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Beating the Sugar Beast On Keto

Nutrition | September 11, 2018

Congratulations! You’re finally on the path to keto. Clear skin, stable moods, and sustaining energy are in your future. But suddenly, it hits you. That old enemy you swore you’d never give in to.


Trust me, I know what it’s like to deal with addictions. I’ve gone through it and understand how challenging it must be for someone to overcome.

When I wrote about my experience with keto, I wasn’t exaggerating when I basically called sugar an addiction. Some may argue that sugar is nowhere near as harmful as substances like cigarettes and drugs and alcohol. But for some people, it can be. If your body is so accustomed to having sugar, it’s going to rebel once you stop consuming it. Headaches, moodiness, anxiety- all of these things happen when people go off addictive substances, and a simple internet search can lead you to people talking about going through the exact thing with sugar. So while it may not be on the same level as those things, it can make life a living hell in the first few weeks.

Which is why I believe keto is an effective sugar detox.

In order to break free of the addiction, you’re going to have to face the withdrawal head-on and understand that you’re going to make it out ok. The sugar has no power over you; you’re stronger than it.

However, there are ways to tame the Sugar Beast. Use this as your go-to “cheat sheet” for handling sudden cravings.

  1. Look to Nature Have a small serving of low-sugar fruits, like berries
  2. Make It Keto- Try making your favorite desserts with keto-friendly ingredients; I’ve got plenty of low-carb dessert recipes on the site.
  3. Go Against Taste- Instead of having something sweet (even if it is keto-approved) retrain your taste buds to crave something savory. Have a handful of salted nuts or slice open an avocado. Eat leftovers. Get creative and rebel against sweetness!
  4. Stay Hydrated- Sometimes people mistake hunger for thirst. Check yourself whenever the temptations draw near. Have you had enough water today? Are you becoming dehydrated? A comforting, satisfying drink to consume in this case would be bone broth; it’s full of water and minerals to keep you hydrated and nourished.
  5. Explore the Desire- Take some time to figure out what’s behind your cravings. Is it masking a deeper issue? Find a way to center yourself and figure out why you need to have something sweet. You can meditate, journal, or talk to a friend to get a sense of clarity.
  6. Remember Your WHY- Don’t forget the reason you started keto in the first place! Pat yourself on the back for doing something that most people wouldn’t even bother to try (except you)! Think about all the positives that come out from going keto. Focus on the bigger picture here, and continue on. You’re going to make it.
  7. Find Support- Do you have someone who supports your goals? If so, give them a call. He or she might be able to help you beat the Sugar Beast once and for all. Today, we’re all grateful to have access to the Internet, which allows us to connect with so many different people. There are plenty of keto support groups online that can help you to see to the end of this spell. (If you need a good pep talk from yours truly, read my article on Ditching Sugar!) 
  8. Detach- Maybe instead of over-thinking sugar you should find a way to grow detached. Step outside for some fresh air, and take a deep breath. Be out in nature and find a way to focus on more important things- like your well-being. Connect with friends and family. Do something fun- bowling, hiking, watching movies or reading a good book. Remember that you’ve got your whole life ahead of you, and this is just a temporary experience.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I beat my sugar cravings on Keto with erythritol and 99% dark chocolate. And after a few weeks I felt as if my taste buds had reprogrammed anyway.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ft. lauderdale, fl, usa

    My go to is black coffee with heavy cream. No sweetener though. It works great!

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