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Cold & Flu Tips

Health | October 07, 2019

With cold and flu season on the rise, it’s time to ready ourselves for battle! There are many ways to protect ourselves from infections, but they only work if we’re willing to do them. With a few tweaks to our lifestyle, we can be sure to have the upper hand. So, keep these tips up your sleeve the closer we get to the season of sickness. Ready? Let’s get to it.

Think Clean

When I went to the Tony Robbins Date with Destiny event, I was surrounded by hundreds of strangers. People had flown in from around the world just to make it. We were all close together under one roof all day, standing very close and often jumping around and hugging each other. And while I’m sure no one meant to cause any harm, I was in a pit of germs and had managed to get really sick (an understatement to say the least). In the future, here’s what I would do and recommend that you do as well.

First, bring a hand sanitizer. It could be one of those travel-size bottles or wipes. But keep one with you and use it every time you go out and come back. If you’re already sick or the person you’re around is sick, don’t shake hands (a simple “Hello! Nice to meet you!” will do). On top of that, always remember to wash your hands, especially if you’re around someone that’s sick. It not only keeps the infection from spreading over to you, it also prevents the chances of catching something overall. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CD), you’ll be lowering your risk by about 16-21%. [1]

Second, avoid touching your face. It’s not only a bad habit, but it also makes it easier for germs to spread across your body. For all you know you could have touched something that was contaminated!

Third, keep all food and drinks to yourself. While it’s fun to share a delicious meal or sip on someone’s drink, it’s not the wisest choice especially when it’s cold and flu season. If you MUST share something, then slice a piece yourself and put it on a separate plate or pour some of your drink into a different cup.

Fourth, tidy up. At home, discipline yourself to keep it clean and free from clutter. Viruses are capable of surviving on all kinds of surfaces, from metal to glass to paper, plastic, and most fabrics. Whether you prefer natural or conventional cleaning materials, remember the saying, “Leave no stone unturned.” In other words, don’t be sloppy, and clean the entire house. Get your family involved to make sure they’re on the same page.

By the way, this step isn’t only for home. You can apply it to work, too. If you’re in an office all day, have a similar approach. Disinfect all surfaces. Make sure that your desk is neat and organized. Another tip I read from WebMD was to clean even the doorknobs and light switches. This came from a massage therapist, a job that’s all about physical contact! Something else I picked up was from a paramedic, who brilliantly explained that, “It’s a matter of looking at your environment and thinking, ‘What could be contaminated?’ All it takes is a tiny droplet. What could have a droplet on it? And I know someone was in my ambulance 12 hours before I got there- both patients and other paramedics. It may already look clean, but it might not be. If I saw ten patients today, and eight had flu symptoms, I’m likely to take my uniform off the minute I get home, put it in the wash, and get right in the shower. Because you just never know.” [2]

That’s something I think all of us can agree on!

Support Immune System

Now that we’ve got the outside taken care of, it’s now time to focus on the inside. The food on our plate either nourishes or destroys, so let’s stick to the former and give our body a fighting chance! Start favoring more of these foods come sick season:

  • Garlic: Contains allicin, an active chemical known for its ability to fight off bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Be generous with the amount you cook with… just as long as you remember to carry a mint! [3] [4]
  • Herbs & SpicesHot peppers, ginger, oregano, dill, rosemary- these, and plenty more, all carry germ-fighting properties that can help fortify your defenses. Aside from flavoring your meals, you’ll be loading up on plenty of antioxidants, which are also great for your immune system.
  • MushroomsGet your shrooms! Mushrooms are great at boosting immunity thanks to a variety of compounds, such as beta-glucans and ergothioneine, which strengthen the immune system. The top types you should look for include shiitake, maitake, turkey tail, and reishi. Research has shown that 4 oz a day is enough to reap the benefits. (You could also take them as a powdered supplement.) [5] [6]
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Another reason to eat your veggies! Cruciferous vegetables (i.e., broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.) are also rich in essential nutrients that support immune activity. And according to animal studies, eating them creates a chemical reaction in our body that boosts immune function. It was also shown that animals who did not eat cruciferous vegetables missed out on all the benefits. [7]
  • Citrus: Keep it simple by remembering citrus for c. VitaminC that is. Research from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that while this vitamin cannot curea cold, it preventsit by supporting the immune function (especially in people that are stressed!). Can’t handle citrus? No worries! There are plenty of other sources to go around. Bell peppers, strawberries, and brussels sprouts are great alternatives. [8] [9]
  • Vitamin D: This one is kind of cheating. Even though it’s not a food, low levels of Vitamin D often lead to higher incidences of colds and flu. Getting about 10 minutes per day should work, but not everyone can do this. Aside from supplements, you can get find it in foods like egg yolks, salmon, mackerel, beef liver, and fortified foods (i.e., dairy, almond milk). [10] [11]

Alright, everyone! I hope these tips help. If you’ve got any cold and flu prevention secrets, reveal them down in the comments below!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    it may be more common in Asia, but wearing a mask should be a must. You can have the cleanest hand, but coughing in people’s face will always get away with clean surface.
    Talking about surface, I am always amazed at people coughing in their HANDS, we touch all sorts of things with hands, common…please , cough in your arm/elbow/tissue.

    I started to take Vitamin C and Zinc for immune system, and probably ramp up to other stress supporting vitamins (Mg2+, Ca2+, B group and D)

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    1. Wash your hands. 2. If you are sick, stay home until you feel better. 3. If you are not sick, avoid sick individuals if possible. 4. Wash your hands. 5. Wear a mask if needed. 6. Clean your space often. 7. Eat and drink healthy foods your body will tolerate. 8. Wash your hands. 9. If you have not already, get the flu shot!!! You will not get the flu from the flu shot, contrary to popular belief.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    pulsnitz, saxony, germany

    Walking barefoot at least two times a week for half an hour, even when it’s cold, rainy or snowy outside.
    I did’nt have a cold since I started running barefoot, even though I have two kids who attend the kindergarden (germ factory as I like to call it). And, of course, eat healthy.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Would love to hear more about how walking barefoot aids in immunity!! Is there a resource you recommend?

      I use homemade elderberry syrup and also have found that 5-6 drops of Oregano oil in my LARGE water container each time I refill it has done wonders, especially if you are prone to respiratory illnesses (bronchitis). Oregano oil is a powerful natural antibiotic!! Warning: The oil is VERY potent so drink your water with a straw so that the oil doesn’t come in contact with your lips! I like the DoTerra brand and the Young Living brand.

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