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Love Your Body Love Your Workouts

Blog | May 17, 2014

Have you ever asked yourself what is the difference between those who are fit and consistent with their training and the people that are constantly failing to reach their fitness goals? The differences are always in your own perspective. I know people that are complaining about not having enough time and energy to exercise even tho they’re only job is to take care of one dog. I won’t say any names, just thought you should know that there are many people like that. I also know people that are very successful and super busy entrepreneurs married with children that always find the time for a workout and to take care of their body. So what is the difference? 

The difference is in their attitude and the amount of passion they have to be fit. We all know that in order to feel passionate about something we have to like it. We have to love it. It’s hard to put your heart and soul into something that you dislike or even despise. How can you feel passionate about doing something good for your body if you loath it so much that you’re calling yourself names and constantly putting yourself down in front of a mirror? You may not prefer the way your body looks right now, but you should still love it and be proud of it, because it’s yours! Your body is your baby and you should always want the best for it. You should be excited to give your body a good workout, nutritious food, and the love it deserves and just look forward to how your body is going to response in the long run.

If you want to be successful in anything in your life, you have to show your passion. I can guarantee you that as soon as you start thinking positively about your body and start wanting the best for it, you’ll suddenly find the time and the energy you didn’t have before. You have to stop thinking about your body as a fat blob, that either needs to be eliminated by a drastic diet, or completely ignored. This type of thinking is exaclty why people make the wrong decisions in terms of their diets, and failing in staying consistent with their workouts. Switch your focus and start being passionate about your body in the most positive way possible. You have incredible potential to be happy and feel beautiful just as much as everyone else, you just have to make the decision and raise the standards when it comes to your body and your health. 




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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    That’s why i love you, Zuzka! You motivate everybody! Great job!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    WOW, You said it so simply, yet accurately! I absolutely agree and I know I have to work on loving my body (and being more consistent with my workouts!). Thank you! (If you ever get tired of being a workout guru you can always become a motivational speaker;))

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