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Leftover Soup For Weight Loss

Recipes | December 27, 2012

This soup out of leftovers saved my life last night. I had my dinner around 6pm and I thought that I won’t be hungry. Boy I was wrong! I got hungry around 10pm and I wasn’t going to sleep for another 2 hours, so I had to do something. I wanted to avoid snacking on all those cookies, chocolates, and treats that we have plenty of at home from Christmas. I looked in the fridge and this is what I found. Enjoy this leftover soup for weight loss.

3 large carrots, 1 small red potato, 1 stalk of romaine lettuce, 1 medium size onion, small parsley root, about a handful of parsley leaf, 1 egg, 1 cup of chicken broth and about 1/4 cup of coconut milk.

All I had to do was to chop, mix it in a medium size pot that was half way full of water, and cook it until the carrots were soft. About 12-15 minutes. Done. I love soups and the great thing about this one was that I used leftovers, it was low in calories, and it filled me up. Anything that is made out of super foods, is dense in nutrients and low in calories is great for weight loss. Or in my case weight maintenance.



Ok, I admit it. I threw a few goldfish into my bowl of soup. Still better then horfing down the 5lb chocolate bar that I got for Christmas πŸ™‚ haha.

What do you do when you get hungry at night? Do you snack? What do you eat? Do you eat at all at night?

Always looking forward to reading your comments.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    late night snack , would be tomato with carrots πŸ˜€ a bit of fat free sour cream n lime juice, MMMMMMMMMM

  2. private avatar image

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    Normally long as I eat during the day I am not hungry when I go to bed unless its been a stressful day and that’s considered is stress eating for comfort or something like that. To counter act this when it happens I will make warm tea and reflect on what troubled me in the day. Then I am relax and the warm tea has a fill me up effect.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I find that it’s fat that makes me feel full, so when I’m feeling noshey at night, I’ll have something healthy with fat in it – like a boiled egg or a spoon full or almond butter, or even some hot tea with coconut milk. That way I feel full and satisfied without eating huge quantities. This soup looks like it would definitely do the trick! I need to experiment more with adding coconut milk to soups. Thanks, Zuz!

  4. private avatar image

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  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Alix Evans,
    Actually that is something I do as well. But as fish oil and a glass of water. –Chris

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love your recipes, I really miss the vids of you cooking at home! I am so happy with your new site though and look forward to all of the posts to come! Just one question, you are saying we alot and every now and then mention Jesse. We want to give him the once over, like any good family would do! Who is this somewhat mysterious man?
    Your biggest fan,

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I drink Lemon Seltzer. The carbonation fills me up. πŸ™‚

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Sometimes Ill have a bowl of cereal like special K with the strawberries with 2% milk.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzana,
    Do not eat soup daily. You are still young, and have small camera-ready face. In Chinese, we know from history, if we eat soup daily, when you reach middle age (past 40yr); you may be easy to get puffy face (not as slim as you have now).

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Sometimes i have apple or drink water what about you ?

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