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Chasing Comfort

Blog | September 16, 2014

Often when overwhelmed, stressed or just plain tired and over it, we seek out stuff that provides comfort.  Usually this involves things that fall under that classic term, ‘instant gratification.’  Unfortunately, healthier choices such as exercising tend to go right out the proverbial window depending on how tough our day is (as do most other choices that require will and effort).  For example: Tough day at work?  Haagen Dazs to the rescue.  Awkward exchange with your mother-in-law?  I think I’ll watch this Friends marathon for the next four hours. 

 While these choices provide some degree of comfort, they don’t do much in terms of helping us move forward in our lives.  In fact, more often than not, they end up being a step backward.  Of course, we are all human and a little instant gratification here and there may be necessary and even a bit of a good thing for our wellbeing.  However, when it turns into a habit, chasing comfort and instant gratification can become a difficult problem to deal with. 

 What initially may feel good and cause some relief from the burdens of our day, may, down the road, add to our stress and anxiety rather than help diminish them.  Ice cream and television are great on a rainy, stress-filled day, but as a method to consistently chase stress and the blues away it is actually counter-productive to our wellbeing.   Often the harder choices, the one’s that require a bit more discipline, are, ultimately, more beneficial to us than the easier choices.     

 When we discuss health and wellbeing we are not just focusing on breaking a sweat and looking good, we are trying to emphasize that diet and consistent exercise are crucial for maintaining a positive outlook toward life even with all the obstacles it throws our way.  When we consistently workout stress becomes more manageable.  Anxiety is reduced.  Our energy skyrockets.  The dull clouds of depression disappear.   So next time you think a stressful day has you beat, don’t be helpless, fight back!  Instead of reaching for the refrigerator door reach for a kettlebell instead.  Try it and tell me what you think!

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  1. private avatar image

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    I really dont let stress and bad days ruin my overall wellbeing. It si the opposite actually. WHen I feel bad and have sad and lonely days, I turn to sport, activities, training… to release the anger and feelings inside me. It helps like nothing. Like nothing!!

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    In Caitlin Moran’s book “How to be a Woman”, she makes an observation that really resonated with me: While many people are able to turn to traditional “vices” (drinking, getting high) when they are stressed, caregivers of a household (those who cook, clean, take care of people when they get sick, etc. — often women) have to keep it together and so cannot let off stress this way. Because of this, they often turn to food for comfort, as this allows them to continue in their caring duties.

    However, this is just as self-destructive. The worst part is that overeating and being overweight is often seen as a personal flaw (“How gross”, “They have no self control”), while those who turn to traditional vices are seen as needing help from an external addiction.

    Anyway, that’s a bit of a digression, but it always reminds me to break the cycle. Exercise is a great way to do this!

  3. private avatar image

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    Friends marathon … that’s my thing.

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      Private Member  | 

      And so is mine 😉

  4. private avatar image

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    Yea when I am stressed or mad, I feel like going boxing. Too bad my gym doesn’t have the boxing bag. I think someone distroyed it 😛

    I think it’s a little different when I get depressed /pms… These are the days I tend to look for food Or not do anything productive.

    That’s a great article 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    When can I please be able to purchase your workouts on dvd I live in Australia and have being wanting them for so long as I can’t do workouts via computer interenet etc I need dvd’s as I can do them anywhere thanks kindly Sheryne

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    For me, it’s difficult making the right Choices when I’m sick, hurt myself (so that I simply can’t work out…) If I feel sorry for myself, I fall for temptations like chocolate and ice cream or TV easier than when I’m at 100% good Health.

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    It is difficult to do something challenging when you already feel like a failure, or when you feel like the world is pushing you down. At times like that, the last thing you want is to go feel weak and out of shape with a challenging workout – just another reminder that you are still not the person you want to be in life.

    Sometimes that’s when you just have to think of it as “playing.” You know, like when you were a kid and you ran around outside you were not “working out” you were just “playing.”

    Dancing around to energetic music is fun and silly and gets out anxiety and anger, when in those moods. Meanwhile, when you just need to clear your mind of stress and unresolved problems, the methodical breathing and steady focus of slower movements like those in pilates, yoga, or ballet will take up all your mental energy and you can re-approach the problems later with a clear head.

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  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, your videos is my everyday comfort!

    Thank you!

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      Private Member  | 

      same here, I really needed her today 🙂

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I find that when I’ve had a really stressful day at work doing a little 15 minute workout usually makes me feel a lot better and helps me sleep a hell of a lot better that night.

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