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How To Harness The Power Of Your Mind & Create a High Level of Confidence w/ Marisa Peer

Podcast - Cheers To Progress | June 13, 2022


Listen on Anchor / Spotify: https://anchor.fm/cheerstoprogress

Listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cheers-to-progress/id1626672140


Marisa Peer is one of the most recognised hypnotherapists in the world, motivational speaker, best selling author and creator of RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy. Marisa spent over 30 years working with people including celebrities, actors, directors, rockstars, professional and Olympic athletes, CEO’s and even royalty.

Here are some of the questions I asked:
– What is RTT and why is it so powerful?
– How can we develop a high level of self confidence even if we’ve been feeling inadequate our entire life?
– How can we use the power of our mind to overcome challenges during difficult times?
– What are the most common causes of depression and how to address them?
– How do we deal with past hurt or trauma that happened years ago and is still affecting us?
– What advice would you give to someone that hasn’t been following their dreams because of self doubt and lack of self confidence?

Having Marisa on my podcast is a dream come true because for me becoming an RTT therapist and train with her in person has been absolutely transformational. You can check out my RTT page here.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love those podcast when I’m driving. Thanks

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love this Zuzka, thank you for this wonderful podcast. <3

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This is INSPIRING!!! Thank you!

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