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Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan

Health | January 03, 2018

Here’s a short version of the Shred & Glow Overview video. When you purchase the program, make sure to watch the full version to get additional tips and information on how to follow this Meal Plan.

People often ask me how I’m able to stay so lean and continue improving my fitness with only 15 to 20 minute-long workouts. My ZGYM members, who have already experienced the benefits of my workouts, can testify that it is possible to get fit and strong with short, high intensity workouts- provided you stay consistent.

But what about those abs and lean legs? Is it possible to see more definition just from doing daily, short exercise?
The answer is NO. You can’t, I can’t, nobody can. The key to a leaner body composition is in your kitchen.

This meal plan represents the latest changes I’ve made to my own diet after becoming a certified holistic health coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the world, and completing a Plant Based Nutrition Certification by T. Collin Campbell online at Cornell University (eCornell). While what I’ve learned from books, research, and nutrition specialists was very important to get me on the right path, it’s my personal experience that makes this meal plan a truly unique and practical guide.

The Shred & Glow Meal Plan can help you to achieve your goal to get leaner and healthier while adopting a lifestyle that will also help to slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity, and boost both your energy and immune system.

What you’ll get with this Program is an 8 Week Meal Plan full of delicious recipes for each and every day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks that will support your health and fat loss efforts. There are over 70 recipes featured in this program and over 40 of them are brand new! You will also receive 2 month ZGYM™ Membership Coupon (which you can use whenever you’re ready), Stock Up your Kitchen Shopping List and Weekly Printable Shopping Lists. You will also gain access to the 52 Page Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan PDF Hand Book which is full of valuable information including:

  • Health Benefits of Plant Based Diet
  • Moderate Intermittent Fasting in S&G
  • Green Smoothie Detox Days
  • All About Protein
  • All About vitamin B12
  • Seven Important Nutrients for Vegans
  • All About Dairy
  • Hunger Game Technique
  • Mindfulness Eating Habits
  • Healthy Snacks & Beverages
  • Latest research in nutrition science
  • Basic cooking techniques
  • Kitchen make over
  • Motivational techniques
  • How to take measurements & track progress

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m going to still be breastfeeding when I start this meal plan. Do you feel any additional food is needed to support milk production while on this plan?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      There a lot of galactagogues in this meal plan including sweet potato, spinach, oats, garlic, asparagus, brown rice, salmon, almonds or chickpeas however you should absolutely consult your doctor about it and especially the Intermittent fasting and Green Smoothie Detox Days – because that may or may not be good for breastfeeding. I imagine that cutting down on calories when breastfeeding is probably not a good idea. You might get all the nutrients from smoothies but you should increase the calories and add some more milk producing ingredients to your smoothies such as oats, almonds, and healthy fats such as avocados.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m curious to know if substitutions can be made in some ways regarding pantry/fridge space or cost-wise for some people and how that would nutritionally affect them. IE: a kale salad. Instead of kale, sub with another dark leafy green like spinach. Would that be considered acceptable or would you be severely missing out on a vital nutrient without that specific ingredient? Is the plan open to some changes like that or is it a very “set in stone” type of thing?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      If we’re talking leafy greens, then it can be pretty flexible. It can be also flexible in terms of healthy whole grains or pseudo grains (quinoa, buckwheat, etc.). I’ve really tried my best to make this meal plan cost effective, but I’m sure you can make additional adjustments without compromising the nutritional benefits. I’m also actively replying to comments so if you’d have any questions, I’d be happy to advise.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Yes, I’ve noticed that! I’m quite impressed with how quickly you answer the questions here 😀 Thank you for that. I think given that you have clearly labeled what types of food are which it shouldn’t be too hard to swap a thing out or two if needed but hilariously a good half of the “stock your kitchen” and the first week of the meal plan I already have in my own home. Looking forward to this! <3

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, I’ve been asking this question for a while now but haven’t got an answer. I purchased your EFA supplements and did not realize it has gelatin. Is the gelatin Marine based? What is the source of gelatin used in your EFA?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’m sorry I must have missed it somehow. From my understanding the formula we came up with is all marine based including the gelatin, but if you’re asking because you have an allergy to a particular type of gelatin, then I would suggest to stay away from anything that contains gelatin. You can send the pills back to us. Jesse is allergic to shellfish and he won’t go anywhere near anything (including fish oil) that might trigger his allergic reaction. Better safe than sorry.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you so much. No, I’m not allergic. I dont eat cows or pig so wanted to make sure. Thank you!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, im happy that you have available this plan, cause im trying to eat vegan since month ago.

    I just want to ask you, if you should also in “NUTRITION” part of website divide meals to vegan (or plant based) ? i mean, there is now “breakfast”, “desserts”, “lunch”, “dinner” etc. It would be so helpful to have this part there.

    Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      We’re in the process of re-organizing the nutrition / recipe category and this is one of the things on our list actually 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi! I did have exactly the same problem yesterday trying to apply my coupon to the membership! It says that is not valid for subscription. I did try to apply it in many ways, like gift card etc but nothing. Then I had to run to work and I was thinking to try again today but the same problem plus the coupon seems to be expired? 😐 Help?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Here are the directions on how to use your coupon: https://zuzkalight.com/support/#qmealplan_coupon_use
      The coupons expire in 2019 (one year from now)
      If you have any questions contact support@zuzkalight.com and my team will help you with that.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you! 😊❤

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    québec, canada

    Hi Zuzka!
    My comment is not related to the meal plan.
    However, I wanted to say that I love the new shortcut to the workouts by series title! I really appreciate all the modifications you do on the website to keep it easy to navigate and follow! Have a wonderful year 2018. You sure look younger and younger!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,

    Finally this arrived. So excited. Just wanted to ask you if I can substitute acorn squash. I haven’t seen it in the shops in Australia and also I don’t like grapes and what could I have instead of couscous? I would like to purchase this meal plan but not sure if I can substitute those things. Oh and if I do for example 3 x HIIT for 50 min a week and some yoga and walking is this plan right for me? I want to build muscle and lose fat.



    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      You can substitute the acorn squash for sweet potato. You can swap grapes for any other fruit like apples or strawberries for example. You can swap couscous for another healthy grain such as quinoa, brown rice or amaranth. I you’re following a different workout plan than we do in the ZGYM, than shame on you… just kidding 🙂 you can totally do your HIIT training just make sure you leave your easy yoga workouts for the intermittent fasting / greed detox days.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Great, thanks for that. Well to be honest I do follow Lisa from bodyrock but now I find her workouts far too long and I thought I would try yours coz you look great. Just have to get my head that 15-20min a day is enough. Is it really enough? I find doing hiit for 45-60min is quite exhausting and I have no time at the moment. Your workouts look brutal too 😉 I signed up for zgym but realized I have no smart phone or ipad to play them on. Is there a way I can save them on usb and play on tv instead?


        P.S. sorry I follow bodyrock…It was such a great idea….your idea!

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          Oh please don’t even worry about it 🙂 And yes, my short workouts really are enough. The idea is that you give it your all for 15-20 minutes so that you don’t have to do a longer workout. If you’re in better shape than me, you just have to use heavier weights that challenge you, or you can push yourself to complete the workout faster or do more reps. I really push myself through the workouts so I don’t need to do two a day, unless I want to focus on flexibility, then I would do Stretch & Tone or Power Yoga which is fine. Doing long workouts or two high intensity workouts a day can be counter productive and not sustainable. We do not offer digital downloads at this time, you’ll need internet connection. I’m pretty sure you can log in to ZGYM from a Smart Tv.

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Hahaha I am definitely not fitter than you 😉 You should see my stomach 😉 Nothing like yours. I purchased your plant base meal plan yesterday. Was going through my wardrobe and got angry coz there are so many clothes I with to wear but not with my stomach hanging out. I am quite excited to start it. I just hope i can stick to it. How can I access it? Tried to look on your site but couldn’t see how to get in. Thanks


  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    airdrie, ab, canada

    Hi Zuzka! I just purchased this meal plan and am excited to start it soon!

    I’m just curious as to why you have adapted a plant based meal plan. I remember you had tried a vegetarian meal plan for 30 days and determined it was not for you. What made you change your mind?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      airdrie, ab, canada

      I started reading the pdf booklet and it has answered this question. It all makes sense now.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m sorry if this has already been answered but my husband is on the way to the store with the shopping list and I was hoping for a quick answer.
    Is the shopping list quantities for only one persons week of food? If my husband wants to participate do I need to double all the quantities?
    Thanks in advance!!!!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      salem, or, usa

      I believe the meal plans are designed for 1 Person. When I tried the ZShred meal plan before I had to double everything to make enough for both my hubby and I and still have the right number of servings for the rest of the week. We each shared a little bit of our servings with my 5 yr old, so that it worked for the whole family. But if you have children as well you may need to adjust the supplies and servings even more.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It’s designed for one person. If your husband is a big guy, then he might have to double up the portions, but you can have him try it first. The portions are quite large to accommodate most people, so you will most likely not finish your portions and he can then have his portion and your leftovers 🙂

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am not vegan/vegetarian currently but I think I want to try this! One question: my husband has colitis and so we have to avoid inflammatory foods. Does anyone know if this plan relies heavily on quinoa and legumes for protein? I can adapt recipes or soak/sprout to make things easier to digest but if beans and quinoa are a really big part of this diet plan it might not make sense. I am trying to decide between this and the other meal plan. Can anyone who has bought this plan help me?

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