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Discipline & How I Stopped Snacking at Night

Blog | February 25, 2018


This video is about discipline, how to overcome laziness, procrastination and get things done. I also share a simple strategy that helped me to stop snacking at night which also brings many health benefits..

If you’re interested in learning more about TRF visit Rhona Partick’s website:Β https://www.foundmyfitness.com

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Her definition of intermittent fasting is not correct … IF is NOT calorie restriction. It is basically also a time restricted diet. You may eat any calorie you want when in feeding window. The difference in Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s time restricted eating is that you cannot have anything that has to be metabolized, processed by your liver or gut enzymes, during you fasting time.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    Okay.. this is my weakest link.. For some reason I do great during the day on eating well.. At 8 pm on the nose I want to eat a whole meal.. like clock work.. I also feel like since I am working out more I want to eat more.. Help!!!!!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    Okay.. this is my weakest link.. For some reason I do great during the day on eating well.. At 8 pm on the nose I want to eat a whole meal.. like clock work.. I also feel like since I am working out more I want to eat more.. Help!!!!!

    Okay. I just listened to the whole video.. I like the idea of late breakfast, getting hungry early, then eating dinner at 7:30 pm.. Makes perfct sense.. 10 hour window also.. Love it.. xoxo

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      Private Member  | 

      You have it sorted thenπŸ‘
      I on the other hand can’t think of not having breakfast, I love my breakfasts πŸ˜‹ but I totally don’t mind going to bed hungry, I actually love that feeling of rumbling tummy when I’m falling to sleep
      But everyone has their own things 😊

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        Private Member  | 
        austin, texas

        Asia, very interesting.. I love it.. had a great work out today also.. I was a bit off, had a headache, but I pushed through.. Feeling great.. working on the snacking part man..

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 

          Ohhh headaches are awful! Do you think you might have it because you’ve changed the way you eat, ie less sugar, if yes don’t give up it’ll go in no time
          Are you following schedules or specific series now?

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            austin, texas

            Hey! I changed my diet 6 weeks ago, haven’t had any headaches, I think it is just seasonal allergies.. ATX is known for being pollen captiol of the world, literally, so I just think it is a one off.. I am native from here, so normally no headaches.. I am on schedules and following summer shred..

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              Private Member  | 

              Look at you! So is it two workouts in a day?
              Respect to you!

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          Private Member  | 

          Oh btw, how are you working on snacks then?
          I’m a carrot lady recently, even my husband started enjoying carrots in between meals πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚
          All best to you

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            Private Member  | 
            austin, texas

            Snacks, are whey protein smoothies with strawberry, blackberry or blueberries..almond milk, and ice.. I love carrots.. high in carbs though?

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              Private Member  | 

              Sounds yummy, hmm I like to have kefir (make my own) with some berries yum yum
              Yep, but oh well, I’ll probably switch to celery sticks in a few weeks like always 😊

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Oh my word!!! This is the BEST explanation of how to succeed at being disciplined I’ve ever heard!!

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