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Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan

Health | January 03, 2018

Here’s a short version of the Shred & Glow Overview video. When you purchase the program, make sure to watch the full version to get additional tips and information on how to follow this Meal Plan.

People often ask me how I’m able to stay so lean and continue improving my fitness with only 15 to 20 minute-long workouts. My ZGYM members, who have already experienced the benefits of my workouts, can testify that it is possible to get fit and strong with short, high intensity workouts- provided you stay consistent.

But what about those abs and lean legs? Is it possible to see more definition just from doing daily, short exercise?
The answer is NO. You can’t, I can’t, nobody can. The key to a leaner body composition is in your kitchen.

This meal plan represents the latest changes I’ve made to my own diet after becoming a certified holistic health coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the world, and completing a Plant Based Nutrition Certification by T. Collin Campbell online at Cornell University (eCornell). While what I’ve learned from books, research, and nutrition specialists was very important to get me on the right path, it’s my personal experience that makes this meal plan a truly unique and practical guide.

The Shred & Glow Meal Plan can help you to achieve your goal to get leaner and healthier while adopting a lifestyle that will also help to slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity, and boost both your energy and immune system.

What you’ll get with this Program is an 8 Week Meal Plan full of delicious recipes for each and every day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks that will support your health and fat loss efforts. There are over 70 recipes featured in this program and over 40 of them are brand new! You will also receive 2 month ZGYM™ Membership Coupon (which you can use whenever you’re ready), Stock Up your Kitchen Shopping List and Weekly Printable Shopping Lists. You will also gain access to the 52 Page Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan PDF Hand Book which is full of valuable information including:

  • Health Benefits of Plant Based Diet
  • Moderate Intermittent Fasting in S&G
  • Green Smoothie Detox Days
  • All About Protein
  • All About vitamin B12
  • Seven Important Nutrients for Vegans
  • All About Dairy
  • Hunger Game Technique
  • Mindfulness Eating Habits
  • Healthy Snacks & Beverages
  • Latest research in nutrition science
  • Basic cooking techniques
  • Kitchen make over
  • Motivational techniques
  • How to take measurements & track progress

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    HELP, I ordered the shred and glow plant based meal plan and received content for the other one! I am a vegetarian and have no use for the animal based one. Please correct this and send me the content for vegetarian meal plan. Please confirm this is taken care of. Thank you.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      This happened to me as well and i’m not receiving any information back from support. Did you ever get this resolved?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi, I am still expecting to get access for the super food plan instead for the plant based.
    Thank you

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I wouldn’t know.. Have you send an email to my customer support team at support@zuzkalight.com? They will help you with any issue you might have.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am considering purchasing the plant based meal plan. I have a very unpredictable work schedule and can be called to be somewhere within 30 minutes and shift can last for 12 hours or more. Does anyone who is following this plan have any tips as far as my ability to be able to follow this plan?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      rome, me, usa

      I make the next day’s breakfast and lunch the night before (except the smoothies) and this has not been too difficult for me. Well, except motivating to cook in the evening. 🙂 Breakfast are often smoothie based or like an oatmeal type porridge. Lunches are often the second half of dinner or are a salad but they do sometimes require some cooking prep (like roasting veg say). Hope that helps.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thanks for your reply and your tips. I did purchase the plan and I am really enjoying the meals. My work schedule does make it challenging at times but I am glad that I am following the plan. Hope you are enjoying the meals and the plan as well.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    yilan city, taiwan, taiwan

    I am considering purchasing the plant based meal plan, but have some questions. I live in Asia and have been advised by my nutritionist/ homeopath in the States to avoid soy (I was a vegetarian for 17 years and had an underactive thyroid after I gave birth, due to the soy which raised my estrogen too much,) Is there very much soy in this diet? Also, it is difficult for me to get specialized kinds of gluten-free flours, like almond, barley, amaranth, (but I can get the amaranth and quinoa grain and barley noodles.) There isn’t a Whole Foods here, its a matter of hopping around different healthfood shops and markets and seeing what they have that week. Did Zuzka post the shopping food list, because I think she did for her first diet? Thanks all.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      rome, me, usa

      There is not much in the way of flours but there is a lot of out of the way grains: amaranth, farrow, buckwheat groats, brown rice noodles, couscous, Matcha tea powder, Maca Powder, chia seeds, a lot of nuts and seeds. I did not do the vegan style but on the plant based style -I am on week 6 -and there has been no soy so far, IIRC. You can get most stuff on line. Can you shop at Amazon? Hope that helps!

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        yilan city, taiwan, taiwan

        Thanks for your helpful reply! I definitely can get brown rice noodles, couscous, Matcha, nuts and seeds and amaranth here in the stores. Amazon did start shipping to Taiwan and so does iHerb, but they just changed the import tax of health food items and its outrageous, more expensive and they limit # of purchases a year, so I have to try and find locally. Because of your reply, I will order this diet plan next paycheck! Many thanks!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    jersey city

    Can anyone who has the shred and glow plant based plan tell me if there is lots of onion and garlic in the recipes ? I’m vegan but also have to follow a FODMAP diet due to IBS and would need to substitute a lots of the veg and I can’t tolerate onion and garlic? would love to know before i purchase 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Yes there is a lot of onion and garlic used in the recipes.

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        Private Member  | 
        jersey city

        Thanks for replying 🙂

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m curious if my husband wanted to do the super food meal plan with me, how much would I need to increase the portion sizes for him?

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      Private Member  | 
      rome, me, usa

      Just my experience, but the portions are quite big and my husband and I split one serving for the most part. Not the smoothies but the other meals. The first week I doubled it and after that I just made for one. If that helps. I probably eat 1/2 or less than 1/2 a serving if he doesn’t eat w/ me. And i am not a bird eater. I can EAT. 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I struggle with ‘meal plans’ as I don’t like a lot of foods that are outside the normal fruits and veggies that you find in a regulate supermarket. I also do not eat seafood. Are there lots of seafood recipes?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      No, I did not include any seafood except for an occasional fish every other week.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    im ready to buy but i’m vegan and do not eat tofu very much (and do not want to eat it daily or even weekly) , what are your protein sources in this meal plan?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Already answered you I think twice 🙂

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thanks! I asked in a few different places. Looks like it may be something I try starting Monday

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        Private Member  | 

        I somehow received the Z-Shred Plan and I bought the Plant based plan. How do I get the plant based plan. I’m vegan

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I somehow purchased the incorrect plan. I’m vegan and received the z-shred. Ive emailed support 3 times and received no response. I cannot use this plan. I do have a monthly subscription for the 9.99 work out and love it, however, if I do not get the support I need to continue a plan that is effective for me and you choose not to answer my request, I will use take the coupon given with Z-shred and use it for the next 2 months and just cancel.

    I’m sure this was my error, however, will never use that plan and really would like some kind of communication.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    heřmanice, Česká republika

    Ahoj Zuzko, je Shred & Glow Meal Plan vhodný i pro kojící ženu? Jak často je zařazeno přerušované hladovění a Green detox day a může toto ohrozit tvorbu mléka? Díky za odpověď, Zdenka 🙂

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