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Live Empowered | Mindset as a Foundation

Weekly Challenges | March 22, 2020

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi everyone! This talk has been very encouraging πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ I’m from Spain and we have been under the lockdown now for a week πŸ˜” I just want to say thank you to Zuzka, right now, following you and your workouts is the only thing that keeps me sane. It is very hard to be in a flat with a baby, and the government has just said that it is going to continue for another three weeks, so this is a good time to apply your mindset foundation ideas 😁 Thank you Zuzka from the bottom of my πŸ’“, and thank you for being so generous in this difficult times and give the opportunity to workout for free with you for some people, that’s really meaningful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Carol,
    I lived in Spain for a while. Now I’m in Romania. Sending you lots of good vibes.
    The workouts are also doing me good. I especially notice it in this period.
    And I totally agree with you about Zuzka doing good opening her workouts like that. It’s heart-warming, totally in sync with the situation.

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      Private Member  | 

      Thank you so much πŸ₯° Difficult times for all of us, but we are strong πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ I’m taking advantage to this situation by doing more stretching and flexibility workouts, every day is a new adventure. Take care πŸ’πŸŒΉπŸ₯€πŸŒ·πŸŒΊ

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you Carol. Take care you too and all Zgym members and visitors ! πŸ’ͺ🌷

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    miami, fl, united states

    Hi all!
    Miami, Fl here. We are also “encouraged” to stay home though not mandated. The kids and I haven’t left home in 8 days. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I have been doing Z’s workouts in our garage for 3 years so to now see my teens working out daily as well, makes my heart smile! Thank you Z! Keep the GTG’s and new workouts coming!! Stay safe everyone πŸ™‚

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      Private Member  | 

      Hi! You are right, better safe than sorry 😁 This is my day number 10 πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ You are a great example for your kids πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I wish you the best, enjoy your days at home with your family 😊

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        Private Member  | 
        switzerland/, france

        Hola Carol, I am on day 11 today. I hope by July we can continue enjoying Cadaques/Port Lligat tranquility and outdoors this summer vacation (we love the trail runs to Cap Creus) I take the “be safe than sorry” to another level, as I did kinda overtrain yesterday and my immunity is lowered …Covid-19 doesn’t rule out all other virus. So I need to be safe by not doing too much.
        Let’s be wise and continue with GTG and will add some Barre, mobility rather than endurance based workouts.
        Also I need to download an app to improve my spanish (have been wanting to do this for 3 years…) and getting to breathing exercices more and more…shifting my gears πŸ™‚

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          Private Member  | 

          Hi Laila! The good thing about the lock down is that we can think in all the things that we are going to do afterwards 😊 Yes, be careful with the hard workouts, being at home really changes our body and immune system. If you need advice with your Spanish I’m happy to help πŸ€“. Β‘Cuidate mucho!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey guys, could you link the archives also in the most recent videos so that we can navigate directly from here for instance? πŸ™‚ I am in love with this series (live empowered). There is something to some weeks that really works, and I really missed setting more mentality related goals again for myself. Had not done that for some time now. So thanks.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Ok πŸ™‚ we’ll do something about that.

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        Private Member  | 

        Yeay πŸ˜‰

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Just wanted to say Thank you Zuzka and team! I love Zgym at this moment it is one thing that has remained consistent. The Live Empowered sessions are a great tool. Thanks for all the good you include in Zgym.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Glad you’re enjoying it πŸ™‚

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    bursa, osmangazi, tΓΌrkiye

    Im looking for Weekly Workout Schedule – The Week of February 27th.webloc 2017 and to be continued . but the page not found. please help me . THANKS

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