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Home Made Sugar Free Chocolate Bar (FM)

Recipes | February 21, 2016


2 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder
3 tbsp Swerve (powdered erythritol)
2 tbsp sliced almonds and pecan pieces (optional)


  1. Combine the melted coconut oil with cocoa powder and powdered erythritol in a small bowl until you get a liquid chocolate.
  2. Pour the liquid chocolate onto a parchment paper lined plate and spread into an 1/4 inch layer.
  3. Press the almonds and pecan (you can also add raisins or shredded coconut) into the chocolate layer and then put the plate into a freezer for about 20 – 30 minutes. Enjoy your healthy snack!

Macros for the entire recipe:
Calories: 357.6
Carbs: 8.7 g
Net Carbs: 2.7 g
Fat: 36 g
Protein: 5.6 g

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    birmingham, al, usa

    Yum!!! I can’t wait to make this!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    HI Zuzka, can i also use stevia instead of Swerve/erythritol?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      you can if you like stevia. I don’t like the after taste of stevia.

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        Private Member  | 

        I have found the liquid stevia is much better

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    O.M.G so making this tomorrow!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    curitiba, parana, brazil

    Humm…I am making this with date sugar! Good recipe…see you, take care.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This is pure fat (coconut oil, oil of the nuts & the cacao powder), regardless, if this is the healthy fat.
    Important here: watch your portion size!
    Therefore, itΒ΄s risky to call it FM! I know, that you, Zuzka, see your FMs as meals without starchy carbs, that you can enjoy through out the whole day vs the WEM, that you have to earn with your workout. But this treat should be enjoyed only limited due to the high amount of calories.
    Anyway, sounds delicious and itΒ΄s even better than industrial chocolate with all that carbs and processed character, but I see it more as a treat due to the heaviness πŸ™‚

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ca, usa

    Just made this but I only had the granular Swerve so it may turn out a bit “grainy”. I also think I should have used a smaller plate because it spread out thinner than 1/4 inch. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ca, usa

    Turned out very good but I sprinkled coconut on top, think I would prefer some nuts but was out. I also think I will use a bit less swerve since I like really dark chocolate.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Life saver recipes!

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      Private Member  | 

      Totally agree! (from one warrior to another, see avatar πŸ˜‰ )

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        Private Member  | 

        oh yes! πŸ˜‰

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    BUT do I really need the swerve or is it no different than erythrol?

    Because erythrol was expensive enough, now I don’t want to buy another strange and pricy ingridient but i have to make those sugar free chocolate bars. :]

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      Private Member  | 

      Swerve is like Stevia in the Raw, or a number of other “baking blends”. They’re the sugar free ingredient, plus something added to bulk it up. I have read a bit that Swerve’s additive is inulin. I know in my body, too much, say, Splenda, which has maltodextrin, does bad things. Since the recent discovery of Truvia (thanks to Zuzka for helping us discover erythritol!), and the also recent learning that while Truvia is good stuff, it does have some sugar calories & carbs when used in a recipe calling for more than their tiny serving size. Now? I prefer either all or a majority mix of the pure erythritol, which I powder in a spice/coffee grinder…and proceed to make frostings to die for. So, it is expensive, but I really like the pure erythritol, myself (long explanation coming around to that…).

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        Private Member  | 

        Please share the frosting recipe..πŸ™‚

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          Private Member  | 

          Okay! But, there’s LOTS of different ways to do this. Lots. And different flavors, as I’m pretty sure you’ll already know. I mean, there’s alllll manner of cakes and frostings to go on them. I’ll give a basic here. This is for an approximate single serve of 1/2 cup, or a little more it may end up. Ingredients for basic butter cream frosting, LOW sugar: 3-4 tablespoons pure erythritol (powder it for best results), 1 tablespoon splenda (or store-brand), 1-2 teaspoons vanilla, 1 tablespoon whipped butter (lower fat & calorie in whipped), 1-3 teaspoons almond/cashew milk. Mix to creamy wonder of light frosting. That is a basic starting point for a SINGLE serving dessert frosting if you, like me, just need a nice, creamy dessert without a big batch made. I’ve added peanut powder to this, a little protein powder, sub’d in country crock spread with a little less butter, or tried a little xanthan gum for thickening (be VERY careful with that…anything more than 1/4 tsp, and it turns to…gum.). I’ve also put in some marshmallow creme, tried no splenda, added back in with powdered sugar as a partial sugar method. I’ve taken them all out, just having erythritol (and a royal icing method with this…just meringue powder, water & erythritol, a little vanilla…WONDERful…and light. Too light! Didn’t fill me at all.). I’ve even done cocoa/cacao powder with and without peanut powder, AND even added semi-sweet choc chips with that variation…AMAZING. Give it a shot. I made one for today that I didn’t powder it. Was crunchy, but every bit as good.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks so much! Sounds amazing.

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      Not to toot my own horn or anything like that, but mine have been getting better and better. Some experimental catastrophes though…with pea protein powder, xanthan gum, and using only Country Crock to try and be a little less fat or calories. These three ingredients if even a little too much can ruin the whole thing. Each variation will taste a little different, depending on, say, half sugar, more sugar, on down to no sugar with just PURE erythritol used. But, each will be amazing in their own way! Also a word of caution on these baking blends like Swerve, Splenda, Stevia in the Raw, that they all have inulin (Swerve, apparently) or maltodextrin as bulking agents to measure the same as sugar. For me, if I get much more than a couple tablespoons of those with maltodextrin, I’ve gotten the reactions I’ve read warnings about. Bloating, digestive upset. Be careful with those. Pure erythritol has not had that effect on me, even at 4-5 tablespoons in a frosting serving. Also note to add some ingredients, like milks, slowly. If wanting to sub butter, note that spreadable things like country crock turn it to liquid. This is where arrow root powder (though high carb) guar or xanthan gum, or a bit of coconut oil can really help. If butter is ok with you…then you wouldn’t have that issue…and, plainly, it really does simply taste better! If dripping in some maple syrup, use the real stuff. Also, I have put in a dash of rum, whipped or cake jack rums, and/or banana liqueur (for example)…in small amounts. Acts like vanilla…and tastes oh so good. Enjoy! I sure do! And sometimes, yes, as healthy as we eat, sometimes I’ve just made a small batch of the full sugar/buttercream frosting. It sometimes disagrees with my tummy, but it’s still the original.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thanks for all this info. Love this.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you so much for this very informative explanations!

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          Private Member  | 

          “these” πŸ™‚

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