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How I'm Dealing With My Lower Back Pain

Blog | March 13, 2018

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    maui, hi

    Terrific CT, and I really appreciate your honesty and humility in assessing your pain. With all the focus on strength gains it is so very hard to stop altogether, step back and find the very foundation you have built upon is faulty. You are very lucky to have found help that can accurately assess the problem. I have yet to get any accurate description for myself, and so I have been a guinea pig for 30 years for all sorts of useless therapies that have not helped one bit, and usually make it worse. The only thing I have learned for sure is that everyone is a very complex matrix of issues, habits, and patterns and that it is harder than anything to unravel the bad parts! To that end, a little moderation is about the only fix I have found, and I am not very good at that because my motto has always been to Try Harder. I really look forward to what your research and experience brings up. Thank you for making the time to talk and share the details of the situation you are going through. I feel your frustration and pain! We all aspire to be brilliant examples of health and fitness till 100 years old, but it is sure a bumpy ride!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    montreal, canada

    Very interesting coffee talk! Thank you!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Z, you are awesome. Jaqui is doing a great job too! Hope you start feeling better soon.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    cherry hill, nj

    I an article about the “Asian squat” (squatting all the way down and keeping your feet flat) in The Atlantic yesterday and I thought people here might be interested. Part of the reason it’s easier for some people is build, but it’s mostly cultural.


  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    nancy, france

    Yes!! Please do the mobility series! I cannot squat down as low as you either. Also, when I do the side stretch, my hips are not in the same spot as yours, and my heel goes up. My hips are above my ankle whereas your hips are more centered. I loved the last video with Jacqui, I’m glad you saw that!! You should takea volunteer from the zgym to demonstrate the movements some day!! I really am glad that you are feeling better and you will be able to work out again soon.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    toronto, canada

    Feel better Zuzka! You’re setting a great example listening to your body and taking the time to heal, thank you for that! I have the same tilt problem – my weak glute medial caused runner’s knee a couple of years ago and I got some help from my physio. It sucked. Because of my tilt my feet point outwards, making my glut maximus over-developed, and the medial under-developed. I found a good way to ensure I was engaging it was to do simple exercises with pidgeon-toed feet. Side to side squat pulse with a resistance band, laying side leg lift pulses, it’s slow to improve but it’s good also to know the source of the problem. Thank you for sharing some more exercises and definitely looking forward to a mobility series!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    sydney, nsw, australia

    Thanks for the workouts, you’re the best.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    So I started watching your vids, reading your blog, and the second one you did on standing up for yourself was very moving. Your an awesome role model, awesome person, extremely smart and we need you! Keep up the good work. I will be posting before and after pics of myself here one of these days! Fan for life! Lost without your help.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, i have several herniated discs and bulging discs all through my spine, but since doing your workouts my pain has never been better. You are helping me to have a better, more funtional life. Thank you so much!

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