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Leftover Soup For Weight Loss

Recipes | December 27, 2012

This soup out of leftovers saved my life last night. I had my dinner around 6pm and I thought that I won’t be hungry. Boy I was wrong! I got hungry around 10pm and I wasn’t going to sleep for another 2 hours, so I had to do something. I wanted to avoid snacking on all those cookies, chocolates, and treats that we have plenty of at home from Christmas. I looked in the fridge and this is what I found. Enjoy this leftover soup for weight loss.

3 large carrots, 1 small red potato, 1 stalk of romaine lettuce, 1 medium size onion, small parsley root, about a handful of parsley leaf, 1 egg, 1 cup of chicken broth and about 1/4 cup of coconut milk.

All I had to do was to chop, mix it in a medium size pot that was half way full of water, and cook it until the carrots were soft. About 12-15 minutes. Done. I love soups and the great thing about this one was that I used leftovers, it was low in calories, and it filled me up. Anything that is made out of super foods, is dense in nutrients and low in calories is great for weight loss. Or in my case weight maintenance.



Ok, I admit it. I threw a few goldfish into my bowl of soup. Still better then horfing down the 5lb chocolate bar that I got for Christmas 🙂 haha.

What do you do when you get hungry at night? Do you snack? What do you eat? Do you eat at all at night?

Always looking forward to reading your comments.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Fruits or cottage cheese +greek yogurt+dry apricot or plum( no sugar !)

  2. private avatar image

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    I have peanut butter on one slice of whole grain bread. It really fills me up.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What a great soup idea Zuz! Oh yeah I always have to snack at nigh. Well, sometimes a full boiled egg (with a little of low fat mayo, and oregons and an olive sliced spreaded on it; soy milk (but I’m quitting, soy’s evil I’m not kidding!); soy yogurt (again…); pumpkin seeds; and now for my last favourite but a little bit too caloric and ‘sugary’ (it’s more of a breakfast really) for night time is ‘almost oatmeal’ Paleo recipe: pick a piece of fruit (sugar low one preferable) and depending on the fruit (apple for the original recipe) one grates it onto a pan (they’re actually using applesauce but is just fine with the fruit itself as well, and if you don’t have the sauce), add almond butter (well I don’t have it so I use peanut one, ‘meh’ – 4 tbsp on the original recipe but I do one of the peanut butter), 2 to 3 tbps of coconut milk and finally pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg (well one adjusts to ones preferances of course). Just mix it a little nothing just until everything is hot and nicely put together, and there you go. On the plate/ bowl one ends it up by adding dried or fresh fruits in pieces, or nuts. Enjoy 😉

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    that soup looks yummy 🙂 when i get hungry at night I always make some tea first before I eat actual food. I make tea (usually green tea, but not always) and squeeze some lemon in, add honey and a small splash of apple cider vinegar and sometimes some cinnamon. I drink that first and if I’m actually hungry after that I try and eat something healthy, which is usually an orange. I think the combination of tea and an orange is quite nice 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzana! :0

    Just wondering if you used that 1 egg or not??

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love when you share your cooking posts. I love working out, but I really enjoy finding new recipes and healthy things to eat, and my body type is muscular and heavy in the thighs, which means I can work out all I want, but I need to be eating lean. I really appreciate that you are realistic– we all know we shouldn’t eat at night, but sometimes you just have to! 🙂 I try to drink some tea, or cook up some veggies when I get hunger pangs at night, or I have a little cheese to give me some protein and satisfy that hunger. I used to love chips, but I don’t buy them anymore. I’ve found the best way not to eat bad things is simply not to buy them, so now I snack on almonds or air-popped popcorn with no butter or salt instead. Thanks for looking out for us, Zuzana, and Merry Christmas! 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You ate your goldfish??

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    if I get hungry at night, I eat our left over meal and if not, I will grab anything I see. That is why, I don’t store nor buy anything that is tempting… If really no food then I will just drink water. 😛

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I like to snack on fruits. Or something with beans or peas. For example tonight I had a healthy burrito, so easy and so tasty from Fruity Vegetalleza at Face book

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I drink a cup of bio-kefir. Or i can eat some ruit)

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