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Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan

Health | January 03, 2018

Here’s a short version of the Shred & Glow Overview video. When you purchase the program, make sure to watch the full version to get additional tips and information on how to follow this Meal Plan.

People often ask me how I’m able to stay so lean and continue improving my fitness with only 15 to 20 minute-long workouts. My ZGYM members, who have already experienced the benefits of my workouts, can testify that it is possible to get fit and strong with short, high intensity workouts- provided you stay consistent.

But what about those abs and lean legs? Is it possible to see more definition just from doing daily, short exercise?
The answer is NO. You can’t, I can’t, nobody can. The key to a leaner body composition is in your kitchen.

This meal plan represents the latest changes I’ve made to my own diet after becoming a certified holistic health coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the world, and completing a Plant Based Nutrition Certification by T. Collin Campbell online at Cornell University (eCornell). While what I’ve learned from books, research, and nutrition specialists was very important to get me on the right path, it’s my personal experience that makes this meal plan a truly unique and practical guide.

The Shred & Glow Meal Plan can help you to achieve your goal to get leaner and healthier while adopting a lifestyle that will also help to slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity, and boost both your energy and immune system.

What you’ll get with this Program is an 8 Week Meal Plan full of delicious recipes for each and every day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks that will support your health and fat loss efforts. There are over 70 recipes featured in this program and over 40 of them are brand new! You will also receive 2 month ZGYM™ Membership Coupon (which you can use whenever you’re ready), Stock Up your Kitchen Shopping List and Weekly Printable Shopping Lists. You will also gain access to the 52 Page Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan PDF Hand Book which is full of valuable information including:

  • Health Benefits of Plant Based Diet
  • Moderate Intermittent Fasting in S&G
  • Green Smoothie Detox Days
  • All About Protein
  • All About vitamin B12
  • Seven Important Nutrients for Vegans
  • All About Dairy
  • Hunger Game Technique
  • Mindfulness Eating Habits
  • Healthy Snacks & Beverages
  • Latest research in nutrition science
  • Basic cooking techniques
  • Kitchen make over
  • Motivational techniques
  • How to take measurements & track progress

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’ve been thinking about ordering this food plan but also taking the ecornell plant based course..did you like the course? Would you recommend it?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It’s not exactly fun or engaging course. It’s really dry and quite biased but if you can ignore that, you can learn some interesting things along the way that are worth the time and money.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you! Did you feel that way about the holistic nutrition course at intergrative nutrition? That also looks very interesting to me and was wondering if worth the money

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Would you recommend the holistic nutrition course at integrative nutrition?

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Is the plan gluten free and are the meals quick to make suitable for a couple as I would do this with my husband. Also I’m allergic to nightshades so high is it in those.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I have been considering joining ZGYM for awhile, but I live in a small apartment that is not conducive to working out for both noise and space reasons. I belong to 2 gyms though, one of them is Anytime Fitness which has 24 hour access through passkey and a suitable wood-floored aerobics room to use. How would I do the workouts? Do I have to bring in some of my own equipment that my gym may not have? Would I follow along on my iPhone, using Bluetooth headset? These issues are the main reason I haven’t joined yet, so I’m curious how others who cannot exercise at home do it.
    Also where can I see before & after pics of women who have been following Zuzka’s routines & nutrition plans for a long time? Can you really put on the kind of muscle she has without doing traditional weight lifting?? I want to look like her, but I have my doubts about that part…. thank you!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I use a basic equipment that every gym should have and you can do your workout at a gym. I think there are some members here that do ZGYM workouts at a gym. You will need internet access. When it comes to before & after pictures, I have only a few as I have not been really focusing on collecting or asking for those as many other fitness sites do. I guess I should start 🙂 honestly you’re the first person who ever asked for before and afters.. here’s one of my favorites: https://zuzkalight.com/blog/before-and-after-kristinas-progress-after-45-days-of-zgym/

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    mexico, mexico

    I’m so happy this meal plan is ready! I’m going to start it tomorrow and I’m so excited. Thanks a lot and happy new year!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am wondering if all of the Shred and Glow information is printable. Can you print recipes along with all of the other information?

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, 1st let me say I’ve been watching you off and on for some years and love your spirit!!!! I’m looking to purchase one of your meal plans. I’m what you would call a flexitarian (I didn’t even know that this is what you call it until I read your description). Okay, I eat meat & fish more like 3 times a week. I believe that you said this plan only allows meat/fish once a week, correct? Can I add more meat/fish in this plan? Could I purchase both plans and jump between the two? What’s your recommendation? Thanks.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I would say stick to the Shred & Glow since it’s more of your approach and it’s working for you, right? Unless it’s not and you want to try something else, then I would recommend the Z-Shred Meal Plan. You can add more meat to the Shred & Glow if you wish. Just make sure you read the PDF handbook especially the part about healthy eating habits. The portions in the meal plan are big but your goal is to eat slowly, mindfully and recognize when you’re 80% full. In other words, learn how to stop yourself before you eat too much. If you keep that in mind, then you can add more meat, knowing that you might end up with more leftovers. Share them with your family or freeze them if possible for later months when the meal plan is over.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This looks like a great plan. I.m curious this plan vs the Z shred plan? I’m interested in both! Need to lose about 10 lbs & tone up a lot!!!!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    bucaramanga, colombia

    Hi Z!!! I´m very interested on it, but you recommended this when you are breast feeding a baby? I think is the best form to get all the nutrients that my baby and I need, but I want your advice for this. I´m a ZGym memmber for 2 years ago. I appreciate your answer… Tks a lot… love u!!!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Please advise where I access the content for the meal plan and off. I can’t find an active link to access them. I have confirmation that the charge went through.

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