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Healthy Eating for Busy Days

Health | October 10, 2020

Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you have to cut yourself short! Prioritizing yourself during the most hectic of times, teaches you discipline, along with the value of good health. If you can’t show up for yourself, how can you expect to do the same with your work, relationships, and obligations? When it comes to healthy eating, I recommend you approach it the same way I teach my ZGYM routines. Keep them simple and quick. Here’s a list of ways you can continue to eat right while juggling a busy schedule.  

#1: Be Realistic

I know how delicious a lot of those drool-worthy recipes look online. You see the most beautiful photography and envy people on social media who perfectly build the healthiest plates, bowls, and smoothies on their profile. Reality check- not everyone has the time (or budget) to make these meals. A grass-fed medium-rare bison patty over heirloom garden greens with an imported olive oil vinaigrette from Italy sounds nice, but it’s not the reality for many people. The same can be said for the structure of your weekly meals. Not everyone has the time to put together a unique, superfood-based menu where no two meals are ever the same. And of course, not everyone can afford these foods! I’ve seen people spend ridiculous amounts of money for tiny jars of nut butter, coconut yogurt, and superfood powders.

Be realistic. You don’t have to coordinate an exotic, Instagram-worthy meal every single day. Most influencers online will admit that their foods all wind up looking like a hodge-podge of random ingredients when they’re done taking pictures. No one is judging you for how you put your meals together!

#2: Budget Smartly

I mentioned this a second ago, but there’s no need to invest an entire paycheck into superfoods. They should be the optional cherry on top when it comes to your diet. The foundation should be focused on whole foods, not exotic products from endangered plants. Don’t get caught up trying to eat the latest and greatest food trends. You’ll only spend more on things you don’t need and less on what do you. If money is tight, I recommend looking for local deals, buying in bulk, and planning your meals ahead of time. It not only keeps you accountable to your nutrition, but it also keeps you from wasteful spending. Don’t sweat trying to stay completely organic, too. Even if you buy something conventional, it’s better than going for processed products. So, if you can’t buy organic broccoli, regular is better than nothing.

For more tips on eating healthy on a budget, check out this post here.

#3: Prep Ahead of Time

The last thing anyone wants to do after surviving work and rush-hour traffic is cook. At least, I wouldn’t. The temptation to order something to go or microwave a meal is extremely high. In this case, it would help to have food already prepared. All that leaves is for you to open the refrigerator, heat them, and enjoy. Choose one day a week where you have at least a few hours to prepare some food. Batch-cook recipes that can be spread out into multiple servings, such as omelets, soups, overnight oats or chia pudding, casseroles, and giant salads. Or cook “parts” of a meal. Bake a few servings of chicken, sauté vegetables, hard boil a carton of eggs, and chop some fresh fruit. That way, you can serve yourself “buffet style” at home and mix and match different items. Get your kids or partner involved and make it something special! No matter what, the fact that you have these things out in front of you keeps you from grabbing junk and other processed foods. Btw, I love throwing meat and veggies on a grill for dinner. It’s delicious, it takes minutes and you don’t end up with tons of dishes to wash. 

#4: Prepare for the Unexpected

Anything can happen! Late meetings, car problems, traffic jams- instead of giving up and sabotaging yourself, always be prepared. When going out or working, have some emergency foods that you can pack. Apples and oranges are easy to carry around, as are individual portions of nuts and seeds. If you can find a sugar-free jerky for extra protein, that works, too. I also like to pack a keto bar both as a treat and emergency snack (my favorite is by Perfect Keto). Protein or collagen powder packets are also good options. You can run into a coffee shop and ask for iced water or unsweetened almond or coconut milk and mix them together.

At home, store some meals in the freezer (soup, casserole, etc.) that you can quickly heat up in a pinch. Prepping ahead of time also helps! (See above). Don’t have your kitchen be empty of foods- have things that can easily be thrown together as a last-minute meal idea. I ended up doing this for my Roasted Tomatoes with Ricotta Cheese recipe!

#5: Dine Out Mindfully  

Finally, if you do wind up ordering food, be mindful. If it’s a networking function, lunch meeting, or special date, have a balanced approach. You can indulge yourself in a bite or two of something like pasta, bread, or a fried appetizer, but be sure to balance them out with a serving of protein and fiber (salad, vegetables). On the other hand, if you’re eating out multiple days a week, then a little discipline is in order. In my guide to eating out, I recommend keeping things simple no matter what type of diet you follow. Protein + Carbs (from fiber-rich foods) + healthy fat such as olive oil, or avocado is the template I recommend. Take the guesswork out and focus on getting all three of those macros, and you’ll be set. You can even find healthy food-delivery services online to keep you from going to regular takeout places.

Over to You

 Those are my two cents on eating healthy for busy days! I know that everyone is different, but the takeaway here is to be aware of your schedule and plan ahead. I’ve seen many women, from moms to business owners, manage to live a healthy lifestyle despite juggling many responsibilities. It can be done with the right attitude and execution! In the meantime, I’d like to know your tips. How do you stay on top even when busy? Please share with me in the comments below!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    marquette, mi, usa

    I really like the dressings you come up with. I’m wondering if I just batched some of those, they could make simple meals more interesting, but I’m not sure how long they keep. Do you have a sense of how long stuff like that stays good or any special tips for storing it for a bit?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    Hi Zuzka! Thanks for this post 🙂 I’m a Health Coach, but I always appreciate new ideas on how to keep eating healthy no matter the circumstances. I fully agree with you: keeping it simple with whole foods is flawless!I also do a weekly meal plan for my family and myself, plus the grocery list. I also include snacks and drinks such as herbal and iced tea 😉

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      sydney, nsw, australia

      Nice Karol I totally agree with you!!
      I’m not a health or sporting coach, but I’ve devote my entire life to do sport and keep myself healthy and I’ve taken seriously on my life, because like Zuzka said in her post, if you aren’t capable to manage the time for yourself, How could you manage your daily tasks, right?? Just I wanted to say, I love to see how people commit to health and wellness, always I’m learning different techniques and small things that could help me to improve either in sport or food.
      That’s why I’m happy with zuzkalight challenge because I’ve been following her long time and her style is true, there is not just a brand behind.
      Btw, I am from Santiago de Chile as well, but now I am living in SYD, Australia and that means I’m in the opposite side about the time, so I can’t be on the accountability sessions. If is not asking too much I would love if Zuzka change the time a bit later, so that way I can participate 😉 (I know I’m not the only one that have the same problem probably)

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        Private Member  | 
        santiago, chile

        Hello, Nathaly! Nice to read your message, greetings from Santiago 🙂 It’s SO important to commit to your own health as a priority in life. Zuzka and ZGYM are very helpful and supportive in this healthy lifestyle path. I’ve been out of the ZGYM for several weeks because we are finally out of quarantine after months here in Santiago. So my family and I have been prioritizing running, walking, tennis and exercising outdoors. The most important thing? CONSISTENCY as a key habit. A big virtual hug!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You know what??? Just knowing the foods you should eat everyday is a plus!!! But actually sticking to it, is like you said, a discipline!!! Thank you for being such a good influence!!! Now, I am going to do your stretch and tone Wednesday workout!!!

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