Anxiety And Exercise
Blog | November 16, 2018
My mindset in my younger years is different than how it is today. First of all, back then I thought that when I’d turn older, I’d be ancient, but also very wise, calm and s hundred times more confident and totally worry-free. While I don’t feel ancient, I’m not as stress-free as I thought I’d be.
Stress and anxiety are normal parts of life, just like joy and happiness. The world is full of opposites, which I believe are necessary to create balance and also meaning. What would happiness mean to you if you never experienced sadness, stress, anxiety, or any other negative emotion? Negative emotions are not necessarily bad. They guide us, teach us and protect us. You can learn a lot about yourself from your negative emotions… however, they can become a problem if they persist, creating a negative emotional imbalance resulting in stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic anxiety disorders.
I had gone through major anxiety after I turned 30 and sought out professional help for the first time in my life. Anxiety can be triggered by numerous factors and combinations including:
- Genetics
- Brain Chemistry
- Substance Abuse
- Lack of Movement/ Activity
- Medical Issues
However, it’s common for stress to build up as a result of simply getting older. It gets made up of major life changes, losses, and health problems. In my case, it was just a stress build up over time by going through major changes like divorce, moving from country to country, loss of my blog, starting a new blog, change of work environment, and starting a new relationship.
Now I see the benefits of talking to someone who can help to sort things out in your head and work through your emotions. Personally, I am strongly against taking medications for depression and anxiety, even though I know people who had a good experience with them. I am not saying that medications are bad. My belief is that they would be bad for me. I have always been cheerful and positive minded person and I would feel like I am taking the cheap way out instead of facing the challenge and coping with it in a healthy and natural way.
There is no doubt that exercise has healing effects on anxiety and depression. Besides talking to my therapist every once in a while, exercise has been the number one go-to coping strategy for me. It has not been always easy to get myself motivated to exercise, especially when I’m feeling down, but once I get started, it always makes a huge difference. I get my mood elevated immediately after a few minutes into my training and feel amazing for hours afterward. The best benefits come from intense exercises that burn away stress hormones such as cortisol while improving the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters in the brain.
So the next time you’re dealing with the blues, or need to get over a funk, try kicking your butt with a short and sweet training session. Even a brisk walk outside can help. For further guidance and structure in your routine, consider signing up for the ZGYM.
Talking more often about exercise and the positive effects it has on anxiety is something I really want to do more on my blog, because anxiety and depression is something that has affected me, people that I am close to, and millions of Americans.
Share your insight, stories, advice, and opinions in the comments below. Looking forward to reading them.
Private Member |
Thank You for sharing! I agree wit you that anxiety and depression they come in some periods of our life, and I think it should be so – like rain after the sun. And inspite of feeling bad I try to remind myself that it’s gonna change and I should change myself in some way, that difficulties are given to show something. I begin spend my time more without internet, listening to mantras and some meditation music, pay attantion to my inner world, and try to live in the moment, enjoy it. And be greatful for everything I have to my Universe that cares about me. Also nature makes me calm. I think no one can get you out of stress, but only U can
And I can say that your ZWOWs they really helpful!
By the way, U look gorgeous at this pic! Blond is yourse!))
Private Member |
Hey Zuzana. I have gone through two periods of chronic anxiety in my life. The first time I also refused medication for reasons similar to yours, and attempted to treat it with only natural remedies such as meditation, exercise, strategic nutrition, positive mental exercises etc. The second time I used a medication in addition to the natural remedies, and I got MUCH better results. However I only used the medication during times of panic, when I absolutely needed it, and I took half the dose that was prescribed to me. I had a friend who took anxiety medication on a regular basis and he had horrible withdrawals when he tried to stop. I would not recommend that method at all. From my experience, I found that strategic medication in addition to natural remedies was the most effective way to achieve permanent, long term results. It’s just one more tool to add to your arsenal. Today I’m living happy, healthy and anxiety free. You’re beautiful, positive, motivated and I’m confident you will beat it no matter what methods you choose.
Private Member |
I agree with everything you said. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. By reading your statements, we are so much alike. I have experienced unthinkable things in my relationship for a few years. I am in very low point in my life right now. I wish I had friend like you who I can talk to.
Private Member |
Thank you for this personal post!
I’m agree with you, i’m having a stressful and depressing period, each morning it isn’t easy to wake up. But i say to myself that i must be stronger and i must do workout because now it’s the only thing that feels me better, and proud of myself! I love your short and intense workout, they help me to clear the fury and the stress. For me they are the best medicine! So thank you ♥
Private Member |
Hi Zuzka,
We have many common facts. I am 31 from a month and when I was 20 I thought I can change the world. In last 6 years my life was up and down over and over and after this I thought I am already immune on stress, stronger. Moving from country to country, from flat to flat, lone parenthood, lack of support, divorce, financial problems etc. This all gets me when I was already on good way to stabilization in my life. Stress weakened my immune system and my own bacteria attacked me. New relationship bring to my life support, relax, inspiration, motivation to start do training and all positive emotions. Depression was gone without meds. Slowly went back to normal. Talking about this is very important. Today I am happy. I feel better than ever before, I have healthy diet, my body looks great. It is been a year already but still I can experience results of prolonged stress like a panic attack in a very an expecting moment. So my advice: never give up, believe in yourself, care about your health and watch what you eating, do training, remember about proper breathing, relax, love and remember LIFE IS NOT SO SERIOUS AS WE THINKING so keep distance to your problems and smile 🙂 xx
Private Member |
I have had some hard times too lately and I went thru depression over one year ago. When I was depressed I was into working out and clean eating, but not as seriously as now. Right now when Im going thru hell I feel training and clean eating are the only things which have keep me going! I will also study to be a personal trainer!
Private Member |
Hello Zuzka,
thank you so much for sharing this with us!
It’s been 2 years now that I follow you and I saw all the changes in your life! But you came out stronger and more beautifull than ever!
I also had very hard time in my life when I was 18. I had agoraphobia and I thought my life was over until I met a wonderfull therapist who helped me.
After that and a very long work on myself I decided to become a psychologist so I could help people and show them that there is always a way out those diseases that they can heal and live a normal life.
It is very courageous to admitt that you need help and to decide to go see a therapist! Half of the work is already done!
Now I will aslo turn 31 and I’m not saying that I am in the exact place I imagined I would be at this age but all I went through helped me beeing a better person, helped me beeing who I really am.
Thank you again for all your inspiration and all the love you spread!
Private Member |
Za měsíc mi bude 22 let. Už 8 let užívám slabé léky. Začalo to v 11 letech mentální anorexií, která trvala do 21 let, kdy jsem otěhotněla. Mám dispozice k depresím (mamka, babička,…) a taky obsedantně-kompulzivní porucha (neustálé uklízení…. :-D). Byly doby, kdy jsem byla bez prášků (těhotenství, nebo jsem to chtěla zkusit). Ale do roka se obtíže objevily znova. Byla jsem smutná z toho, že jsem odkázaná na léky. Cvičení, zdravý životní styl, režim mi pomáhají cítit se dobře a svěže. Ale není to dost pro udržení mého stavu. Bez léků jsem kolikrát ráno nemohla vstát z postele, protože jsem neměla proč…. Doufám, že jednou to zvládnu bez nich 🙂
Private Member |
Thank you for this post, Zuzi. Brilliant timing. I am just about getting out of a long period of depression myself. I know how low you can feel at times. I am now slowly starting to run and exercise. Hopefully, it will help not just with the extra weight I gained during this time but also with increasing my self-esteem. I kind of miss your coffee talks when you share personal staff about yourself. It would be good to know what you are going through in your life. Just like you did in the old times of BodyRock. I miss this sincerity in your new blog. However, I appreciate there is a limit to what you can talk about while your divorce is still on. I hope you turn things to better like you’ve always done. Thank you for being so human.
Private Member |
Thank you for this post zuzka! you help me a lot right now because I’m in a period a little difficult, I am 20 years old and thanks to you, I learned to get a taste of life! thank you again zuzana, you’re the best !!! xxx