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Grocery Shopping for Weight Loss

Nutrition | August 11, 2015

Hi guys,

I wanted to bring you guys along with me on a recent trip to the grocery store (one of my favorite places to go on almost a daily basis) and share some tips on how to maintain healthy habits and promote weight loss.

Tips for healthy grocery store habits:

Take a list with you – Having a list keeps you on track, helps you stay focused and only get what you need. Meal planning and making lists for the week helps you be organized and save time and money.

Don’t go hungry! – When you’re hungry sometimes your eyes are bigger than you belly.  You could end up getting extra stuff that you shouldn’t have stored in your kitchen. Also, if you’re hungry right then and there you’re more likely to get stuff that is quick and easy and not always the healthiest.

Use a basket not a cart (if you can help it) – Using a basket keeps you moving in the store and not lingering through the aisles, it also helps to avoid putting any unnecessary items in there because you’ll think twice before adding more weight to your basket.  Bonus benefit – you can work on your bicep curls while waiting for check-out 😉 haha

Shop the perimeter of the store first – The healthiest items in a grocery store are kept around the outside of the store (produce, dairy, deli, etc.) and the processed foods are kept in the aisles of the store.  If you fill your basket with clean food first you’re less likely to pile on any unnecessary calories.

Avoid “healthy” snacks – If you have a lot of weight to lose and are serious about weightloss, I suggest you avoid those pre-packaged,”low-calorie” or “no sugar added” snacks.  You just don’t need them.  Having more veggies and fruits in your house or snacks that take a little preparation or thought before indulging will help you avoid mindless snacking and emotional eating.  A lot of times these so-called healthy snacks aren’t even very filling, so your also more likely to binge and take in unnecessary calories.

Make grocery shopping a priority! – It’s best to have a scheduled routine for grocery shopping – make time to do it twice a week if possible (if not, at least do it every week).  Clean foods that are healthiest are most often the foods with the shortest shelf life so shopping on a regular basis keeps the food in your home fresh, keeps you consistent and mindful of the stuff your putting in your body AND if you go frequently then each trip can be short and sweet and less stressful. Also, it’s not always possible with people’s busy schedule but, if you can avoid going during peak times then you’ll spend less time in line staring at the junk candy!

Trust your butcher – finally, one more personal tip I wanted to share is to be mindful of where your meat and fish come from.  I like to get stuff from a farmer’s market or a specialty butcher that puts pride and care into their products.  Just to make sure they don’t have any antibiotics, GMOs, they’re fresh and not previously frozen for 6 months to a year, things like that.


Are there any additional tips you guys have personally benefitted from, or is there anything you think I missed?  Share you thoughts with the community 🙂


If you need more nutrition advice or healthy recipes (like some delicious, in-season, peach salad recipes) check out my Nutrition Page.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    All of these are great tips! Being a student, I don’t even see how people go to the grocery store without a list. Or any store. I make my lists before even leaving. Either you will forget something, get things you don’t need or shouldn’t consume, or both…Plus then you wander around the store and end up being in people’s way while trying to figure out what next to grab. Unless you buy the same things over and over….

    I would add these suggestions that worked for me:

    1) CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box. I know that not everyone has the privilege of having local CSAs. But if you do, it is a good idea to sign up. I have an account with Farm Fresh To You. Very inexpensive, only $33 for the “all veggie” box, but you can choose other types of boxes at different prices. Every week I receive a box on my doorstep full of fresh, organic produce. They even drop it off in between 12 am and 8 am to maintain the freshness as much as possible. You can choose what you recieve in the box by “customizing” your box online. So every week I have a box delivered, full of greens and veggies, herbs, and sometimes I’ll throw in something else special like mushrooms. It’s so fun because every week there might be something special available, like sometimes there is okra. It all depends on what’s actually being grown! So you are truly eating with the season! Again, I’m lucky because I live in Central California….:) 🙂 🙂

    I like that this leaves me with less shopping trips, so that my “list” is shorter and I spend less time in there–time that could result in putting more crap into my basket.

    Also it pressures me to use up my veggies before the next box comes, because I can’t fit it all in my little fridge.

    2)Shop with a healthy friend- Doing this seems to keep my shopping habits in check, with the whole embarrassment factor. 🙂 I tend to not make stupid purchases when shopping with a HEALTHY friend. Mind you, healthy. Because other types of friends might have the opposite influence.

    3)Give yourself a time limit. Or make grocery shopping a part of a set of errands you want to get done. Knowing you have other important things to get done, maybe you’ll spend less time in the grocery, and it keeps you on point.

    4) If you spend more than about 3 seconds reading a label, then forget it. I mean, there are many exceptions to this, I’m sure. But really, you don’t need to buy food that has a lot of ingredients. Even in “natural”, “healthy” or “organic” (whatever) packaged/prepared/processed foods there are almost always forms of sugar (even juice concentrates) and/or palm oil, canola oil, soy oil and other not-so-great oils, excessive amounts of salt, etc.

    Most good food doesn’t need an ingredients label. 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for the great tips! 😀 I am definitely going to try shopping with the basket. Great idea. 😀

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