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Health | August 29, 2017

Hair loss, unfortunately, happens for a variety of reasons.

The most common are; environmental effects, aging, too much stress, smoking, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, genetics, scalp infections, a side effect of certain medicines, iron-deficiency anemia, and chronic illnesses. Just to name a few.

Did you know that there are about 100,000 strands of hair on your scalp?

We lose about 50-100 of those strands a day! But when you start to notice that you may be losing a bit more than that, it may be time to take some action before things progress to actual bald spots and eventually baldness.

Here are FIVE natural ways to help fight back against hair loss today, all from the comforts of your own home!

  • Hair Oil Massage: One way to help reduce hair loss is to massage your scalp with appropriate hair oil. Using oils like, coconut, almond, olive, Amla, emu, argan, wheat germ, or even castor oil can help to condition the scalp, and enhance the strength of your hair’s roots. With the use of massage, you will increase the blood flow to your hair’s follicles, and this works hand-in-hand with the oil of your choice. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the mix! This helps to promote relaxation and reduces the feeling of stress, which can be a huge factor of hair loss. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp, and do this process at least twice a week!
  • Rub Green Tea into Your Hair: Green teas contain antioxidants, which may help to prevent hair loss and encourage natural hair growth. **Brew two bags of green tea in a cup of water, and allow it to cool. Apply to both your scalp and hair and let it sit for an hour before rinsing thoroughly.
  • Onion Juice: Onions are a rich source of sulfur which helps aid in hair growth by increasing collagen production which helps to improve blood circulation to the hair follicles, regenerate hair follicles and reduces any inflammation. The Journal of Dermatology published a study in 2002, which stated that 74 percent of the study participants who applied onion juice on the scalp experienced significant hair regrowth. By applying its juice to the scalp, the added collagen in the onion juice can help in controlling hair shedding and even hair loss. **Squeeze out the juice from a finely chopped onion, and apply to the scalp. Let it sit for fifteen minutes before rinsing out with a mild shampoo. Use this method twice a week.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera contains the enzymes that directly promote healthy hair growth. And thanks to its alkalizing properties, it can help bring the scalp and hair’s natural pH levels to a healthier state which can influence greater hair growth. Regular use of aloe vera can not only help with hair regrowth but also relieve scalp itching and redness, and even add strength and luster to hair. **Apply aloe vera gel or juice onto the scalp, and leave it on for a few hours before washing clean with lukewarm water. Repeat this process 3-4 times a week.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Take care of the hair that you have now! Avoid brushing out wet hair, and rubbing hair dry with a towel. Limit blow drying your hair to minimum.  Instead, allow it to air dry.

-Did you know that eating lean meats, fish, soy, or other proteins may help to slow down hair loss? Start to include more high-protein foods in your diet. Aside from containing protein, many of these foods contain Vitamin B-12.

-Reduce stress your stress! Sometimes, the main cause for hair loss is stress. Try some meditation, which can help to both reduce stress and restore your hormonal balance. Or just go out and get some exercise! Walk, swim, or bike for 30 to 60 minutes per day. This will greatly help to lower your stress levels.

In conclusion, not everyone can afford expensive hair loss treatments. And hair loss can be one of the major reasons for losing our self-confidence! Take action now by trying out the steps above take control of your hair once again!

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    Is there a way that we can add a favorite button to the articles as well as the workouts? 🙂

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    Private Member  | 
    san diego, ca, united states

    I would like to add, don’t wash your hair every day that can also cause damage. I use a mixture of water, 10 drops each of Rosemary, cedar wood and lavender essential oil mix in spray bottle and on the days I don’t wash hair I spray this and it freshens my hair non oily almost works like a dry shampoo, and all 3 oils aid in hair growth and strengthening

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      Private Member  | 

      That’s a really great tip 🙂 I wash my hair almost everyday, I know it’s not ok but I hate to have it oily, it just looks bad (I did try the breaks to get my hair used to longer periods, it didn’t work. I don’t know how long I’m supposed to do it though, and how many times, and I don’t have the patience to go thru all those oily days 🙈 maybe it would work in the end. But I remember than even when I was around 14-15 years old my mom wouldn’t let me wash it more than once a week and even back then I would have my hair fine for 2 days and oily for 5 😂). I will try your advice, even if it’s just one day extra when I don’t need to wash it that would be awesome. Thank you!

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        Private Member  | 
        san diego, ca, united states

        My hair is thin and it gets greasy but not that much anymore since it’s used to not washing. I wash my hair 2-3 times per week. I use my essential oil spray on non-wash days.

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    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    Coconut oil helps with protein retention in the hair. Check out this research on it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12715094

    Also, regular castor oil treatments on the scalp. Oils on the scalp are important, such as olive, coconut, shea butter, argan, avocado, nut oils, etc. You can use rosemary oil on the scalp to stimulate growth. But it’s so important to protect your existing hair follicles from getting weak. Yogurt is great for hair because it is naturally hydrolyzed protein, which are of the size that can penetrate the hair shaft. You can mix yogurt with avocado and egg and essential oils, and apply it, with emphasis on the scalp.

    Everyone’s needs will be different depending on their hair type and texture. Mine is curly and fine, so I have to be very careful not to let it weaken and dry out. I don’t use shampoo and wash my scalp with mild conditioner instead. And it means NO sulfates, NO silicones. Stripping your scalp of the natural sebum is a major cause of hair weakening (with sulfates). Silicones stick to your hair and can only come out with a sulfate-based shampoo. Otherwise they build up and weigh down your hair. They don’t penetrate the hair shaft but rather coat it (not helpful at all). Dyeing and chemically treating hair is a MAJOR cause of hair loss/thinning/weakening. So if you are experiencing this, stop dyeing, stop chemically treating (straightening, perming, etc), do not use heat styling at all (no blowdrying or irons), and give yourself hair treatments weekly with oils. You’ll have to do some research on your own to figure out which ingredients would work best, and/or which products you can buy for your hair type and texture.

    One last word is that for those of you in the US, the Shea Moisture brand is an awesome natural product line that you can find in conventional drugstores, which has very high quality ingredients in their products for strengthening hair and promoting hair growth. They have leave-in products and masques you can use to protect what you’ve got on your scalp and help hair growth.

    Also, I have heard great things about scalp massagers.

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    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    One of the things everyone identifies me with is my hair. It’s almost annoying because I’d like to be noticed for my inner qualities, more than my hair.
    But, something that’s brought me more hair is increasing my iodine intake to 50 mg a day, with a liquid drop supplement. Starting in May 2014, I worked up to the 50 mg with 12.5 for a week, then 25 for the next week, 37.5 the third week and 50 in the 4th week, and continue to take that much, daily.
    The main thing I do, however, is wash my hair only every 7 to 10 days. it’s not good to scrub the scalp oils away every day! Even with the heavy sweating I do, my hair doesn’t stink and it’s not “greasy,” at all. it’s soft and clean in appearance.
    When I’m getting to the last 2 days of not washing my hair, I massage my scalp to get any oils into my hair. Then I let it be for at least one more day.
    Also, using only sulphate-free shampoos is a must.
    When my scalp feels like it needs some extra love, I soak it with baking soda water and rinse it with apple cider vinegar. this makes hair the most unblieveably soft you’ll ever know…
    I also never blow-dry it.

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      my hair also identifies me since I am curly. At swimming pool, I feel like a wet cat, and people don’t recognize me 🙂
      what type of iodine do you take?

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