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Apple Cinnamon Muffins (FM)

Recipes | January 05, 2015

If you enjoy sweet breakfast as much as I do, you may want to try these delicious muffins. I grew up on sweet breakfasts, so that’s where my addiction comes from. I have a terribly sweet tooth, and a complete aversion to sugar at the same time. It’s a classic love-hate relationship. I love finding or coming up with recipes that are low in carbs, yet sweet and satisfying.


*Makes 10 Muffins

2 cups almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup grape seed oil or grass fed melted butter
1/4 cup erythritol (natural sweetener)
1/4 cup Choc Zero Maple Syrup (This is optional. You can use more erythritol instead)
1 peeled, cored, and diced apple
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 large egg


1. Preheat oven to 350F degree.

2. Whisk all the wet ingredients together in a medium bowl.

3. Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and then add the wet mixture. Mix well into a batter.

4. Fold in the diced apple.

5. Line at least 10 muffin cups and fill them half way with the batter.

6. Bake the muffins for 30 – 35 minutes, until the tops turn golden brown and a tooth pick or a bamboo stick inserted into the middle of the muffin comes out clean. Let them cool down for 30 minutes and then serve.________________________________

I can eat this dessert at anytime of the day regardless of my workout, but I still watch my portions, so it’s not like I would eat 5 muffins for breakfast just because it’s FM. Eating big portions of these type of foods and training the way I do wouldn’t cause me to gain fat, but I would gain muscle mass, and turn into a bouncer, which is not what I’m aiming for πŸ™‚

Macros Per Muffin:
Calories:Β 224.2
Carbs:Β 13.8 g
Net Carbs:Β 10.4 g
Fat:Β 17.2 g
Protein:Β 5.3 g

This will vary depending on whether or not you choose to use the agave nectar.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    Thank youZuzka- great recipe. I’m making them tomorrow πŸ™‚
    BTW- interesting thing about fat/muscle mass- how do you know you’d gain muscles, not fat?
    Thank you in advance πŸ™‚
    XOXO, Magda

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’m glad you asked. It’s easy to stay lean if you control your carb intake and workout at a high intensity. My workouts are all about boosting metabolism and building muscles. Could I gain fat while doing my workouts and staying consistent with my training? At my level of fitness it would take a lot of carb/sugar loaded foods but it’s very much possible. I would get bulky at first. If I stopped working out and just ate a lot of food, I would gain weight in the form of fat. For someone who just started working out with me, and wants to get lean, controlled carb diet is way to go.

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        Private Member  | 

        Zuzka, I would love it if you did a blog series about the different types of macronutrient for different fitness goals. For instance, someone just starting out with your program; wanting to loose weight & gain muscle vs. someone like me who has been doing your program for 3 yrs now & is lean but wants to gain more muscle & definition. I’m learning about it myself reading a ton on the internet & in books…it’s so fascinating. I had found myself at a plateau with your program. Not gaining muscle, not loosing fat. From what I read I need to keep my carbs higher than I had previously thought as well as increase my good fats & lower the protein a little. Also, I know fiber plays a role as well. I would just like to hear your thoughts on that. For a point of reference I’m 5 ft & about 6 weeks ago I decided to change my diet to what I described above & have gone from a lean (almost too skinny) 94.5lbs to 101.5lbs today. I do your workouts daily. Thanks for taking the time to reply to everyone you can & I understand if you don’t have time to reply to me. Your program & personality is amazing & my husband & I love your workouts!

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          HI Alli, that’s strange, what workouts do you do? You’re not a ZGYM member. Maybe you should join to break the plateau. I am strongly against high carb diet as you may know already. It’s not a good diet for overall health as every carb turns into sugar as soon as it enters the body. That leads to insulin spikes, causing all kinds of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, tooth cavities,mood swings, skin problems, etc. Sure you can be skinny and even lean on a high carb diet, since everyone of us burns carbs differently, but you can also be skinny and have diabetes which is not worth it at all. I’ve been talking to my friend vegetarian recently who’s skinny 35 years old and has been diagnosed with diabetes. She just doesn’t get it. People think that cutting out meat and eating tons of fruit and “healthy grains” is good for them, but the truth is that carbs and fiber can be easily obtained from veggies, and even proteins are converted into carbs in our body if we really need them, but in a slower pace. Controlling your carb intake will keep you lean, but most importantly healthy. I suggest increasing your protein intake over carbs and try eating more often (every 2-4 hours) if your goal is to gain muscle mass.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    just right after finishing the Kettlebell Workout #3 this morning I found this recipe- guess it was my breakfast hunger leading me to this

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    Thank you Zuzka! It’s great piece of advice. I ditched sugar completely about 3 weeks before Christmas and I really started noticing first results- firstly, my complexion is waaay better than it used to be. I’m energetic, stronger, I just feel better!
    I’d never do that if it wasn’t for you, as I’ve always been a big fat sugar eater πŸ˜€ I couldn’t imagine my life without ice cream for example. I would eat it every single day. Now I don’t and I finally see my abs muscles. I follow your recipes, your workouts and I couldn’t feel better πŸ™‚ Thank you for that.

    PS: I’ve got a great, low carb ice creaam recipe, which I highly recommend. Maybe you, Zuz and other guys want to try it:
    I warm up 2 cans of coconut milk, with vanilla pod and 1/2 cup of erythrol. Then I’m adding homemade peanut butter (about 3/4 cup). When it cools down, I add 1/2 cup of rice or almond milk to the batter and one shot of vodka- it prevents freezing. I mix everything in a blender and put into a freezer. They’re delicious and creamy- yummmmm πŸ™‚

    PS2: thank you for adding ‘see reply’ mode- it makes it so much easier to navigate your site.!
    XOXO, Magda

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      Private Member  | 

      You can’t imagine life without ice cream so you make your own… brilliant idea! I need to order erythritol and I’m gonna try your recipy, I love coconut milk and I always have in the fridge my homemade peanut butter:) btw I’ve learned how to live without all kind of processed sweets, I just make my healthy versions at home, and I’m fine. I love eating all Zuzka’s treats, one of my fav are QUICK POST AND PRE WORKOUT SNACKS. They are soooo delicious, I don’t need more than 2 balls with my coffee and I am in heaven. I’m glad you are on the right track Magda, hope one day we’re gonna see those abs haha take care:)

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      melbourne, australia

      Yes, the treats that are made of such good and healthy things are way better. In my country, for example, -I live in Belarus – it is a real challenge to find such things as coconut or almond flour or stevia even!! But I do my best)

      One more thing that I use, I usually eat all week long right food and make good choices and on Sundays or great holidays like Christmas I treat myself with a healthy treat. It is for me like a good and sweet tradition and something special.

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        Private Member  | 
        lodz, poland

        Hej Alena!
        I know it’s sometimes hard to find such healthy foods in ordinary shops- I live in Poland πŸ™‚
        It’s not so bad anymore like it used to be, but still, healthy food is pretty expensive here and not so widely available.
        So I do my best and try to keep it as healthy as possible. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
        Good for you that you don’t stop trying:)
        All the best for you

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          Private Member  | 
          melbourne, australia

          Nice to meet my country neighbours!!!

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        Private Member  | 

        keep going Alena, I believe it is hard to find some healthy food but we all know it’s worth, aren’t we? I like the way you give yourself a Sunday or Holiday Treats. Take care and nice to meet you πŸ™‚

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      Private Member  | 

      I will have to try that thank you!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You can’t imagine life without ice cream so you make your own… brilliant idea! I need to order erythritol and I’m gonna try your recipy, I love coconut milk and I always have in the fridge my homemade peanut butter:) btw I’ve learned how to live without all kind of processed sweets, I just make my healthy versions at home, and I’m fine. I love eating all Zuzka’s treats, one of my fav are QUICK POST AND PRE WORKOUT SNACKS. They are soooo delicious, I don’t need more than 2 balls with my coffee and I am in heaven. I’m glad you are on the right track Magda, hope one day we’re gonna see those abs haha take care:)

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      Private Member  | 
      lodz, poland

      Karolina, you have to try it! It tastes like real snickers ice cream! πŸ™‚
      BTW: abs were always my biggest problems- I can see my muscles on my arms, legs, butt, but I’ve never see my abs, even though I’ve worked out for 7 years now.
      Now I know why. I always thought that fat, not sugar is the food I should avoid. I changed my eating habits and…tadaaaam! πŸ˜€
      I can finally see them πŸ™‚
      To be honest: I can see this beautiful, longed-for vertical line all along my belly, so it’s not a 6 pack yet, but it will be! πŸ™‚
      Take care :*

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        Private Member  | 

        Hi Magda, I’m really curious to ask if you only do Zuzka’s workouts, and if you do them everyday? I’ve been on a low-carb diet for over 3 months now, and while I have lost fat, I’m not as defined as I would like to be. I eat clean: no refined carbs/sugars, plenty of green leafy vegetables, drink loads of water – but the line still eludes me.. πŸ™

        Thank you for your advice!

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          Private Member  | 
          lodz, poland

          Hi Seraphina!
          You know, I’ve worked with Zuzka for 6 months now, I workout with her every single day (there are of course rest days, but not so many of them). Earlier, I used to do some other workouts- Zumba, TBC, aerobics etc, but I’ve always eaten a loooot of sweets, candies, ice cream and so on. I avoided fats at all costs. And I’ve always been lean, but I haven’t seen my abs until now.
          I think the recipe is to ditch sugar completely- I don’t eat any sugar or junk food for a month. And I can really see the difference. I’ve started eating healthy fats, I often use Zuzka’s recipes for breakfasts, dinners, treats.
          You keep doing what you’re doing and you finally notice your muscles, I promise πŸ™‚ The truth is that this is very hard for women to get their abs visible. Men are more lucky πŸ˜‰ Oh, I almost forgot- I workout with my jump rope every day too- 2000 jumps in the evening. It helps a lot!
          Take care and don’t stop trying πŸ™‚
          I keep my fingers crossed
          XOXO, Magda

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            Private Member  | 

            Thanks for the reply Magda! I think I need to be more patient with myself – I’ve only started really seriously and regularly doing Zuzka’s workouts since November when she launched her new site. Earlier, I did them about 3 times a week or so. There’s quite a lot of studies done out there about how sugar is terrible for our bodies, and I’m glad you find Zuzka’s recipes useful πŸ™‚

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            Private Member  | 
            caseyville, illinois

            how long does it take you to do 2000 jumps? Do you do this separately or do you add on after workout?

            BTW, hope your surgery goes well. I hysterectomy in April and was terrified, but all went well and i am sure it will for you!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yum, this looks delicious! I’m all out of almond flour right now, but I’m definitely going to try this recipe with a flax egg (I don’t eat real eggs).

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    someone take them away from me!!!
    Way too delicious πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    erythritol (natural sweetener) where would I get that from?I just use stevia or honey

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      Private Member  | 
      sydney, nsw, australia

      Thanks for the recipe and your tips on portion control πŸ™‚ I’m interested in opinion of erythritol vs stevia. Do you consider one better than the other? I remember for the longest time (since BR days) you use to use stevia. Just wondering why you changed sweeteners.

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    Private Member  | 
    vt, usa

    Do you have a substitute for almond flour? My kids school is nut free, but I would love to send this in for snack. Would coconut flour work?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Coconut flour is very absorbent, so you have to make sure that your are using 1 egg for every 1/4 cup of coconut flour so that your bread or other baked goodies are not too dry. Adding more coconut or grapeseed oil into the recipe might help as well if you choose coconut flour.

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        Private Member  | 
        vt, usa

        Thank you! I will give it a try:)

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I made them last night! They’re delicious πŸ™‚ Thanks for the recipe.

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    Private Member  | 

    Is there a spot where we can post recipes? I have one to share, but not sure if it is “Zuzka approved”. If it isn’t just remove this post. You won’t believe how good (and easy) these are. I limit myself to 2 pieces per day (which equals 1 tbsp. healthy fat)

    Homemade Chocolate Bar
    ΒΌ cup Coconut Oil (melted)
    ΒΌ cup Cacao Powder (Organic is best)
    6 drops pure liquid Stevia OR 1 scoop of Pure Stevia Extract Powder (I like Kal Brand)
    1 tbsp Pure Maple Syrup
    Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and stir until mixed. Pour into 8 spots in an ice cube tray. Freeze for an hour or so until hard. Pop them out of the tray and store in the freezer in a sealed container or plastic zip bag.

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