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Beautiful Skin with At Home Treatments - No Botox!

Fashion & Beauty | December 28, 2021

Here are all the products and tools I mentioned in this video:

Facial Flex – https://facialflex.com
Tria Laser – https://www.triabeauty.com
Facial Sculpting Wand – https://www.shanidarden.com
Microneedling Device – http://drpen-usa.com
Red Light Therapy Device – https://joovv.com
Hydrafacial Smart Ice Blue Machine – find a good deal on Alibaba
AnnMarie Skin Care – https://www.annmariegianni.com
Eminence Skin Care – https://eminenceorganics.com
CBD Botanical Glow Getter Oil – getpurebloom.com
Dermaplanning tool – you can find it at StackedSkinCare.com

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    Łódź, poland

    Hi Zuzka, I have very tight muscles, especially after my workouts, my recovery is very slow, I have problems with my nervous system and with sleep because of that. I’ve noticed that I must use minerals (especially calcium, magnesium and potassium, even sodium sometimes) to get rid of that tension, only that works best. Is that o.k. to take so many supplements? Stretching and mobility routines are awesome but they aren’t enough, everything is tight again – after an hour. About 2 years ago I was overtrain and even now I can’t work out every day with full energy. I’m always cold so I want to try infrared but I have couperose skin and, everywhere I read, sauna is bad for this type of skin, but some specialists say that after treatment of closing capillaries infrared is like a workout for circulatory system, so it’s good. What do you think about that? Sauna is good or bad for me? What do you recommend for better recovery? Please help 😊💖

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi 🙂 I’m not a skin specialist so I can’t say for sure, but infra-red saunas are anti-inflammatory and help with conditions such as Rosacea. Couperose skin is very similar to that, so my educated guess would be that infra-red would most likely help you. Besides it does stimulate the energy of our body on a deep cellular level which sounds like something you could use. The feeling of being cold all the time could be a sign of hypothyroidism. And thyroid is affected by insulin, and cortisol. If you’re insulin resistant and your body is no longer efficient in dealing with carbohydrates, and if you’re under a lot of stress, then all those symptoms that you’re experiencing would make total sense. I can tell you from personal and professional experience that what helps the most to lower the tension in the body is meditation. Other things like hypnotherapy might help as well, because tension in the body is a result of stress. And it could have started as a physical stress from overtraining, but if it’s still there even though you’re being a lot more gentle, then that means it’s chronic. Everything I’ve every read about stress and cortisol, tight muscles and blood circulation issues points towards meditation as one of the most natural and powerful ways to return the body back to balanced state.

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        Private Member  | 
        Łódź, poland

        Thank’s very much, I’ll try the infrared – finally, I love warm😁 and you have right – I’m chronically stressed from my childhood but my thyroid is o.k.(TSH, T3, T4 are normal – every doctor on this world checked that ha ha ha 😉). Meditation – sounds like I can’t avoid that any longer ha ha ha (so hard with poor concentration), thank’s again😊🤗

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      Private Member  | 

      I’ve just started using the infrared sauna and I have symptoms similar to yours. I don’t have the skin condition but I’m thinking you will notice if the infrared sauna effects your skin so it wouldn’t hurt to try? The infrared sauna is not as hot, it only goes to 130 degrees for me. I find that lack of heat frustrating since I have to spend an hour in the sauna now. I am heated to the core after the hour and I do a full stretch routine while I’m in there. It just takes longer is all and I miss that intense heat sometimes. My point is that the infrared sauna is a bit different than the traditional sauna so I’d try it. I like both types of sauna and I bet if I went back to the traditional sauna I’d think it too hot now. Lol. Also what Zuzka said about carbs is also true for me. I have intense tension as well. I have to lay in bed and do nothing to get rid of it but I do believe diet changes this. Healthy fats and less processed carbs takes away tension. However when I have increased energy there is a temptation to do more, which is that catch 22. Doing more brings the tension back. I can’t overdo things no matter how much I want to. So yes, mediation and hypnotherapy reminds me of everything. I hope you find relief ❤️

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        Private Member  | 
        Łódź, poland

        Thank’s very much, I’ll try infrared and meditation. My diet is healthy for years now but I eat normal amount of carbs, I tried keto diet and that wasn’t for me, I’m slim person and I don’t have problems with metabolism. I’ve noticed that I eat to little potassium with my diet so I start supplement potassium and eat foods rich in that mineral, and I take also more magnesium than I used to (I am doing this for two days and the tension is gone and I’m finally relaxed but I haven’t rest yet and my muscles are still tired – but I think this is good direction). Earlier for tight muscles and emotional tension calcium helped (I haven’t eaten diary for 3 years because of my intolerance) but now the deficiency is replenished. I’ve noticed that my body needs high doses of vitamins and minerals in supplements regardless healthy diet. I think that is because of my poor digestion, infections and stress. Maybe this will be helpful for you or someone else. Thank’s for your answer😊🤗

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Can you tell me which seller on aliba you purchase your hydro facial machine?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Sure. It’s called Guangdong Magic Beauty Equipment Co.,Ltd. that machine is now half the price than what I got it for.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Wonderful tips
    I think I will definitely incorporate some of these thankyou.

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