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An Open Letter To All My Fans - Finally I am Standing up for Myself

Blog | July 14, 2013

I didn’t think that I would have to deal with this, but it came to the point when I just have to stand up for myself.  It came to my attention that my soon to be ex-husband wrote a post about our marriage in which he pictured me as an abusive monster that used him to get to Los Angeles only to dump him, dump BodyRock.Tv that we’ve build together and become a star. My stomach literally turned upside down when I read all of those horrible things he wrote about me that are absolutely not true. I keep being bullied by this man who took literally everything from me. 
Here is my side of the story. Freddy and I have build BodyRock.Tv a fitness/personal blog that became very successful. We traveled, had fun, shot hundreds of workout videos that went viral on youtube.  BodyRock.Tv was a very successful business that was making us a lot of money. It was insane. We had everything but home. I did not want to live in Canada and my husband did not want to live in Prague. We tried a little country in Mediterranean – Malta, but it still didn’t feel like home to either of us. In 2011 we were contacted by a large talent agency and production company from Los Angeles to discuss a possible business opportunity. It sounded great and we were both excited to move to L..A. 
We moved to Los Angeles in May 2011 and rented an expensive house in West Hollywood for the entire year. While we did not close a deal with the production company and did not get representation from the talent agency, we both felt strong about BodyRock.Tv and wanted to keep growing. Our relationship on the other hand was not at all in good shape. It was not because I was a monster wife that would physically and emotionally abuse my husband. We had serious issues that caused disconnection on my part. I was not happy about the creative direction of our videos and the way I was being portrait and perceived. While I was happy about the numbers on youtube and growing business I was feeling more and more embarrassed about my sexualized image. Don’t get me wrong, I like sexy, and confident, but I don’t enjoy having camera close up my cleavage and elsewhere. That was also a reason why we did not get any sponsorships or representation by any large talent agency despite of the popularity online. I felt like our goals were different. I wanted a clean family friendly blog that people wouldn’t be embarrassed to share with their friends, and Freddy wanted to see bigger numbers. I felt like I was being controlled in every aspect of my life. I didn’t even have my own cellphone for the first few months in Los Angeles. Apparently it wasn’t needed. If anyone wanted to talk to me, they can call my husbands cell phone. 
Another issue in our relationship was our intimacy. I was not as physical with my husband as he wanted me to be which led to frustrations on his part and disappointment and disconnection on mine. I couldn’t get a hug from him to be comforted, without him being sexual with me. I could no longer imagine to have family with this man. I knew that I would not be able to look into my children’s eyes and tell them that their dad is the love of my life. 
I decided that the best thing for both of us would be to separate as a couple and remain best friends and business partners. While I can’t deny that Freddy was devastated by my decision, it was not true that he had to leave to his home town in Canada. I told him that our house was big enough for both of us. We had two separate bedrooms. I offered him that I would help him to get through the changes and that I would not be the first one to date other people if he decides to stay. I wanted him to be happy and I wanted us to keep growing BodyRock.Tv. 
He decided to leave me in Los Angeles and went back to his home town in Canada with his family. I was fine with that and I have to say that I felt relieved and was excited for the new beginnings. Freddy and I were in touch every day and talked about BodyRock.Tv and how we are going to continue as business partners. We agreed on bringing in other girls as hosts of the workout videos. However my idea of hiring a camera guy to shoot my workout videos was denied by my husband. No one was allowed to shoot videos of me. That’s why you could see me doing only short intros to the workouts having my camera on tripod. I was also doing some nutrition and diet posts, but I felt very limited by not having anyone to help me. We were both feeling overwhelmed by the change, because we were used to working together and we were very good at working together. 
Things got very tough when his new girlfriend Lisa Marie came to the picture. While I thought that him having a new girlfriend, a person that will be there for him, will make things a lot easier, I was wrong. Up until then, we were friends, partners and we were getting along. If you were following BodyRock.Tv back then you must have noticed that I have basically vanished right after her very first post. In December 2011, Freddy’s attitude towards me changed completely. He became incredibly mean, he denied me an access to BodyRock.Tv and all the social media we’ve build together. Since I had no access to our Canadian business account, and owned only 49% of the company, I was relying on him to pay me monthly dividends. My future was completely in his hands. When I asked for my dividends he told me to first sign a non-compete agreement. What that means is that I wouldn’t be allowed to ever have my own fitness blog or to ever do a workout video online. I felt like I was being controlled again and threatened on top of that. It was never my intension to leave BodyRock.Tv. I was forced to leave to keep my independence and dignity. He told me to lawyer up and the last email I got from him stated exactly this: “I want you to sell the company car that your mom is using. Aww, isn’t it horrible that your mom that has nothing won’t even have the car?” That my friends right there was the end of our friendship. I couldn’t believe it. Of course I did not sell the car and my mom still has it.
What happened next is that he wrote a post on BodyRock.Tv that would portray me as a bad person that betrayed him in every possible way. He wrote that he was being forced and manipulated to write the post about us breaking up. That was the post with the picture of us sitting on the front step of the house in West Hollywood. Just to let you know, nobody was forcing him to write what he did. While I was pushing for him to post the truth about us not being a couple, he wanted to write it in his own words and told me not to let anyone know that I left him. I was fine with that. 
At that time, I decided that I will not give up and that I will continue doing what I love and he or nobody else will ever stop me. I contacted Darren from Watch it now entertainment, explained him the entire situation and asked him if he wants to be my partner. We clicked as friends immediately and we were on the same page when it comes to fitness, blogging and my image as a trainer. I got hired by his company and got my work visa instantly. After that, you know the story. We started shooting ZWOWs and I tried to get back on my feet. I can never thank Darren and his team at Watch It Now Entertainment enough, who all helped me when I had absolutely nothing. I am also forever thankful to my boyfriend who stood by me the entire time and gave me the kind of love and home that I have always dreamed off.
I filed for divorce in January 2012, however I am still waiting for the divorce to happen, because my husband is way too power hungry and wants my 49% of BodyRock.Tv  which he thinks is worth his signature on our divorce papers and nothing more. I was also threatened by a letter from his lawyer that I might be deported back to Czech Republic if I won’t stop doing ZWOWS and sign the non-compete agreement with BodyRock.Tv.  I guess he assumed that I didn’t get my visa. 
I have received way more abuse from him in the form of online bullying. He said so many bad things about me on his Facebook and other social media and I have never stood up for myself. For some weird reason I thought that he is really not that kind of person and that maybe he’s just very hurt that I left him. I thought that he is being like that because he’s probably suffering. Now it got to the point that I am hundred percent certain that all that crap he writes about me is his cover up to justify the fact that he took everything from me and have been actively trying to destroy my career and my online presence. Here he is again with another post trying to hurt me.  He didn’t take the most important part of me though–my faith, love, and will power. 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    With you all the way Z! Head high, don’t look back…let him eat your dust! PS…just bought you’re Zcut dvds…loving them!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Z,

    I never usually comment on blogs but felt the need to offer my support & 2 cents now. I’ve followed you for over 2 years so witnessed your life path changes as they unfolded online. You have acted with dignity and poise through out the unfolding drama and malicious mud slinging from your ex.

    The point I really wanted to make though is to anybody with an ounce of experience in life and dealing with different personality types, It is painfully obvious what type of a “man” you ex really is. With his previous postings on online, his video direction & editing & self image he so carefully portrays to the public it just screamed “control freak” to me.

    I know you are a strong, smart girl and a survivor that can deal with any situation thrown at her but I did use to feel empathy for you as I felt he thought of you as “HIS inferior, foreign, little money making project to exploit and profit from”

    Just to reiterate, I DO NOT believe this to be true of you but got the impression your EX was with you for this ulterior motive, not true love or companionship.

    His controlling ways became even more obvious to me when Lisa Marie came onto the scene, I could just see she was his “new little project to exploit” and sure enough the transformation slowly started, her image became more sexualised, with the work outs she did wearing only a sports bra and underwear, the close up crotch shots of her while wearing only underwear, Then the ridiculously over sized implants, hair extensions, lip injections, nose job and what ever else she has had done. She lost herself and became “Frankenstein” to his “Dr Jekyll” aka HIS creation or Zbot Version 2 FAIL – as I have heard her described as before.

    Please stay strong, know that you have a community of thousands that support you and understand what you are going through and don’t let the negative influences in your life get you down. Don’t waste good energy or become upset or angry over people who just aren’t worth it!

    I was so glad when you relaunched online and came back to us as you are a fantastic motivator, trainer and have that charisma and charm that just makes people happy & smile when they see you.

    Best of Luck from an avid fan in Thailand 🙂

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      Private Member  | 

      I totally agree. I was introduced to bodyrock just after you left, and then through one of your earlier warm up videos I found your new site. What I want to tell you is that even though you never commented on anything to do with you and Freddie, I figured it out by myself and a while back decided I didn’t want to support him anymore and unsubscribed from all his various sites, blogs and youtube channel. So what I’m trying to say Zuzana is everything you wrote above comes across in his site, workouts and blogs. You’re way better, your site is way better, your attitude is way better, and you will always have followers because you’re better! So as we say in England keep your chin up! You will come out on top because you’re sincere in what you’re doing. And even though you might feel your side of the story hasn’t been told until now, more people that you think can see through him. Keep up the good work and I hope you prosper greatly!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    oh Dear.. you know, in Russia we say – break up with a man and you will see his truly personality!

    I am so sorry for you, you are such a sweet and nice person, you dont deserve all that!! And I really believe everything will be great! because you are the honest person, who does right things, truth is on your side! Just continue to do what you always do! Never stop it! And the most important as u said – they can take everything from you, but not you faith, love, and will power!! so, chin up, you are the best!! :-*

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey zuzka!

    I never wanted to know what happened between you and Freddy because I figured it was personal. I did read the post by Freddy and was totally turned off! There are always two sides to a story and unfortunately Freddie’s side is all about dissing people and pushing his idea of of what looks good…or should I say what sells. Take Lisa Marie who has had he lips and breast done… and for what. I won’t bash Freddie but geez…it hard not too!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I said it when I read what he wrote and I’ll say it again:sue his sorry ass for libel.

  6. private avatar image

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    Ahoj Zuzko, moc Ti fandím a klobouk dolů, že takový tlak zvládáš. Věřím, že taková bojovnice výjde ze všeho nakonec jako vítěz. Zažila jsem něco velmi podobného, jen né v takovém měřítku. Nejvíc bolí ta zrada od člověka, ke kterému jsi měla tak blízko a nikdy bys to od něj nečekala, viď. Taky mě zaskočilo, jak snadno lze lidem okolo namluvit, že to ty jsi ta mrcha…ale pak jsem si řekla, že ten kdo tomu chce věřit mi nestojí za to, abych s ní ztrácela čas. Můžná mu teď došlo, že BodyRock.tv bez Tebe už nikdy nebude to pravé a asi je i zhrzená jeho ješitnost. Držím pěsti, doufám, že se vše brzy vyřeší a věř, že drtivou většinu Tvých fanoušků kecy Tvého skoro ex nezajímají a pokud ano, tak si stejně musí pomyslet, že přišel o rozum, když si Tě nechal utéct jako ženskou 🙂 Opatruj se!

    • private avatar image

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      Ahoj Zuzi,ve všem souhlasím s Barborou. Také jsem si prošla peklem a cítím s tebou. V době mého rozvodu jsem tě našla na netu a přes fitness a tebe jako člověka jsem se z toho dostala. Za to ti děkuji. Budeš mít ve mě vždy přítele a fanouška. Držím ti palce.

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        Private Member  | 

        You are a great women. I am and I will always be your friend and fan.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Wow…what a story. I think you are way too strong for anyone to destroy you plus you are too good at what you do, and you will only develop and succeed at what you do. There is always a sunshine after a big storm….plus I really believe in karma.

    Exactly…chin up.

    And yes…I strongly agree on that sexuality during filming ( however I have never noticed too much of it with you, but you are totally right with placing your focus elsewhere). I wish all the best to all, but unfortunately I think that Miss Lisa killed body rock.tv with her bony unhealthy body exposures and ridiculous posts about looks and being sexy, etc….revealing only some sort of personal issues and complexes. Too bad.

    All the best on expanding your Z empire, I am a huge fan of yours!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You are Amazing zuzana! Freddy is clearly an unhappy person and wants to bring you down. Keep shining and being as inspirational as you are! Your kindness, honesty and energy are so pure of heart. Let Freddy try and control every aspect if his life, maybe if Lisa Marie is smart enough she’ll see that Freddy is controlling her also. Good luck with everything and keep that support network around you !

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Dear Zuzak,

    I started to follow bodyrock since 2009 and saw all the changes in your life. What I felt was you were such a strong and brilliant woman with a big heart. When I saw the poster Freddy wrote, I realized there must be something very wrong behind that. Thank you so much for every amazing posts and for being a wonderful woman that always give me a lot of motivation.

    You are right, don’t let it put us down. Always support you and love you.



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    You are a wonderful spirit and such an inspiration.

    Always a fan and supporter!I have followed you since my husbands death in Aug. of 2009 almost 4 years now. I used exercise to help my grief. Your leadership @ Bodyrock helped me start over in my life. I wish you all the best!!!

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