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Ann's Transformation with Z-Shred Meal Plan

Blog | May 29, 2018


I have been using your workouts since 2010. As I have gotten older I have noticed that just working out hasn’t given me the same results it used to. I no longer can eat whatever I want and get away with maintaining my weight and figure. This winter I decided to use your ZShred 8 week meal plan and I have been AMAZED at how easy it was to change my dietary habits! I have a terrible sweet tooth and live for junk food. I was apprehensive that the meal plan wouldn’t satiate that desire for sweets, but I was worried for no reason! Every meal was delicious and even the fasting days got easier with each week! In 8 weeks I lost 14lbs and at least a half inch on each measurement, but more than that I lost the desire to binge on chocolate and baked goods! I actually think about sweets and am not interested. THAT is huge for me.

Thank you so much for your daily workouts and recipes. I love everything about your website! You have been my fitspo for over 8 years!!!! <3 And with this shift in my diet, thanks to the 8 week ZShred meal plan, I finally feel like I’m capable of meeting my fitness goals!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    buenos aires, buenos aires, argentina

    Way to go Ann!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Awesome job! And, way to stick with it!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    First of all great job!

    Zuzka, hello. I have been doing your workouts for about 1. 5 year now and have begun gaining weight. The heaviest I have ever been….at this point having gained 6-7 lbs. I was too tiny at 112 and Im 5’4”…now sitting at around 118-119. I feel the best I have ever felt, but the weight has made me have to increase the sizing of my clothing. Is this common? I follow a paleo diet as I have ulcerative colitis, but do cheat 😵 (I am human). Just want to make sure I am doing right. Please help!

    Thank you

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    I discovered you and your workouts back in that day when you were with Freddy and did them religiously. I am 49 now and still workout .. I lift and do HIIT. I have muscle still but notice there’s a layer of fat over it all.. I’m very frustrated at this point.. need some advice on how to slim about 10 lbs off and have that muscle show more in depth..
    thank you.


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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi Amy, have you tried my Z-Shred Meal Plan? If you’re doing high intensity workouts already, then the problem is definitely in your diet. It needs to be cleaned up. For fat loss the Z-Shred and Keto Meal Plans are absolutely amazing. If you’re new to low carb eating, then I recommend you to start with Z-Shred because it’s less restrictive but you still get the fat burning benefits.

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