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Discipline & How I Stopped Snacking at Night

Blog | February 25, 2018


This video is about discipline, how to overcome laziness, procrastination and get things done. I also share a simple strategy that helped me to stop snacking at night which also brings many health benefits..

If you’re interested in learning more about TRF visit Rhona Partick’s website: https://www.foundmyfitness.com

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I really liked the idea of giving discipline a “soldier” mindset.

    Because I am a giant geek, your constant referencing of your workouts as “training” has inspired my daily habit of working out with you because I’m training my body to be a tool of endurance, strength, and speed- all things that will be helpful in the apocalypse ;D Or to be an Assassin. Or just General Bad Ass. I’m keeping my options open haha SO. Labeling discipline as “bringing out my inner soldier” goes so nicely with the theme of my training and I think will help me look forward to keeping it in my routine.

    Thank you for this coffee talk, Zuzka, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    I think motivation is tied to discipline. I also think in the US we don’t teach discipline at home and in fact allow behavior that discourages discipline.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This sounds great, except for the coffee restriction… for the benefits of time restricted dieting, coffee and herbal tea need to be restricted to that window also?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      waco, tx, usa

      It’s my understanding you can have either coffee or tea, just without any additional sugar, creamer, etc.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, you are just so amazing person in my life. This coffee talk helped me a lot now, whned my boyfriend is in hospital and I’m waking up with a feeling of dying. But now I can feel soldier! I have to, I’physiotherapist, so I have to be here for other people. About eating is a such goo idea, I have same problem with sancks in the evening, this could help a lot, I think.

    So.. Just I wanted to let you know, that you completeley change my life and I’m happy that you are so honest! I really appraise that. You are really special!

    Thanks a lot, take care!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Time restricted eating : ) How many more labels, names, rules, ways of eating can we possible come up with? Safe to say nobody will know how to eat anymore. I feel like here in the western part of the world we are losing the plot when it comes to eating. Food and eating should be really simple but clearly we gonna need master degrees in order to solve the puzzle of filling up our bellies : ) Good coffee talk though. I liked the soldier/discipline part.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      czech republic

      I agree with the part about “labeling” 🙂 On the other hand, I think it is easier for many people to use these labels to express the way of eating they go through… but I get your point 🙂 In other words, human being is the only being that doesn’t know what to eat and how to eat 🙂

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Z i am very emotional and i really needed this! i have been out of work for over 2 years i have sent over 100 applications, several interviews with nothing i really was feeling like a failure, i was even thinking i was failing as a mum and that was the one thing i was always 100% so i am going to take all this and learn and become a soldier Thank You Z xoxo

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yas i can see this working for me 10 hour window This is very helpful thank YOU x the benefits sound amazing starting today and i will write in my diary priceless Z xoxox and i will check Rhona out!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Dear Zuzka!

    I bet, I was among the firsts, who succeded to watch this Coffee Talk as soon as it was posted. For days now, your words are working and growing in me, and even if I am not a posting-type person, now I feel some sort of a must to tell:

    I have been following you for years now, not just because of the great workouts or fitness, but I like You and I am following You because of your inner beauty: your personality, your utmost feminime, and yes, for your emotional sensitivity, the way how it gently imbues your words with kindness and gentleness, your discreete expression, honest and valuable thoughts.
    I see You stiving every day to be more than you were yesterday. Presently, it is the nicest human virtue to me and you represent it in all your acts.
    Other reason of my sympathy might be that I feel sort of similitude to you. (Funny modern world: not knowing someone, still knowing/perceiving someone from screen.) You also had extreamly deep downs in your life, but you have been able to achive a better quality of substance by seeking higher hights and your inner power and strong disciple could, can conquere all, time after time, even yourself (hardest). To develope such a personality is so respectful, because it is much struggle and pain. Struggles and wins of a nice soul, a good being with precious thoughts and willpower. That is how I see you.

    While I was watching the video, I was thinking about this soldier-allegory, and suddenly, I started visualizing my inner-soldier.
    I found, the he is (I am a she, but I feel it a he, I don’t know why…) pretty much wounded, because he wins “battles” to me day after day, but I am just cruel to him and I want to force him to do more and more and I torture him in every possible ways even when he is not “in a battle”.
    In the last couple of years I have experienced how fitness and dieting can change, build or demolish our psyché. I got all I have from fitness, sport, but it also can eat us up, if we do not love our inner fighter and take care of him.
    Where is the limit of pushing ourselves to the max and when it starts to get destructive? Finding balance is difficult. First, we develope a strong fighter, but after a longer period it gets difficult to maintain all we achived, especially, that we just want to push him for further developements. This crazy fintess industry tells us to push ourselves, but rarely says or teaches how to love or heal ourselves. Because soldiers are hungry and tired sometimes, they can get up and go fighting for us even with empty stomach, wounded bodies and sleepless, loveless days and nights, but then they also get thinner, weaker and finally, empty and sad. As we are growing stronger, we should learn to use our power wisely, but there is not enough mental-care talk out there.
    My mom told me couple of years ago: ‘You do not love yourself, otherwise, you could not be so cruel to you.’ She also said: ‘Imagine yourself as a little child, would you do that to your child-self, either?” She was right, and I realized it, and I worked on it, still working, how to nurture my inner substance with the greatest respect, love care and gratitude. It is a reverse-fight… 🙂

    This Coffe Talk has waken up these thoughts again. Your worlds are medicine to the soul.
    I am happy for all your success and happiness, it is so good to see when good things happen to you. I wish you all the best, Zuzka!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, thanks so much for a very informative Coffee Talk. More clearly defining motivation (internal and external) versus discipline was an extremely helpful concept; I think this differentiation will be very helpful to me!! Also, having a “keep going” mindset is really important, I agree. I am experiencing a very difficult personal situation with the health of my beloved father; it’s been very emotionally hard on me, but, to honor him, I must “keep going” because he has that drive, too. This was a good reminder.

    I know you have been through some really tough times – you are truly an inspiration. Thank you for your gentle nature and strong spirit!!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love this. The disciplined soldier mindset can have an automaticity to it. I think of the motivation piece as critical to creating the vision of what you want. If you can fully identify with that vision and really start to believe that this aspirational version of you is the real you, the discipline can be a simple and thought-free tool to make it a reality. Reminds me of a classic self-help principle I first read about in Psycho Cybernetics (by Maxwell Maltz) many years ago. Successful people are disciplined, but they are not constantly thinking about that or having to every day and every minute argue with themselves to implement the plan. The vision is there, the subconscious falls under its spell, and you find yourself just fulfilling the vision. It is you. Not doing it begins to feel unnatural, at odds with who your are. That same book argues that it takes about 21 days for the mind to train itself to a new habit, so it’s important to expect any new habit to feel unnatural until that point at least. Consistency, which Zuzka is always reminding us, is critical to success, and I think it’s because it is what keeps the subconscious committed to the habit. If you get it deeply enough engrained, staying on course over time–years, the rest of your life–will be way easier than the slogging you have to do at the beginning…or every time you fall off track and let the habit slip.

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