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How I'm Dealing With My Lower Back Pain

Blog | March 13, 2018

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Looking forward to the new series — I have the exact same issue as Jacqui with the squats and I’ve always been frustrated about it!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    commerce city, co

    Thanks for this Zuzka! I did not know you were injured. I have been having some lower back pain while walking and have been doing your Postural Therapy workouts. I am looking forward to more workouts to address these muscle imbalances. I also cannot go below 90 degrees on a squat without lifting my heels.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    provence, france

    Thanks for sharingthis with us and how we can prevent them.I wait forward for those new exercises.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I used to be in the same boat as Jacqui. I have improved. But I think I am still in the same boat. I can’t go below parallel on any single leg exercises. I still have to work to not lean forward too much.

    This sounds like it could be an issue for me as well. My anatomical default posture is the anterior pelvic tilt! I do have a big curve in my lower back because of my natural large rear (thanks Mom). But I think my anterior pelvic tilt is too much. Through LLAD and plank work I stumbled across that my lower abs (below the belly button) and my glutes are weak. Since my rear is the biggest thing on me it did not occur to me that they could be weak. I think when I feel a burn in my lower back it is my gluteus medium along with lower back muscles really working. I thought it was because I sit so much. That probably plays a roll along with my anterior pelvic tilt. I think it all plays a roll in my grumpy hip flexors. I think they need to be stretched and strengthened. I can just hear my hip flexors creak when I get up or do splits. They are not very pliable. I have spent a lot of time stretching them which has helped. I think because all the surrounding muscles have gotten more pliable in the process. I could not do that last exercise. I could not keep my lower back pressed into the wall once I got passed parallel and raised my toes. I look forward to the new series.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This video was EVERYTHING! I have recently discovered that my years of lower back problems are mostly due to anterior pelvic tilt, which has also caused my hip flexors to become rock solid… that was not a very pleasant experience, especially as a beginner new to exercise! But hey, I do love a challenge, and re-balancing my pelvis has become a new part of my routine.
    I am incredibly looking forward to a flexibility and mobility series, because I could really work on improving my spine mobility, hip and ankle mobility… so basically the whole body! (One day I will conquer my enemy, overhead squats!)

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    blaustein, germany

    Hey, I cannot sit on my heels. For example in child’s pose I do not go all the way down on my heels. My knees are so restrictive, kinda like Jacqui’s heels not coming down to the floor when she squats. I’m kinda puzzled as to why my knees won’t let go. Are my theigh mussels too tight? Don’t know, what I do know is my knees are painful when I try to sit on my heels.

    I hope you are recovering well and I learned or am learning from your injury too! Thanks Zuzka

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka could you do a whole segment on ANTERIOR PELVIC TILT exercises? I have the same issue. I’ve noticed looking in the mirror my whole right shoulder slouches down compare to my left. I’m sorry for your injury but so glad that you are able to educate us all about anterior pelvic tilt and postural therapy. Id like to do both of these segments of exercises if you were abe to add them to your zgym that would be awesome!! Thanks so much for all you do!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    excellent talk –
    I have work to do, but I’m at least in the ballpark of being pretty capable! whew!!!
    thank you!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Looking forward to the mobility and flexibility series but when you think you’re able please add more strength and flexibility? I really love this series, but I understand the need for foundation of proper form and I think your mobility series would provide that. Can’t wait to work out with you again.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, loved your coffee talk! I also have an issue with the gluteus media & mobility as well. I still can not do the pistol without the heel suport. Anyways, I look forward to working out with you. Thank you for everything! xoxo

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