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Autophagy: What it is, Why You should Care

Health | November 30, 2019

It drives me crazy whenever I see someone promoting a “cleanse” these days! The idea that our body can’t “detox” itself isn’t based on any science and continues to be used as a marketing scheme to steal your money. What they don’t tell you is that the body is already designed to detoxify itselfIt “purges” toxins through, sweat, urine, stool, and breathing. And the organs that are responsible for that include the kidneys, liver, intestines, skin, lymphatic system, and respiratory system. However, there is another form of “cleansing” that our body does, which is autophagy. You may not know what autophagy is or why it’s essential, but if there ever were a cleanse in the truest sense of the word, this would be it. 

 Care to learn more? Let’s jump right in!

The 101

The word autophagy translates into self (auto) eating (phagy). It may also be called “self-devouring.” Autophagy is a form of self-preservation. During it, the body gets rid of damaged or dysfunctional cells and creates new, healthier ones. The reason it does so is that the old cells pick up a bunch of “dirt” in the form of oxidized particles and eventually start falling apart. Think of it like an old, rusty car; over time, it stops working at its best and needs repair. The body “repairs” itself by purging the cells that can start to clog things up. If left alone, they’ll lead to age-related diseases and decline. The purpose of autophagy is to keep the body thriving and maintain a state of cellular balance (aka, homeostasis). [1]

According to board-certified cardiologist Dr. Luiza Petre, “It is recycling and cleaning at the same time, just like hitting. Reset button to your body. Plus, it promotes survival and adaptation as a response to various stressors and toxins accumulated in our cells. [2] 


Why care about autophagy? For the benefits, of course! Here’s why autophagy is important for your health!

  • Prevention: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer- these diseases are all linked to inflammation and dysfunction in our cells. Autophagy can prevent them from happening by removing any toxic or defective cells that could trigger disease. Dr. Petre explains it best, “This is how the body polices the cancer villains. Recognizing and destroying what went wrong and triggering the repairing mechanism does contribute to lowering the risk of cancer.” [2] Keep in mind that although the cure for cancer does not exist (which is why you should never self-treat with Dr. Google), prevention is always key. Right now, researchers are scrambling to see how autophagy could play a role in future treatments. [3] Keep an eye on this space! 
  • AntiAging: It’s one thing to live a long life; it’s another to focus on the quality of life. Like my workouts in the ZGYM, I’m all for quality over quantity. Just like I wouldn’t want to do work out for hours with minimal effort and get mediocre results, I don’t want to live to an old age and have poor health. I want to spend the remainder of my life independent, healthy, and free. Not confined to a wheelchair or stuck in a nursing home. While autophagy can’t stop the aging process, it can affect how the body ages. Age-related health decline is preventable when autophagy is in good order! [4]
  • Inflammation and Immune Function: Diabetes, arthritis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), hepatitis, asthma, autoimmune disease- all of these are tied to inflammation. Many studies show autophagy helps to reduce inflammation, from arthritis to IBD. It also removes pro-immune response molecules and pathogens that may further drive inflammation. [5] [6] 
  • Without overcrowding this post with tons of information, autophagy is also beneficial for our skin, muscles, energy, DNA, and overall well-being (supporting every cell, nerve, system, and organ in the body). [7] [8] [8]

How to Increase It

Here’s the bad news about autophagy. It naturally slows down as we age. But don’t give up just yet! There are many ways to maintain and increase it, none of which requires any juice cleanses or starvation.

  • Exercise: Music to my ears! The best way to “detox” is by getting your sweat on! Studies on athletes have shown intense exercise to be the most potent trigger of autophagy in muscle. [10] Research from the Frontiers of Physiology shows that people who played a sport throughout their life (such as football) had “significantly” higher levels of autophagy and were “biologically” younger than people who didn’t exercise. [11] Outside of sports, science has nailed the best form of exercise for stimulating autophagy- high-intensity interval training. It provides a “healthy” amount of stress to get the body to go into repair mode, activating autophagy. [12] Turns out, there’s something to be said about shorter workouts after all!
  • Fasting: Specifically, intermittent fasting. Not starvation! Intermittent fasting is when you alternate between periods of “eating” and “not eating” (fasting). There are many ways to do it- skip breakfast, and eat between lunch and dinner, or skip dinner and eat between breakfast and lunch. By fasting, you’re giving your body a chance to focus on repairing and removing waste, build up, and dysfunctional cells. Dr. Anthony Gustin, DC, MS, and founder of Perfect Keto recommends aiming for at least 14 hours of fasting to get the benefits! [13] 
  • Low Carb and Keto: Getting into a ketogenic state where your body is burning mostly fat and ketones for fuel is known to trigger autophagy. Some experts even call it a reliable alternative to fasting. According to the experts at Perfect Keto, “The keto diet activates many of the same pathways in your body that fasting does. One is your AMPK pathway, which is a strong trigger of autophagy.” [13] (For more on keto and intermittent fasting, check out this post here.) Another reason to go keto has to do with blood sugar and insulin. That’s because blood sugar spikes insulin, which interferes with autophagy. Not that this is always a bad thing, but if you’re looking to increase it, then keeping insulin low is going to be a priority. However, you don’t have to be keto to do this. You can also follow a low carb diet and be careful about spiking blood sugar and insulin. [13] [14]

Over to You

What do you think? Have you ever heard of autophagy? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!


[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1357272519300639
[2] https://www.healthline.com/health/autophagy#benefits
[3] https://academic.oup.com/carcin/article/32/7/955/2733257
[4] https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-autophagy-works-4210008
[5] https://www.nature.com/subjects/inflammatory-diseases
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5529308/
[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6424591/
[8] https://www.cell.com/trends/cell-biology/pdf/S0962-8924(16)30209-4.pdf
[9] https://www.bbc.com/news/health-44005092
[10] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25957282
[11] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30837897
[12] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5974531/
[13] https://perfectketo.com/autophagy/#2
[14] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29056525

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Absolute star this article is!
    Thank you Zuzka, I’ve heard of autophagy but never got deeper into it yet
    I’m so happy you wrote about it, me and my husband always say that our bodies are already set on self detoxification and it lifts my spirits to read further that what we do speeds it up.
    I’ve noticed that when I exercise, I also eat less and I feel better and more energetic
    I’ve never done IF on purpose, but some days in a month I just happen to eat only two meals usually breakfast and lunch just as if my body requests it like that, and when that happens I’m so much fuller of power and good thoughts next day
    However I can’t yet bring myself to IF regularly 🤷 but my last meal is usually before 7pm until 8-9am next day, it also makes me feel energetic and more in control
    Thanks again for touching such interesting topic 😍

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      There is an app called “zero” which is a glorified timer for intermittent fasting lol. It also keeps track of all your fasts on a calendar. When I turn it on its like, the extra nudge to compete with myself to finish the fast.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Oh I’m totally into controling my own life without apps 😂 but thank you for sharing Britt
        I’m actually looking at your message and thinking of having a proper IF day tomorrow 😁

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        I hadn’t heard of that app. Thanks for sharing. :). Maybe it will motivate me to try fasting.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’ve been hearing a lot about the fasting-mimicking diet from people that live in Europe. It’s supposed to help kill off cancer cells in the body. I haven’t tried it myself but I think the point is to induce autophagy. Anyone tried it?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      Currently also reading that book. Looking fwd to getting to chapter how Jane Doe can achieve this as for now all I read is it is done either in clinics for sick people and/or using prepped food.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    Autophagy is so powerful in some species! If the individual is under lifethreatening situation it will do autophagy on the foetus. It is amazing adaptation to the environment. The individual can survive and has a chance for offspring later when conditions are better .
    When I look at some eople eating all the time, I imagine a car without reapir and cleaning, full of rust , grease, dust (actually like my car ha ha) and oil tanks all over the place

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Good news about this possibly being triggered by hard exercise and maybe a ketogenic diet. I know fasting is ideal, but I just can’t do it. I think it must be true about the exercise because I’ve done it all my life and feel great at my age.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I agree with this totally, Zuzka. I’ve read about autophagy in the past. I sometimes IF without realizing it. I’ll go until mid to late afternoon without being hungry some days. I think working up to longer times a little at a time is ideal to learn self control over your hunger and not eating just because it’s 7am or noon, etc. Plus my stomach can only hold so much after IF so I don’t overeat as if I’m starving.

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