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A Powerful Tool for Transformation

Blog | January 08, 2018

What if I told you that you could transfer all of your thoughts, dreams, and secrets onto something, and gaze right into yourself as though you were looking into a crystal ball? More so, what if I told you that this thing bares no judgment? And that it required no battery, switch, key, or investment? Want to know what it is?

A journal.

Don’t leave just yet and hear me out. I know it sounds silly, or cheap. “Zuzka, only woo-woo, over-emotional, old-fashioned people journal! I don’t have time to journal. I hate writing. I think it’s a waste of time.”

Believe it when I say that a journal could be one of the most powerful tools to have at hand. And for a many reasons.

First, it’s a great place to pour all of our emotions into. If you don’t feel open to talking to someone, and prefer to keep things private, a journal would be the perfect place for you to transfer them over. Don’t bottle up your emotions; the longer they stay, the stronger they grow, and the more likely you are to snap. Instead of waiting for the moment that will eventually set you off, get rid of the pent up feelings and write them down. Just the physical act of holding a pen and giving voice to these thoughts and feelings makes the release all the more cathartic. As a matter of fact, once you’re done and have gone over what you wrote, you may find yourself getting a better insight into what’s really happening in your head. You’ll notice little details about yourself, becoming your own personal therapist. For instance, you may notice that there’s a pattern or cycle to things that cause you to react or feel a certain way. You may realize that there’s a problem at hand that needs to be fixed. But none of this would ever have happened unless you were clear about your emotions.

Secondly, a journal is like a quiet, open friend that you can freely turn to when things get tough. Whether it’s coping with depression, understanding your fears and anxieties, or releasing your emotions, a journal can help you to get through even the toughest of times.
You’ll also be able to track down things that provoke or trigger you, too. Once again, you become the therapist, identifying the daily stresses and behaviors that may be impacting your life. But you wouldn’t have done this had you not written them down.

Third, a journal could also function like a planner. Let’s face it, we all get busy, and life doesn’t typically slow down just to give us a break. If you’re especially prone to getting nervous and uptight during the week, why not jot down your daily schedule, upcoming events, and to-do list? That way, you can prioritize the more important things, and set aside the small stuff? A peace of mind and enhanced productivity are just some of the benefits towards doing this!

A fourth and final benefit to journaling is enhancing your creativity. Who says a journal has to be all doom and gloom? Why not have a little fun and make it a dream journal? Write down all of your hopes, dreams, and desires; feel free to color, draw, or paste inspiring pictures onto the pages? After all, nobody’s going to read it! It’s your own little world, and you’ve got VIP access.

A journal is a powerful tool when properly used. It can be a gateway towards your inner self, helping you to understand yourself and those racing thoughts and emotions. It can be your own therapist, listening in to your struggles, frustrations, pains, and fears. It can also be your inspirational hot spot, filled to the brim with all of the things that activate your imagination. The only thing you have to maintain is consistency; write as often as you can. Keep with you in your purse, desk, or bag; take it on a plane, by your bed, or to lunch. Whatever you choose to do with your journal is up to you.

Tell in the comments if you have, or like to, journal. Has it helped improve your life?

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I journal when I feel angry or so sad to release that feeling. I just start a separate journal where I write good things and bad things of the day. And a sentence about my day focusing on the good . I think it will be interesting to read it after a year or so to remember every little detail

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, idaho

    Great post. I journal mostly as a means of prayer.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    st. peter, minnesota, usa

    I keep a journal. I use unlined paper because I’m an artist, so I tend to mix in a lot of drawings. In the past I put most of my feelings into drawings, but now I write as well. It definitely helps in a number of ways, even of it seems old fashioned. I keep it always at the side of my bed. It helps me to fall asleep quickly if I write out my thoughts (otherwise I keep thinking about them, which keeps me awake).

    When I travel I bring my drawing book instead (containing only art, no writing). It is especially helpful on long flights.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    zurich, switzerland

    Well, I’m 52 and I have kept a journal since we called them “Dear Diary”. I have a box full of them. Sometimes what’s best in us gets tangled in a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts and emotions. If we can emote on the pages, whether in art or writing, then we can see that gold in the center of it all. The first part of my entries mine through the chaos. The latter focus on the gold.

    I’d add to this: record your nightly dreams as well. Our dreams highlight what we can’t see about ourselves during the day (positive and negative) and guide us into places far beyond what our ego could ever imagine. They can point out things about ourselves we could only “dream” of, so to speak.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I journal every day. Mine is a combination of Bullet Journal and Miracle Morning style. It lets me focus on what I want to get done, my goals, and also problem solve things that are bothering me. A life changer for sure!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    german living in malaysia

    I just started Bullet Journaling and I love it! I love lists, so it is a perfect way for me to write my to do lists (and do a daily planning), but also I keep other lists, like TV show tracking or which countries I want to travel to. I am new to this kind of journaling, but I absolutely love it!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    stuttgart, germany

    Since I started journaling I realized that I lie more consciously now.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Do you write in English or in you own language?

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    vancouver, british columbia, canada

    I use Evernote, I don’t really write journal entries but whenever I feel down about something I ask myself “What would make you feel better right now, if you could have anything happen? What do you WANT?” and I write down things I want, save images, make notes of goals. I used to delete things after I gained something, but I realized I should save them to remind myself of my blessings. Lots of awesome transformations in my life have come my way when I started doing this 🙂 it’s important to ask yourself “OKAY, so I don’t want this… WHAT DO I WANT?”

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