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My New Year Resolutions 2019

Blog | December 30, 2018

Have you had the time to sit down and write a list of your new year resolutions? If not, I think it’s probably a good idea to do that because time is one of the most precious commodity we have. If you waste it, you might never achieve your goals or live a truly meaningful and fulfilling life. If you’re someone who’s constantly busy, life is probably very stressful for you. How can you live an awesome life and enjoy every moment if you’re constantly under so much pressure?  I’ve been there myself and I’m still in the process of figuring it out. Many people, especially achievers and go-getters struggle with time management. So where do we start? I gave it some serious thought and came up with 5 new rules for myself as a new year resolution for 2019:

1. Spending most of my time doing things that are really important. Things that will actually bring me closer to my goals. No more to do lists.
2. Spending 95% of my focus and energy on solutions and only 5% on problems
3. No more: doing things that made me miserable in 2018. Things that would distract me from doing what’s important for my future. Doing things out of guilt, obligation and other BS.
4. Reducing destructions to only 5% of my day: TV, News, Social Media, eating when I’m not hungry, shopping when I don’t need anything, day dreaming about the past or the future that turns into procrastination or even upset.
5. Using the extra time doing things that are fun, important and that make me excited about life! Like connecting with loved ones, spending quality time with them and creating new memories.

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    Private Member  | 

    #3 and #4 are big for me, too. I coached people last year, who weren’t gaining any progress on their goals, bc they refused to write them down, or even make any, leading them to never fully committing to do anything. I felt obligated to help, spending too much time on them, since they sought me out to help them achieve their goals. What a waste of time and a lesson for me.

    I haven’t used FB in forever, hate it as a platform, and finally deleted my account. I wasted too much time on Instagram last year – it’s mostly advertising and self-promotion, so have already cut back on that drastically.

    For 2019: Continuing to workout daily, finding/adding more healthy recipes to the Z-Shred plan I’m following (already gone through once, and want to mix it up the next time around), spend more time outdoors (e.g. daily walks, weekend fun), learn a new skill and pick up hobbies that disconnect me from the internet (e.g. knit, paint).

    Here’s to actually doing more physical things, and less time online! <3

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      Private Member  | 

      MG44, Great resolutions! I have written my goals down and was pleased to see how many of last years that I did achieve in 2018. I’m still plugging away at a couple (I struggle with diet) up & down, but I keep trying and am improving. I agree with spending more time on the physical less online, I think I’m ok at balancing these right now but yes, definitely can still improve and spend much more time actually doing the things I wish to achieve. One thing that I struggle with is, the pull to get online because of the inspiration it can bring of finding out about things going on and what is out there etc… I seem to not want to be left out of being aware of what’s new and what I can do.

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        Private Member  | 

        That’s so great that you can see how well you did in 2018! I’m looking at what I did last year as a motivator to push myself further this year. I know where I can do better, it’s just a matter of saying it out loud. haha

        I’m with you with always wanting to be aware of what’s new! I’m a technology person, and am always looking for what’s new and coming soon. I’ve found that certain sites are better than others for that kind of stuff. I get newsletters and read the headlines for whether or not there’s anything interesting posted. If not, I don’t even to go the site, as it’s easy for me to get side-tracked.

        Basically, if I find myself feeling like I “have” to check a site daily, I stop and take a break from it. I did that with both Twitter and Instagram, and realized how much time I was wasting on both, and how much better I felt breaking that addiction. 😛

        I’m perfectly happy with my workout everyday with Zuzka addiction, though. 🙂

        I did really well on the Z-Shred meal plan last fall, and then the holidays happened and got a bit off track, so am back on it now. I was surprised at how delicious the recipes were, and that I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything. I made everything on Sunday, so it was just a matter of warming things up during the week. I learned that having a plan helped me stay on target, and then once I stopped looking at the plan, things slowly started going awry. Argh. *Food is my weakness.* BUT, I felt better when I was eating right, so that is my motivation to stay on track.

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      Let me know if you get an IG posting your knittin and painting . I cleany accounts regularly to keep only “useful” threads.tutorials, inspiration that speaks to me in order to not feel I miissed out or that I can catch up easily. So I split my fitness health and my hobbies account (kelamaimai)
      I have no time for social media outside of these, including zero TV.
      I plan to get a new table for my hobbies, sturdy enough for sewing machine, and large enough for knitting machine, close to window for good light, but should be unfixed (to flip it against the wall) or I tend to be messy and cluttered.
      I try to get my UFO completed and spend bed knitting every other day, a few rows (handknit), and some spinning during the week-end. I should get a tiny silent e-wheel soon , so maybe bed-spinning soon too😋😁

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        Private Member  | 

        Great idea! I have had literally 0 time for IGing anything. I’ll look up your hobby account now – love that you’re doing this! I bought a sewing machine a couple months ago, and have a couple knitting projects in progress, so some of your inspiration will help! <3

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          Private Member  | 
          switzerland/, france

          I love that I can customize anything my family and I need. I need to sew gaiter for my 8year old daughter as none exist pre-made. Also I like to make transparent visors on headband (to wear on top of hat) when snowing to avoid snowflakes in the face), I love spinning and color work.
          I love the ex-Craftsy / Bluprint platform and need to get my desk in place for some painting. Every summer I would want to take an online drawing course and spinning project. So many things to catch up with in 2 weeks. Needless to say that I never meet the goal. Also I like to involve my daughter. She wants to treadle my spinning wheel and now also want to learn spinning (requires quite some dexterity), but will get her started on electric wheel first. I am on Ravelry too.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    your resolution is very inspirativ also for me. Many thanks for this.
    I wish you all the best and still enough energy for creating videos for us.

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    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    Thank you for sharing this post, Zuzka. It motivates me to also get more organized with my resolutions. I’m like you—high achiever with endless goals. I started my Chinese Medicine practice and also a doctoral program at the end of 2017 and have been doing well, but struggling to get organized. I’m learning SO MUCH that they didn’t teach you in school—running a business and being your own boss and all that entails, all the legal/bureaucratic stuff, working with insurance companies and insurance billing…..I’m so behind on PAYING MYSELF (billing) it’s ridiculous. Meanwhile I want to increase my knowledge, credentials and certifications. All while maintaining a healthy relationship with my partner, friends and family. Thank heavens for your workouts each day. Thank you for his post again. I gotta sit down and write this out.

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    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    Hi Zuzka,
    Thank you so much for sharing your new year’s resolutions, they all resonate with my own.
    I truly want to spend more time on myself and feel no guilt to say NO to people or clients that just steal my energy and focus.
    Thank you again!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m gonna start thinking about my New Year’s resolution. It’s good to write it down so we can see our progress. Maybe I’ll have a notebook just devoted to “grease the groove” -style goals. I’d like to stretch daily – morning and night. I like to sit with my husband and chit chat about the daily plans while stretching and then again about our day at night….maybe he will join me in the stretch! I’d like my own sauna this year. No more sugar – stuff with dates, etc instead. I like the mindset stuff Zuzka wrote here – not focusing on problems, only solutions. I will read other comments for ideas 😊

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