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Grease The Groove #13 | Passive and Active Hanging

Weekly Challenges | March 22, 2020

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    handstand is also my goal for 2020*, GTG since last week on handstand drill and opted for prone foam roller press with resistance bands. That helps to get the scapula protracted (pressing into the foam roller- and can do scap PU too) while pressing overhead with band and increasing progressively the resistance and building endurance with proper body alignement

    Zuzka, can you add the link for the foldable pull-up bar please?

    *have been following several yogi programs to achieve that, but my foundation is still not good, the above GTG should work wonders I hope.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Here’s the link to the foldable pull up bar

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        Private Member  | 
        switzerland/, france

        Thanks, that is the same I have, but another brand.

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        Private Member  | 
        switzerland/, france

        I also use it now for handstand support (added resistance band to create a back support ) and like to flip it over. Probably my brand was the original version (pullupmate)

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    Can’t wait for the handstand part, although I’ve gotten so much better with those, not freestanding but up against the wall, able to hold it for 1 minute 21 seconds. I am still doing chin up GTG and that is helping. I can now do 2 without assist , yey! Sounds silly but it feels good! I do different GTG’s throughout the day so I will add this one.

    Thank you!!!!!

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      How many different do you do? I have 4 complementary so doing them in same session.

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        Private Member  | 
        massachusetts, united states

        I try to do the chin ups every time. Then I’ll do pull ups sometimes(depends on if I’m to sore or not), then leg raises. But like the next session I’ll do oh presses, or the turkish get up with my 25 lb cause that one is tough for me. Sometimes it’s a hard plank for 1 minute or plank on the balance ball. But chin up/pull ups are my biggest goal right now so I usually do them at least 3 -4 times a day. It’s hard because I need to work on everything it seems!!!!!!!!!!

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          Private Member  | 
          blaustein, germany

          Hey Darlene, I finally found your comment. I saw this comment a few days ago and it struck a cord with me. Actually before I continue, I hope you are well and coping with what changes to your life that come with this virus situation.
          What I found interesting is that you said “ It’s hard because I need to work on everything it seems!!!!!!!!!! I can sympathize with you. Just recently I decided to concentrate on my mob therapy and do that every day. It has given me a range of motion that I have not had for many years, therefore it is to my benefit to stick with that for a while. At the same time though the grease the groove and the advanced workout schedule. At some point something has to give in order to make improvement. So I do know what you are talking about.
          I saw you during the Live Session and am sorry that I did not say hello 👋🏾. I joined later in the conversation and did not notice that you were present until I watched it again. Z asked you if you were doing the advanced workouts and you said yes for the most part, that pistols were still an issue for you. Well here we have something in common again. I do mostly the advanced workouts too but todays 300 I had to skip because of the ninja jumps and the pistols. Was not happy that I had to do something easier but I feel as though I will be better off doing the intermediate kettle exercise for today. Gotta go split wood anyway today so don’t want to over do things.

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            Private Member  | 
            massachusetts, united states

            Hey Arnold, Good to hear from you, we are well here hope all well in Germany! You poor think you were sleep deprived at the live session cause I understand it was 2am for you!!! So no worries about saying hello! It’s good to know I am not the only one having some struggles. For the most part right now I am working on chin ups, and pull ups with GTG. I am determined to do at least 5 each this year. I am up to 3 chin ups, 2 pull ups without assist! yey! Pistols are so darn tough for me, but I feel I’m getting some mobility into my hips and ankles finally ! Anyway like I always say we all have our strengths and weaknesses! Except Zuzka I think , she is a BEAST! Take care of you and yours!!

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