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How To Get Unstuck

Blog | February 12, 2018


Do you ever feel stuck in your life? And did you know that this feeling of helplessness can really affect your health and hinder your fitness efforts? In this week’s Coffee Talk I talk about how to get unstuck and move towards your goals.

Book I recommend: Mind Over Medicine by Lissa Rankin, M.D.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    kingston, ontario, canada

    I’m so grateful for these coffee talks. Thank you!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Z, this is a great coffee talk. Thank you for sharing this. It meant a lot to me. You’re right, we know that there are always options but when you’re right in the middle of a tough situation, it can feel hopeless.

    I decided to create a product. When I started out I knew little about how to achieve it. It is exciting when you begin your journey. In my case, I had to first teach myself the skills required to create what I wanted to. There were no funds to outsource or hire someone to do it for me, all savings must carry me while I am not earning an income from employment.

    I completely underestimated the learning curve and time it would take. It has been a couple of years in the making. I am 80% there. But there have been many many days where I have looked at my goal and thought I must be absolutely bonkers to take this on. Nobody in their right mind works on something this long without result. It has come to the point where I don’t talk about it anymore because when someone asks you about your progress for the fourth time and you still don’t have something to put in their hands it feels a bit ridiculous.

    I often feel bogged down in this process. Going back to employment is not an option for specific reasons and moving forward toward completion feels never-ending.

    Listening to you today reminded me again that, I may not have a physical product to put into someone’s hands (yet!), but the skill and knowledge that I have diligently worked to acquire every single day have essentially opened up a whole lot of new options for me. I am still going to finish what I started but I can now move in new directions that weren’t available to me before – just because I learned a difficult skill that is in demand in various applications.

    I felt stuck in the middle of this long and hard journey. You helped me to get my internal dialogue on the right path again today.

    Thank you!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great coffee talk, Zuzka. I’ve been stuck for awhile now. There are a handful of things I’ve been needing to deal with and/or change. An important one is: I’ve been a homemaker for a few years now and have wanted to start my own business using my sewing skills. I just got out my sewing machine and sewing notions couple weeks ago and started on some projects then just stopped for a few days even though I’m not finished. I know I should stay consistent just like with my fitness or anything else but I get in these weird little funks. I really enjoy sewing and I actually lose track of time and get lost in it. I have some great ideas and just need to dig in, find resources and take action. Anyway, thank you for this talk. It is perfect timing for what is currently going on in my world.
    Have a lovely Valentine’s day with Jesse. 😊❤

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m grateful for your way, of sharing difficult feelings and challenges in our lives…I always find you very inspiring and motivating.
    Thank you : )

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Z, your a fantastic inspiration. I love your workouts !!😘

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    nanaimo, british columbia, canada

    This coffee talk came at such a great time for me…thank you! I am feeling quite stuck right now, and you’re right about the options. I know I have a lot of options…my difficulty is motivating myself to pursue the option! Winter in British Columbia is dark and cold and it affects me every year. Every year I go through a “stuck” period where I let go of the things that give me joy and confidence (clean eating and exercise) and give in to my cravings and bleakness. This year it happened again, however, this year I have become WAY more aware of my pattern and I am coming out of it sooner than usual! I just need to give myself a pep talk several times a day to remind myself of what is important to me and what I can do to help feel strong, healthy and happy. Your workouts, coffee talks and other posts help me tremendously! Now to just find some warmth and sunshine!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I needed this talk Zuzka, thank you! You inspire me! 💛

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    Thank you so much for being an amazing leader. Thank you for being vulnerable, open and amazing. I am humbled by your grace!

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