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Answer These Questions Before Setting Goals

Blog | January 05, 2019

Recently I came across an interesting article ( The Question Jeff Bezos Asked Himself Before Launching Amazon) and was inspired to apply it towards goal setting- while adding a few tweaks of my own. Try asking yourself the following questions the next time you’re ready to begin setting new goals. (A journal would be very useful for getting your thoughts onto paper.)

Question #1: What does my heart say?

If you can, go immediately to the first thought that comes to mind when thinking of your goal. Keep it uncensored and real; no editing, ignoring, or erasing it. Just get it down! Afterwards, continue to reflect on the goal and initial answer. Are your emotions mixed? If the goal makes you feel alive and exited but you’re worrying about the “how” you’re on the right path. Trust your heart, and stop worrying about the “hows”, “wheres”,or “whens”.  I didn’t know how to even start a company or how to create a website when I had idea for my business many years ago. I didn’t know a lot of things, but once I started to focus without distractions, everything was revealed to me in time. All that matters is if thinking about your goal makes your heart beat, and your inner voice sing. You can do anything once you put your mind into it. 

Question #2: In 1 year, where will I be from now?

Once you’ve identified your goal, try to envision yourself a year from now. Would you still be pursuing this goal, or would it already have been made? What would your life look like then? Would you be in a different place? Has your body, your relationships, and mindset changed because of this goal? The purpose of this exercise is to get you excited about the result and get you back on the track whenever you get distracted. Everyone who’s ever made a serious progress in their life, have put a lot of effort into staying focused on the bulls eye. 

Question #3: Where will I be 5, 10, 15, 20 or 50 years from now?

Let’s take the same approach from Question #2 and up the ante. I know the last thing any of us would be thinking about is getting older. But the fact of the matter is, all of us are bound to get old. There’s no escaping the aging process! However, that doesn’t mean you can’t look forward to it. Do you think you’d still be pursuing this goal or will you expand far beyond it? Is there a bigger picture? I suggest you to dream big, don’t be afraid of it, because it’s a great way to change your personal vibration that will open up the doors for ideas, and it will start to attract the abundance you’re capable to envision. Think of it this way. If you can imagine it, you’re opening doors of possibilities. If your mind is keeping you back out of fear, or because you resist to dream big, you’re closing the door on yourself without even trying! Don’t be afraid and give it shot. How do you think it will affect your lifestyle, your relationships, and your sense of fulfillment over this period of time? Have fun with this one!

Question #4: What will happen if I choose not to try?

Time to play Devil’s Advocate. Write down every reason why you shouldn’t pursue this goal, and imagine what your life will become because of it. Would you still be the same? Will you live with regret, or relief? Do you think your relationships will be impacted as a result? How about looking ahead years from now and seeing what your life would be like since you chose not to pursue your goal. Would you feel sad, angry, how is it going to impact your lifestyle? Think long and hard about this one and remember taking a risk, or experiencing failure is far less painful than having regrets!

Wrapping It Up:

Once you’re done asking yourself these questions (and once again, I highly recommend you write your answers down!), go over them again and what you responded with. The purpose of this exercise is to break through the chaos of our constantly shifting, complicated thoughts in order to find clarity. This helps us to truly understand what it is we’re after, and how that makes us feel. Perhaps attempting a certain goal is actually against our personality, and would make our life a living hell. Maybe this goal doesn’t need to be as extreme, or easy, as we thought it should. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s always ok to change directions, just remember that progress is what everyone needs in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Nothing can make you feel anxious, depressed or totally bored as feeling stuck in one place. Goals are important, because pursuing them will make us grow and believe it or not, conscious growth is one of the major purposes of your soul.

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  1. private avatar image

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    Goal setting is the fun part! It’s the part all the gurus talk about. I’ve come to find it a little condescending how gurus talk about goals (not talking about you Zuzka, talking about self-help gurus.) They make as if people do not have what we want (beauty, riches, a hot boyfriend, and a famous career as shown in Hollywood movies) because we didn’t ‘set goals.’ The goal is the fun part! The taking action, the part that brings you the goal that has to happen regularly for a long time for the goal to happen, is far more tedious and involved than anyone describes, and frankly I don’t think anyone knows about because no one talks about it. Productivity systems are how to achieve a goal, and I have tried so many of those. Many of them work but only for a short time before they devolve into chaos or my brain gets too tired of doing the same thing over and over that I can’t pay attention to it anymore.

    When that happened to me in my health and workout methods is when I found you! The zgym and meal plans takes the searching and hard mental work out of the equation and makes my goal achievable. Many other people that do not have such a good productivity system as zgym resort to plastic surgery and drugs to get what they want. Achieving a goal takes way more than just thinking about it and writing it down. I follow Tony Robbins the same as you do, so I recognize the ideas in the article. And I see that you make to-do lists that stress you out, as I tend to do and am getting away from. Tony’s Rapid Planning Method was kind of helpful, it didn’t work everytime for me before it became another to-do list. I think its important to have this conversation! We’ll both be spinning our wheels and beating ourselves up, when it’s the inputs that equal outputs!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    How do they say: “a Goal without a plan is just a whish” 😉

  3. private avatar image

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    1-What does my heart say? Well, in my heart of hearts, I feel this need to improve my mind, body and soul for a long journey in my life. As a psychology student, this is what I have always been working on since I was just a girl. I have made so many mistakes and have honestly been discouraged because of my mistakes to go on with my plans to hold a healthy diet, exercise regularly, finish my degree and explore my world like a davinci! It’s as if I punish myself for falling short of my own expectations.
    I have been resting for a long time now, because of a great deal of stress and illness. I have hypothyroidism and it has been really hard for me to get back into shape like I had been in the pass. Being in shape is part of a life style I really enjoy. I miss feeling and looking young inside and outside.
    2- in 1 year where will I be? I came back home to live with my family to finish what I have started; my psychology degree, get back into a nice diet and get into shape! I want a nice career, so I just need to take 2 courses and be done with my psychology degree and swiftly move on into a nursing program or a masters psychology program to obtain a career which will give me more purpose as an individual. I am simply bored to just be right now. I am a certified pharmacy technician, but this is doesn’t feel like a career; it feels more like a fun and some times lucrative job to hold on till I finish my degrees. 🙂
    3- where will I be 5 to 50 years from now? Wow! well, in 5 years I want to have my nursing degree or a masters in psychology. I might get into counseling. I guess by time, I would like to have finished something in my life to enjoy as a career. one of my biggest problems has always been choosing what to stick to. I feel bored to just have one thing to hold on to because I think I feel limited and more human than I would like to feel. I want a world of possibilities !!!! That sounds like an eternal life of fun, but I am only human after all. This disappoints me.
    4-what will happen if I choose not to try? I will feel at a complete loss…… and just that I will feel old and immortal !!!! I don’t think I will ever stop trying to do the things I like !!! I always go back to them in one form or another!!!! my hobbies and life habits are like the 5 elements, they are always there waiting for me in plain sight. I just have to reach out and go get them! I keep rethinking how to get my goals met. This is something, I have always done since I have been just a girl. I can’t give up on the most important person I have in my life, ME!!!! who will take care for me , if not ME!!!! who will make life more intriguing and endless, if not ME!!!! it all starts with YOU!!!!! we all need to step up and get what we want out of life! Never give up on yourself! This is why I am here getting my body in shape again, because I love myself and what I can become once I am in a good place. 🙂

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