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Live Empowered #19 | Emotional Eating

Weekly Challenges | May 04, 2020

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  1. private avatar image

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    Private Member  | 

    Fabulous video.

    I think, the “pretenders” (?) technique is applicable to bunch of other areas even! Like every habit, everything we want to react differently on…

    I really am excited and will actually do this starting today for 1. Emotional eating 2. Reacting to triggering behaviour from people who are close to me.

    PS: I do not snack since lockdown by the way, although I snacked as though I had an eating disorder before. This made me realise how much pressure and stress I was exposed to in the workplace and changed my life. So paying attention to when emo eating is triggered can change you in the most amazing way.

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    Private Member  | 

    Definitely going to try this as recently in the evenings my hands are reaching for a good portion of kefir with oats…
    And I’ll be reminding myself that I really don’t want to moan about my belly being round 👌👌
    It’ll help, I’m sure, as I usually use you zuzka to stop myself from snacking, I just think how I want your leaningness 😆 it works, but I just stopped saying itto myself recently, ermmmm… Because it worked and I really wanted my oats🤦🤦🤦

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    Private Member  | 
    perth, western australia, australia

    This is something to what i’ve been practicing for a while now. My strategy is to be mindful and be aware of my emotional feelings toward any emotional situations like emotional eating/ feeling negative about a situations or people, 1) i then told myself to be silent ( i don’t say anything that i may regret later) 2) I recognize my emotions at that moment 3) Using EI to stop myself from reacting to the emotions (emotional eating or negative emotions) 4) I let it settled for a while then think and analyze the emotions again to see if I still feel like I should react the same way i thought i would initially. this way seems to have helped and saved me from a lot of misunderstanding/arguing/unnecessary eating. Comes to emotional eating, I do about the same but i find that some distraction seems to help the craving to pass and I sometimes replace it with a hot drink/coffee, then the craving seems to settle. That feels like a kind of empowering and being in control of all these emotional challenges.

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    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    I am such emotional eater (mostly boredom), I don’t eat more when sad or angry…really to fill my time when bored. I need to play Hunger Games better and started to meal prep batches in advance. Whether in keto (grabbing handful on nuts) or non-keto (hello cereal bars and other chocolaty stuff, crisps and just overstuffing), I need to be more mindful about satiety.
    I loved the time when in keto having no cravings, and not interested in eating…until…something flipped and I did let go (lockdown and limited food, no strips to test keto…and voilà)

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    nevada, usa

    Feeling your emotions is such good advice. I was definitely taught to distract myself from my negative feelings growing up, so emotional eating has been a lifelong struggle. (Side Note: Parents, don’t distract your kids to get them to stop crying. Let them feel their emotions and comfort them with hugs and soothing words until they’re calmer.)

    I’ve been working through the book Inuitive Eating, and coping with my emotions without using food has been the most difficult step for me. My emotions can sometimes feel out of control, and I forget to stop and feel them in the moment. Thanks so much for the reminder to keep working at it.

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    Private Member  | 

    I’m talking to a chocolate and holding it in my hand looking at it for a weirdly long amount of time since I’ve watched this video.

    Zuzka, why are you doing this to us 😂haha


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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Haha 😄 you’re doing great!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Loved this! Thanks Zuzka!

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