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She's Got My Back

Blog | March 04, 2018

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Sorry, i pay for Workouts with Zuzka and not for Jacki!
    Is it the first and last one ? So ok, but i dont like and i dont pay
    in future for Workouts with Jacki, please answer me.
    Thank you.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Your message comes across really rude, but I’ll give you the benefits of the doubt, because I can see that english is not your first language. I hurt myself hiking and my friend is here to help me out with the videos. I won’t be doing the workouts this week, however I’m the one who puts the workouts together so it’s still my method, my style of training.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you for answer. I like the Style and the “europe-american-slang” from Zuzka,
        i dont like the normaly ami-style, the talk a lot and i cant understand something.
        So i ask bevore i do my subsciptions for next month.
        In germany we talk more directly eachother, i think in pague also.
        There should be no attak, only openly mind.
        Ciao from Berlin

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          haha, now I understand. I think it’s the translation that makes you sound like you have no filter 🙂 It’s kind of funny to me because I think I used to speak like that in the past and now I’m almost fully americanized and way more polite.

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        Private Member  | 

        Hi, i cant found my meal plan download again, please can you help me ?
        Best regards from Lola

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      Private Member  | 
      kyiv, ukraine

      Sorry for interruption, but.. so far I see two workouts brand-new, at least per level. Which means among the old ones you can barely notice that somth has been changed in terms of couch. Even more, if Zuzka had simply posted a week of existing workouts without any word I bet you woudn’t have noticed the difference. Oppositely even being injured she is still trying to provide fresh and hot workouts finding the ways to do so. I was wondering how many of us being ill are still working? I am and it is not a candy! Besides, the substitution is more than decent! Still almost whole week of w-ts made by Z is available and even more on web site itself.
      And by the way this is great example for all of us how to stay on track providing the service and nurture your body if it really requires cure or rest.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Welcome Jacqui 🙂 I’m glad to meet you virtually here! I had a rough divorce (too). But the best thing in this times, is a good friend. Keep the faith and believe in yourself.

    Zuz I hope you’re getting better soon, but take your time!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    stockholm, sweden

    Zuzka, I hope you don’t take offence from the people complaining. You are honest and transparent and a good role model by showing us that you are resting after your injury!

    Thank you for great workouts!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hope you’ll recover soon! Maybe you can share with us your healing process, the postural therapies and how you feel? I’m sure everyone would be interested like I am. Take care.

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      Private Member  | 

      Yes me too. Zuzka, I’m still hoping you will touch on your recovery and what you do to stay fit apart from postural therapy and your diet. Many of us have injuries and flounder as to what to do during our recovery. Maybe update us in your coffee talk, where should the focus be (diet v exercise), different foods or supplements that may help in rehabilitation etc?

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    get well soon Zuzka and welcome Jacqui.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, it is your decision to bring someone in to assist you however, it would have been better to follow you through your recovery and watch the strength training exercises you will need to do to get better…as a long time follower we all get hurt and I’ve always wondered how you would recover. It’s not realistic to over look this part of life and healing. I am sure that you could have played old workouts as weekly workouts and I still would have loved to watch and do them until your return. Again, being familiar with all you’ve shared and what you’ve been through..doing old workouts would have been just fine. I don’t particularly like seeing anyone else but you,,if not…I would have subscribed to a different channel. Get well soon and do your thing!!!

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I understand this fear of unfamiliar and unknown. It’s kind of like the feeling you have when you move to a different city or a different country. Everyone is a stranger, and now you only see your friends on Skype. But if you don’t open your mind, you’ll never make new friends and you’ll miss out on new experiences. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I was a stranger too – a long time ago and over time I became the familiar face. You’ve learned some things from me, and opening your mind to me gave you some value. I believe that every single person that we meet carries at least one thing with them that they can share with us and that we can benefit from. Sometimes you meet a complete stranger, someone you wouldn’t even seek as a friend, and they happen to say something random and it turns out to be a valuable advice. Or something you can appreciate them for. I think that if you just give Jacqui a chance and see what she has in store, you might be surprised to learn at least one thing that will stick with you for the rest of your life. And you’ll be glad you were opened to it and maybe you’ll start doing that more often… thoughts? P.S. I’ll share my recovery progress and strategies in the next coffee talk.

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        Private Member  | 
        samara, russia

        Great words from a truly strong and wise person. I admire you!

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        Private Member  | 

        Truly wise words Z , you’re inspiring. Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙏

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        Private Member  | 

        Thanks so much for your reply Zuzka, however, I believe you have me confused for someone else. I guess this is the downside to these replies, you really don’t know the person who you are talking to. You only know that we watch and enjoy your workouts. I am a Police Sergeant of 25 plus years, on the road, dealing with complete strangers everyday and putting my life on the line for them as well. I have plenty of friends, mentors, associates, coaches and such. In my line of work, your mind must be opened to all aspects and possibilities. From what I have seen so far, I am obviously not the only one who felt what I posted, and I am sure there are a lot more who just didn’t post their thoughts. I am also not the only one who thought the 300 rep workout this week was way too fast and as you put it to us, “not with good form”. Yes we know your rules, (good form being number one). I totally respect she was there for you, but again, following your recovery to me, would have been more worth while and realistic for me, because we all get hurt, and if I wanted to watch someone else, I would have watched someone else. Your appearance is not the only thing that encourages us, it is your voice, your pace, your encouragement, and your proper form throughout the entire workout that keeps us going. Be blessed by my words and we are all so excited you will be back soon!!Tare us up good!!!!Looking forward to it!!!!

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          I guess I have 🙂 I see the badass in this comment. I hope you’re not offended by what I said. You’re totally right in your second sentence. It’s impossible to know a character of someone who you’re just chatting with via comments. All the important aspects of communication like body language and tone of voice are lost in translation. I just want to say thank you for your service and for being part of this community. I’m excited to be back as well!

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            Private Member  | 

            Not at all mam!!!As a vast consumer, I shop around like many of us do, and when I find something I like, I stick with it. This is where your channel has come in for many, many years,, as far back as remembering when you first started using the sandbag and dip station on Body Rock!. So that is what I look forward to tuning into, Zuzka light and her methology on how to stay on track with everyday workouts,, injuries and all. I truly hope you are not offended, because that was not my intent. My work is just a little piece of who I truly am. Thank you for all YOU DO for us and YOUR commitment to not only us, but yourself!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    woodbridge, virginia, usa

    Hey Zu, prayers have already gone up on your behalf…that lower back pain is nothing to play with and once you experience 100% healing (already on the way) you appreciate good health like never before – TRUST, I know this from experience! How awesome of you to still take care of us though with ya girl…you could’ve easily had us go to the tons of archived videos to keep us going. Me, in particular, just joining last October, have plenty of workouts to try – which is what others can do if they’re only willing to workout with you only. All of us just love ourselves some Zuzka so forgive us if we become unglued – but we’ll hold on til you get the healing you need. I’m willing to give your girl Jacqui a try, if you trust her I’m sure she’ll do an amazing job 🙂

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Don’t worry Z and please try to pay no attention to the people complaining … thank you for providing us with a person who can show us the proper form of the workouts. It will be fun! You just have to think to your recovery 💙

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    buenos aires, buenos aires, argentina

    Hi Zuzka, I wish you a fast recovery. I went through the comments and don’t think they are complaints about jackie, I understand it is good to see a new person showing up the wo and surely we can learn something new, I think they meant that providing this is a temporary solution/aproach While you recover it’ s fine. All of us that suscribe like to train with you, I particular also don’t enjoy the american accent and way of speeking too much during the wo. Anyway will try!, take care!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    vancouver, british columbia, canada

    We all get sick and injured, so it’s inspiring to see Zuzka setting a good example of a healthy recovery, and not being afraid to ask for help.

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