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Living and Exercising with Lymphedema

Blog | December 04, 2014

Hi Zuzka,
I felt that I had to personally thank you for all that you do for us Zwarriors. I am new to the zgym & only discovered you on youtube a few months ago.Your zwows were the best workouts that I’ve come across.I did the ones that I was able to do,you see I suffer from a condition called Primary lymphedema,which means that I have a faulty lymphatic system that doesn’t remove the toxic protein rich fluid from my body,the fluid builds up in the lower extremity causing immense swelling & pain.I consider myself lucky that for most part I can keep it under control by following the correct treatment,eg manual lymphatic drainage,wearing multi-layer bandages or compression garments,elevation,exercise & healthy eating habits.If I donΒ‘t follow all of these treatments my condition will deteriorate rapidly & my leg would become difficult to treat.This condition compromises my immune system & I have to be careful of of many things,simple things,like shaving,scratches from my pets,colds,coughs all could lead to a serious infection called cellulitis.


Whats brings me to write to you is because I’ve just returned from a trip & I had to fly.Flying or standing for long periods of time results in massive swelling & pain.While I was away I couldn’t workout, I had little space & internet was slow however I walked everywhere, but still it isn’t the same. I was gone for only 6 days & when I returned home, my leg was in poor shape. The following day, I went headlong into a cardio shred workout & completed to the best to my ability but the pain & soreness just about “killed me” for that day & the next I had to stop, I felt awful, it wasn’t until this morning that I thought, I will do power yoga 2 & to my amazement the pain started to ease as I stretched ( stretching is good for the lymphatic system)Β & by the end my mind & body felt a lot calmer but what you said at the end of the video, let me quote “Everyday doesn’t have to be an intense workout” I finally realized that it’s o.k if I can’t do everything that you do, I can modify to my needs & I’m still getting my workouts done. My leg (I name her “Chunkie”) sometimes is so heavy from the fluid build up, I struggle with the extra weight doing some of the leg exercises, you see I’m stubborn & want to keep your pace.



I enclose a photo of “chunkie” after standing for several hours without any elevation.

Lymphedema is not well known, yet thousands & thousands worldwide suffer from this condition men & women, unfortunately most Breast cancer & Ovarian cancer survivors will develop lymphedema. It’s a terrible condition if it goes untreated, it will turn into Elephantiasis, I have quite a few members who suffer from this, the reason being, insurance doesn’t cover our treatment & compression garments & drainage therapy cost a fortune. My Facebook group is called (it’s a closed group) I Live With Lymphedema/Lymphoedema But I Won’t Let It Rule My Life, and we have about 1 thousand members.
Thank you so much for what you do & may your Zgym continue to grow & prosper.
Sarah Barnes.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lake tahoe, nv, usa

    You’re an amazingly strong woman, that doesn’t give up even with a challenge like this one. I believe that a really good things come to those who don’t let anything to bring them down and defeat them. You’re a true warrior, and very inspiring to all of us. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your story…

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      Private Member  | 

      Thank you for taking the time in sharing my story Zuzka,I hope to inspire others to never give up,to keep trying & it’s ok if you have to modify to suit your needs,it doesn’t make you any less adequate.We are all Warriors rowing the same boat to achieve a healthier us! πŸ˜€

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    singapore, singapore

    Thank you for sharing Sarah!
    Keep it up! you can do it…

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    new fairfield, ct

    Thanks for sharing your story Sarah, stay strong and keep going ! Good for you…

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Wow, very inspiring Sarah! Keep your chin up and keep going – don’t let that fire within you burn out =). Thank you for sharing your story and bringing awareness to this not so well-known condition.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Truly inspiring! Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What a strong woman! Woaw <3

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    czech republic

    I cant even think of what I’d like to tell you Sarah. You are such a true fighter πŸ™‚ Sending greeting and a warm hug from the Czech Republic!! Happy X-mas πŸ™‚

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you all so much for your kind words,really appreciated.It’s hard some days,but I have to do it because the consequences are too high if I don’t.Here is some more information about lymphedema,if anyone is interested or has friends or family members who suffer from lymphedema.
    Much love from the end of the world,Punta Arenas,Chile.
    Stay focused,Stay strong & keep smiling! πŸ˜€

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your story. It is truly inspirational. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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