anything else. There’s not much to find about the history on popular websites, blogs, or magazines, but there’s  always tons of tips on how to make your celebration perfect. I love it. I mean I love the history, but I also love the little things in life such as holidays and barbecue parties and family time together, that makes everything we work for so worth it. What’s better then creating fun memories like cooking with your kids, or hosting an awesome 4th of July party for your friends? I don’t have kids yet, but I felt like one when baking these amazing cookies for tomorrow’s celebration. If you need to take your mind off work, and create something that your family will love you for (guaranteed), you have to try these cookies!



9 tbsp of grass fed butter, 2 cups almond flour, 1 1/2 scoop vanilla pea protein (It makes a huge difference which protein powder you’ll use, so I really suggest to get this one. It’s all natural without any artificial sweeteners, and it makes these cookies delicious), 4 tsp of Stevia, 1/2 tsp lemon extract, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, pinch of salt.


Mascarpone cheese – try to get the same brand as I did, because it makes a difference. I tried a different one before and it wasn’t as good. This one is naturally sweet so you don’t need to add any extra sweetener. You can get this one in Whole Foods. 

About 1/2 cup Blueberries and 1 cup Strawberries.


Preheat the oven for 350 º F. Melt the butter in a small pan and then mix in very well the rest of the ingredients. Create a dough and spread it on a parchment paper into a 1/4 inch layer.


You’ll need a tiny cookie cutter or just use a bottle cup like I did.


Place the raw cookies with the parchment paper on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes or until you see them turning gold.


Let the cookies cool down before you start decorating them, and be very careful when transferring them on to a big rectangle plate. They are very tender and easy to fall apart. 


Scoop a little bit of the Mascarpone cheese with a teaspoon on top of each cookie. Then place the Blueberries and Strawberries on top. The goal here is to use the toppings to make the cookie plate look like the American Flag. Be as creative as you want. You don’t need to cut the strawberries the way I did. There are other ways to do that. 


What helps is to have some leftovers that will serve you as a replacement for the cookies that you accidentally eat while decorating and those that just fall apart. I have to admit that I got full during the process of making these cookies. I just couldn’t stop eating them. They are delicious, gluten free, low carb, and sugar free. The best part is that Jesse didn’t believe me that there is no sugar. They are sweet and they just melt in your mouth. Everyone that tried these, just loved them!

Have fun and I enjoy your 4th of July!



Calories: 3,456.5
Carbs: 81.9 g
Net Carbs: 50.4 g
Fat: 325.7 g
Protein: 91.6 g

Note: This is for the entire recipe, not individual portions, which are going to vary depending on both the size and amount you’re going to eat. Just like you wouldn’t consume an entire cake or container of ice cream, you wouldn’t be choking down this entire recipe in one go. Relax, enjoy the treat, and be mindful of your portions.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for the healthy recipe. I love that they are sugar free because that is how I like to feed my family. I know my kids would love these!! The photos are amazing and very festive. I also noticed you used my favorite brand of vanilla. It is so flavorful and the smell is so calming.

    Have a safe and happy 4th

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    Happy 4th, Girlie! 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Oh YUM!!! These look so delicious! I just tried my first recipe with almond meal a few weeks ago and have been excited to try more, so thank you! Great timing. And I while-heartedly agree with you about making memories and pausing to celebrate the small things. I look forward to more posts!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Lovely and creative, Thanks Z, you are really awesome!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,

    Try looking for Declaration of Independence, Continental Congress and Independence Day. They actually adopted the Declaration on July 2nd and signed it on August 2nd, 1776.

    Food has always been part of a fun Fourth! Thanks for the new addition!


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I will try them asap.It looks delicious 🙂

    How is your ankle doing?

    Hope you had a good 4th of July!


  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Amazingly good. Just made them, the whole family loved them. Thanks Z! 🙂

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Amazingly good. Just made them, the whole family loved them. Thanks Z!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, can I have a job? I want to work for you, I’ll clean the set or bring you water or whatever, jk…not. I just love your workouts and am gaining strength, but I cannot lose weight. My diet isn’t strict enough I guess and I have a thyroid issue that keeps me fat no matter what. I have given up in the past because I get discouraged about trying so hard and staying at 200 lbs. I never thought I would be 200 pounds it is affecting every aspect of my life, especially my relationship because I feel so disgusting for being 208 pounds. I cannot believe it. I will not give up this time. It is hard because I am not in a good place financially so I get depressed and discouraged, but I have been consistently working out for almost a month (5-6 days a week), And I will keep it up, because you are an inspiration as well as all the skinny girls in their little summer outfits. I get so jealous but I need to just focus my energy on improving my body. I hope to see more kettlebell workouts as those are my favorites and I am becoming obsessed with kettlebells. I hope someday to become a certified kettlebell trainer. Anyway I just wanted to share a little of my story and if you do another 30 day challenge or anything where you work with some fans to help them lose weight I would love to be a part of that. I wish I had a blog to link to (I was going to start one, but I had to sell my camera and I feel I can’t really have a food/exercise/crochet blog without a decent camera.) Sorry for rambling, it is late at night and I have too much energy from just finishing ZWOW 35. (doing old zwows because I am too broke for zgym this month.) Ciao! Love you Z!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’ve just made theese. And I only left the smaller half for my visitors:-D
    Delicious, thank you Zuzi!

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