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Discipline & How I Stopped Snacking at Night

Blog | February 25, 2018


This video is about discipline, how to overcome laziness, procrastination and get things done. I also share a simple strategy that helped me to stop snacking at night which also brings many health benefits..

If you’re interested in learning more about TRF visit Rhona Partick’s website: https://www.foundmyfitness.com

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I needed to hear this as reminder to get back on the horse and stay there. Thanks Z!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you, Zuzi, for being our inspiring model to follow! You are so genuine and so gorgeous!
    Strong week to you and to every single member of our community – Zgym!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    thanks Zuzka
    I needed that, no procrastination, I started slipping, and hey hey, law of attraction worked its way through your video to get me back on track 😀
    I used to eat 12 hours in a day basically every 3-4 hours that started at 7 and ended at 19, I slacked now and I thank you for reminding me!!!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you Zuzka. No more food for me after 8pm. No more! Kitchen closed.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    Thanks for this, I didn’t know about the benefits in eating in a 10 or 12 hour window. I do this already in a 12 hour window , not realizing I did it. But now I will try to do it in a 10 hour window. By the way , your dog was cracking me up, trying to get cozy in the blanket!! Too cute!

    Thanks, and looking forward to this wo week!!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    brussels, belgium

    AAAh thank you Zuzka! I needed to hear EVERYTHING you said today. I realized recently that I’ve been coasting a bit.. in my eating habits/workout intensity (not pushing myself past my limits the way I used to, and I feel stagnant), but also my professional life.

    Anyhow – I’m going to try all of this. The snacking thing is my big issue too – especially because I have a sensitive digestive system and I think I probably need to give myself longer breaks without eating.

    I’m also going to work on revamping my own self discipline. Professionally I really want to improve and achieve a lot but I have allowed my soldier to go on vacation in recent months. You’re 100% right that it comes down to your own personal decisions.. and I am in charge of where I focus my energy. I think sometimes I let work creep into my private, off-duty time, but it ultimately leads me to be less focused and productive during the day.

    Thanks again for the motivation… this was one of the best coffee talks yet!
    So much love to you!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you Zuzuka. As always your a great inspiration! A lot of what you said I needed to hear as a reminder to keep pushing forward with life, fitness, and health. I still haven’t found my calling but I have finally figured out to stop worrying so much about that and just work on me, which is sometimes hard to focus on lol. I was really intrigued with your take on the 10-12 hr window of eating. This is something I have done off and on basically my whole life. Most of the time I just did it naturally and a lot of times I wondered if it was the right/healthy way to go. I have found that for me it works amazingly. It’s how i unknowingly dropped a lot of body fat and every time I lose sight of this way of eating I notice the difference. Now i will say that I have also worked on cleaning up my diet as far as what I eat. I try to eat as close to nature made food as possible. although at times it’s very hard and impossible, like when i want an ice cream sandwich lol! I will read more on the link you shared cause i’m so happy to finally find that i have actually been doing something good!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, I LOVED your coffee talk. I totally can relate to you! I have been using discipline towards everything. I can not afford to slack off. Also, being a mother with chores to get done, you have to do them because there is no one else that will do them for me. It’s only myself and that is it! So, discipline has been working for me! Thank you for being so inspiring. You’re an amaZing person! <3 xoxo

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    Private Member  | 
    czech republic

    Zuzi, I have been so incredibly blessed in my life… so many great things happened to me, one of them is “meeting” a person just like you. You know how to name things I am thinking of… each morning I am trying to wake up my inner soldier 🙂 I know she is there. For example for me being disciplined is more important than searching for motivation. Not many things, if any, can motivate me… but I can tell honestly, that your website, your coffee talks, you yourself provoke and awake the discipline inside of me. You are like “the only book I need” for me… 🙂 just saying 🙂
    And I also have to say that I have also following the rule of eating window for years now. Lately I’ve been naturally able to cut the eating window to 4-6 hours a day… sounds shocking but it actually works for me pretty fine. In that window I eat like 2000 kcal 😀 But I was still able to lose weight and can see more muscle definition… I got a lot of movement at work, in 4-5 hours of my 8 hour shift I have in my legs from 10-12 kms, lots of hills, stairs, weight in my bags… (yeah, I deliver post :)) , but working on empty stomach is much better for me than working after having food. My body accepted the change naturally, I have more energy and I am more productive at work. This system of eating from 2pm to 8pm (or shorter sometimes) is working for me amazingly I have to say… cause it is the same for me like for you… I can go well with little hunger in the first part of day, but I cant go to bed with half-filled stomach 😀 I just need to feel satisfied .. like a baby 😀 and thanks to low-carb I believe it’s easier to go through this system of eating as well 🙂
    Take care 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      This is great, thank you for sharing your own eating regimen!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    the time restricted eating is another form of intermittend fasting. There are many different protocolls of it. But my experience was a big hormonal imbalance because of that. It took very long until my body worked normal again and my hair stopped falling out. Just to let you know it is not that easy for everyone.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I think I have explained the difference in the video. The intermittent fasting is different in a way that it requires cutting down on calories, while time restricted eating does not require that at all. I think that’s the major misconception. Also it has been proven now that eating outside of the 12 hour window is one of the major causes of decreased insulin sensitivity, illnesses, and decreased metabolism. The big hormonal imbalances can happen when you really cut down on calories and eat outside of your circadian rhythm.

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        Private Member  | 

        That is absolutely not true. Intermittend fasting doesnt mean a cut down on calories if make the protocoll 16/8 for example. Then you eat in that 8 hour window all you calories. No restiction. There are other protocolls like 20/4 or 18/6 … that is all intermittent fasting. So your explanation might be confustion for some people. And in my case: I didnt cut calories. I ate the same food but only in that 8 hour window and had this problems. So sorry but you are not right.

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          Typically intermittent fasting means you skip a meal or two or even an entire day. Moderate intermittent fasting means staying within 500cal per day. It’s in the name – fasting, meaning you are restricting calories. Time restricted eating is eating all your calories in a smaller window of opportunity. Here’s a good video where I think it’s explained well by a scientist: https://youtu.be/-R-eqJDQ2nU?t=3045
          Here’s a more engaging video where Rhonda Patrick explains the health benefits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6KClPkotxM&t=352s
          I’m not arguing with you that you didn’t have a problem and I think it’s great that you’re sharing your experience. So far this type of eating is getting very popular for it’s health benefits, but bio-individuality is still something that needs to be considered when you try any kind of diet or way of eating.

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            Private Member  | 
            seattle, washington

            Have you explained somewhere how to discover what is your own bio-individuality?

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            Private Member  | 

            Yes that’s true that you skip breakfast or dinner for the protocolls I mentioned before. But it doesn’t mean that you restrict calories. You still have to get in all your daily callories. Thats different to the one or two day fasting you implemented in your meal plans. I’ve read a few books and also had research in internet regarding this topic. I have no special link at the moment. But you can have a look and the page of Sara Solomon for example. I don’t want to fight, but it isn’t correct … And it’s also proven that intermittend fasting is not recommended for all women because of hormonal issues. Just wanted to clarify.
            Don’t get me wrong. I love all you do and I am following for 8 years now …

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