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What About Dairy Free Keto?

Health | March 18, 2019

If you’ve ever thought about trying a ketogenic diet but are scared off due to dairy, then have no fear, because there is a way to do it! There are many reasons a person would consider going keto, from managing intense cravings for sugar to lowering inflammation. But many times, what you see are meals rich in dairy, from butter to heavy cream and a variety of different cheeses. Remember, the whole point of keto is lowering your daily intake of carbohydrates to the point that your body runs mainly off of fat for energy, along with ketone bodies and minute amounts of glucose as a secondary sort of source. How you get to that point really just involves managing your carbohydrate intake and ensuring you’re getting enough fat, protein, and nutrients to stay healthy while in a state of dietary or nutritional ketosis. So, if all you eat is hard boiled eggs, chicken and steak, then eventually you’ll wind up in ketosis (as many people on the carnivore diet bandwagon experience). You can also get into ketosis just by eating plenty of low carb, fiber-rich vegetables, meat, and coconut oil; as long as it’s not a huge amount of carbs to tip you over your daily load, you’re going to be heading towards ketosis.
Let’s take a look at some ways you can commit to a ketogenic diet without having to turn to dairy!

Step #1: Make the Switch

In some instances, you can swap a dairy-based product for a plant-based alternative. Take milk for instance. Rather than consume milk (which is actually pretty high in carbs), enjoy almond, hemp, cashew, or coconut milk instead. With heavy cream, apply the same principle; there are a few almond and coconut-based products on the market you can choose. With butter, make the switch to oil or rendered animal fats. These include olive, coconut, MCT, and avocado oil, and tallow and lard. The caveat I would add with any substitute is that you’re going to have become a detective and read both the nutrition facts and ingredients. Beware that just because a product claims to be low carb or dairy free does not mean it’s safe to overconsume or include in your diet. Many of these substitutes contain processed oils, sugars, and preservatives that can potentially knock you out of ketosis (and upset your stomach, to add insult to injury).

Step #2: Get Creative in the Kitchen

Don’t worry if you think you can’t enjoy your favorite recipes! Enjoying the flavor and texture of dairy can still be accomplished, provided you’re willing to get creative. In smoothies, you can definitely add creaminess with foods like frozen (cooked) cauliflower, zucchini, squash (in small amounts), plant-based milk, and avocado. If you’re making a creamy soup or cheese sauce, add creamy nuts like cashews and macadamia. Another ingredient you may want to explore is nutritional yeast. It’s a fan favorite amongst vegans as it provides a bit of protein and a complex of b vitamins, notably vitamin b-12. As far as cooking up alternatives, there are plenty of resources online checking out; google is your friend, after all! Even vegans are in on the game, so even they have a few tricks up their sleeves when it comes to finding appropriate alternatives without sacrificing flavor. All you have to do is get creative!
But if you need something from me ASAP, then take a look at these dairy-free, keto-friendly recipes:

Portobello Eggs Benedict with Avocado Hollandaise Sauce
Simple, Healthy, Breakfast Stir Fry
Tuna Steak Topped with Avocado Cilantro Salsa
Broiled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
Spicy Salmon on Top of Avocado Spread

Step #3: Play with Your Choices

Rather than focusing on what you can’t eat on keto, focus on what you can. Aside from dairy, keto gives you quite a menu of different foods to choose from. Virtually all herbs and spices are on the table, giving you plenty of ways to add flavor to your meals. Low carb, fibrous vegetables are also allowed, from leafy greens like spinach to cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. There’s also low sugar fruit like berries, along with avocado, lemon, lime, cucumber, and bell peppers. Squash like butternut and spaghetti squash are fine in moderation. Protein from beef, poultry, pork, fish, shellfish, eggs, and collagen is allowed, too. And all types of fats are encouraged, from nuts and seeds to oils.

Step #4: Investigate the Issue

If you’re truly sorry to part ways with dairy, then consider finding out what’s going on inside your body. Are you truly reacting negatively to dairy, or is your overall digestion out of whack? (If so, consider going on a temporary break and working on improving gut health for about a month or two. After that, slowly reintroduce dairy into your diet and observe how your body responds to it.) Furthermore, I’d recommend working with a doctor or functional medicine practitioner to determine the root cause of your intolerance. It could be either to the casein protein or the lactose (sugar) found in dairy. Should that be the case, you can find plenty of alternatives in the form of sheep and goat dairy.

I hope these tips help you as you navigate your way on a dairy free ketogenic diet! You can absolutely reap the benefits without having to go near any cheese or butter. If you’ve got any tricks or experiences you’d like to share, leave them down in the comments below! And in the meantime, if you are ok with dairy or are able to make some easy swaps, then sign up for my Keto Meal Plan! As a disclaimer, it does contain dairy, but as I mentioned, you can tinker around and modify the recipes to suit your needs. (Just know that it will affect the macros.)

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Mmmm…. these recipes look yummy! <3 I love Sheep yogurt and goat cheese, and use avocado oil instead of butter for many things.

    I can consume dairy in small amounts, but even when I buy organic, the hormones in it tend to make me break out, and too much dairy upsets my stomach.

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