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She's Got My Back

Blog | March 04, 2018

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    Happy International Women’s Day! Till us boys can give birth we all owe a woman life!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Even though it’s hard, it’s so much better to actually take the time to heal, rather than re- injuring ones’ self! Kudos on taking care of yourself!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    chandler, az, usa

    When will we see the videos Jaqui is working on? Just curious

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      they were on this week’s schedule.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        chandler, az, usa

        Ah I see them when I look at the new video posts. I was going through a separate program so had only looked at the thumbnails for the week and saw just Zuzka. Thanks!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    chicago, illinois

    hello Zuzka. Hope you feel better.
    I want to ask you..if perhaps you can come up with a waist or oblique series. I am wide from my waist. I need to work a lot on my obliques to chisel them down. I’ve tried other programs but it does not work. I always end up coming back to you. You are the best!!!! I’ve been a follower since your BR days. I’m in love with your workout style.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I wish you a speedy recovery. I am glad you have someone to help you with your workouts while you recover. I would love to see some mobility/stretching workouts.
    I enjoy your workouts and love that you are taking time for yourself.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    sydney, nsw, australia

    Get well soon Zuz. How about a new line of injury recovery workouts?

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What are your thoughts on using Kinesio tape for injuries and/or pain?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I think they can help to reduce pain but I don’t believe they can cure the underlying issue. They can certainly not restore your mobility or improve your motor control which is most commonly the culprit behind pain and injuries. I look at it as a temporary crutch. I used the tape when I had low back issues and wanted to go for an all day hike and didn’t want to suffer. It helped with the pain and it was better than taking pain killers, but I still had to put it the work at home and restore the appropriate muscle tension and mobility.

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