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Cinnamon Granola with Banana (WEM)

Recipes | September 28, 2017

*yields 5 portions


2 cups rolled oats

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 cup granulated Swerve sweetener

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 cup walnuts, chopped

1/2 cup dried cranberries

Topping for one serving:

1 banana sliced and sprinkled with cinnamon – microwaved for 1 minute. Or cooked in a small pot over medium heat until fragrant.


1. Preheat oven to 300F degrees.

2.Toss rolled oats in a bowl with cinnamon and the sweetener. Add coconut oil and mix with your hands to coat well. Rub the oil into the oats. Add the rest of the ingredients and toss again.

3. Spread the mixture onto a large non-stick baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes turning every 15 minutes to bake evenly.

4. Keep your leftover granola Β in a glass jar. Serve with cooked banana with cinnamon on top.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m glad you’re posting more high carb recipes lately πŸ™‚ Thank you!

    I function very well on a high carb diet, low carb would be living hell for me.
    I have loads of energy, no problems with weight gain, very good skin and mood and almost never get sick. I eat pasta, rice, oats every day… and have literally no low carb meals. Ever. I actually get really tired and also feel unsatisfied after low carb meals.
    I never dared to post this since low carb used to be your holy grail for a healthy life and nutrition is always a controversial topic in comment sections.
    I’m happy that you educated yourself about nutrition and don’t see starchy carbs as the ultimate enemy anymore (apart from WEM). We are all different and our bodies react differently to specific food groups. Maybe some Zwarriors are same as me here?

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      Private Member  | 

      I can partly relate: I’ve been on a plant based diet for about 2 months now and going high carb helped me to gain sanity and get rid of my binge episodes, I feel satisfied after each meal and I don’t have the need to go ahead and eat more as opposed to low carb. My cycle is regular which is great.
      Although I noticed more cellulite, I gained a bit of weight which I can’t get rid off no matter what… when following low carb, Zshred meal plan in particular, my cellulite was gone, my skin looked better and I started to lean out real quick, I think it’s not only low carb that helped with it but IF days.
      So I’m in between now, searching for a perfect way of eating for me:)

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It wasn’t so much about educating myself about nutrition as the information I’ve learned in the past years has not changed much, but I did learn about bio-individuality and how each one of us can thrive on different type of diets. I personally do not do well on high carb diets and the vegan high carb diet has been kicking my ass. I had to find a way to include more low carb days for myself to have more energy and lose the weight I gained on this diet. That said I do believe that it might be a good diet for other people and that not everyone gets the same results from one particular diet.

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        Private Member  | 

        Hi Zuzka, could you please please give us some details, like guidelines, what you did to improve the plant-based diet for a bit of fat loss, I feel like I’m the same as you since I experienced the same negative effects from going plant based. Although I don’t want to go back to eating animal products at all, I still want to make this lifestyle work for me and it’s getting so frustrating.. Thank you, love ya*)

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          Private Member  | 

          I’m trying to follow the plant based eating as well but I feel my body needs more protein. I see some “vegans” will still consume bivalves (oysters, mussels) since it is unsure if they feel pain like animals since they have no nervous system and are more like a venus fly trap sea plant. I’m thinking of trying this for awhile and maybe some sustainable fish a few times a week.

          I always found it very hard to lose weight going vegan or vegetarian. I did well on the zone type diet years ago but fell off it. It is hard to have your protein levels up without consuming a large amount of carbs from beans, lentils, rice, soy, wheat gluten and that adds up to calories. Although beans and lentils can be healthy in moderation the amount needed to get enough protein is too much carbs for some people. By the time your protein is up you have consumed a bunch of carbohydrates. Or consume so much soy I would wonder if it’s going over the safe limit.

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        Private Member  | 
        seattle, washington

        This is what I was observing. You eating more carbs than your body could deal with without storing them.

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      Private Member  | 

      Hannah, thanks for your comments. Like you, I eat high carb diet since I am a vegetarian/ vegan. I tolerate legumes, veggies and superfood grains very well. If I have any weight gain, it’s due to slow metabolism and overdoing it on the sweets! So I know where to cut back and adjust. It’s all about what works for you. Keeping it real!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    scottsdale, az, usa

    I love all your recipes as I have made at least half of them on here. I like to print out the recipes that I like and keep a recipe book however there is no option to print. Is it possible to make the recipes printable please? It would be so much easier to keep track of the ones I make and want to keep. πŸ™‚

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What is WEM and FM??

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      Private Member  | 
      utica, new york, united states

      I know WEm is workout earned meals

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you Jenny!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      You can read about WEM and FM here.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Good morning. I did the first Cardio and Strength and cardio session for that program. Question is: how do I go to the second one? I’ve read and looked everywhere and there’s no consistency in that program for a week. Please tell me where to find a weeks worth of this program. Thank you.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’m not sure what do you mean. We have a Cardio and Strength Starter Program and then there’s a Beginner Strength Series and Beginner Cardio series. In the program you have to use the progress tracker after each workout and mark down your score (time or reps). If you don’t care about tracking your progress, you still have to put something into the progress tracker to unlock the next workout. If your question relates to the workout series – those are easy to be found on the ZGYM homepage where you can search by series.

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