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How I'm Dealing With My Lower Back Pain

Blog | March 13, 2018

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    birmingham, al, usa

    Thank you for this coffee talk! Your positive approach to your injury and recovery is inspiring. I would definitely appreciate a flexibility and mobility series. I have had 2 knee surgeries in the past year. The recovery & therapy is a very long and sometimes frustrating process. Although my doctor has cleared me to work out with common sense, my flexibility, mobility & strength have all suffered over the past year. I am happy you are on the mend and showing us the slow progression back to working out.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    astoria, or, usa

    Hi Zuzka, I’ve had a bad right knee for a long time and my left knee has just started flaring up. I don’t take anything for it or do anything to help it. Kudos to you for taking the time to take care of yourself! I also have a very arched lower back. I was curious if it was your knee that was injured why you didn’t just do upper body and abs for us but it seems that you’re saying it’s all connected to your hips and back as well so I’m guessing it’s too risky to put any kind of strain. I have been thinking I should do postural therapy since you started the series but to be honest, if it’s not scheduled, I won’t do it. There’s too much to keep up with already! It would be great though if you had a bonus short PT video to do every day or so as homework. Maybe a different video each week, or one each day repeated each week, or even just one good basic video that is linked in the workout schedule so it’s there in plain sight without searching for it. I’m sure the truth is that what I’m wishing for is a quick fix that doesn’t eat up too much time, and what you might say is that it’s not effective unless you devote a lot of time. But a little is better than nothing 😉

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    balestrand, norway

    I have the same thing! Anterior pelvic tilt, and it does put pressure on my lower back. I would love a series to help correct that, and thanks for the exercises!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yes! I would love more on flexibility/mobility. All my life I’ve had major issues with hip and ankle flexibility. As a kid, I couldn’t sit cross legged on the floor without pain. I’ve never been able to go into a deep squat without my heals coming up. The more I learn and work on my fitness, the more I see how much this limits my progress. Making matters worse, I have slight scoliosis that gives me alignment problems. Years ago I suffered a high hamstring injury as a result of all of this and had to give up running (this injury has still not healed and I’m guessing may never). I’ve learned lately how much my woes come back to weakness and muscle imbalances (and even over-stretching certain parts of my body) and have been doing a glute and hip strengthening/rehab routine almost daily for about six weeks. This has helped a lot, but I know there’s much more to address, and I will happily follow along and try anything you put out there! Your approach to fitness is like nothing I’ve found anywhere.

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    Private Member  | 
    airdrie, ab, canada

    You’re so intelligent Zuzka! I love how you are taking a challenging situation and using it to better yourself and us. I am truly grateful that I have discovered you. Keep doing what you do 😁

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi there from Austria!! Mobility and flexibility, yes PLEASE! Will there be something about wrist-problems? It’s such an enormous issue for me coz so many of the floor exercises require strong wrists and mine seem to just get worse the more I work out 😏😏!
    Thanks for your neverending enthusiasm and care 🤗

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    gold coast, qld, australia

    I have suffered from terrible back pain for years and now hip and knee pain. I’m looking forward to learning more about Postural Therapy. Thanks Zuzka <3

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas

    Thank You Zuzka for sharing this incredible info. So looking forward to the mobility series. Fantastic Coffee Talk….as always. ❤️

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    czech republic

    That was such a great CT , thx for sharing the information. And I want to say one more thing… your ENglish has improved so much since 2012, it is incredible how much. Look how good you are in epxlaining so difficult things… I would not be able to do that in CZech, much less in English 😀 Have a nice day 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      nancy, france

      I agree with Kristina. I’m in same boat as you Zuzka. I’m an American that lives in France. I am constantly trying to perfect my French and erase certain mistakes and bad habits. It is very difficult. You are such and inspiration for me too for languages!! <3

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    A mobility series and knee muscles strengthening exercises would be amazing! 🙂

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