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Low Carb Breakfast Waffles (FM)

Recipes | July 06, 2015

Believe it or not, I just recently bought my first waffle maker. Growing up we had only a toaster maker and I had no idea what waffles were, until I started traveling. That said, I think that my lack of knowledge about different foods and ingredients could have been due to my mother’s simple cooking. I remember eating maybe 10 different meals on a regular basis, buying the same 20 ingredients and having about 5 different spices in the pantry (including salt&pepper).  No wonder, that I had no idea what an Avocado was, until I turned 20, just to give you another example. I guess not every mom likes to cook 🙂 On the other hand, I learned to cook the typical Czech meals very well – repetition makes perfect! I went a little off the topic here.

These waffles have turned into my favorite breakfast lately, because they don’t take a  lot of time to make, and allow me to enjoy sweet dessert without adding any sugar to my diet.
This recipe is both FM and Keto.

Note: These waffles are high in calories so make sure you monitor your serving size.  The recipe below yields 2 waffles and I personally eat half of one.  Each waffle is approx. 600 calories.

3 oz cream cheese
3 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup almond flour
15 drops vanilla flavored Stevia
2 tbsp Erythritol or Monk Fruit
half 1/4 tsp xanthan gum


This amount yields 2 waffles

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth
2. Pour the batter in the waffle maker and bake for 5-6 minutes until golden brown on top and cooked all the way through.
Serve with your favorite topping or just dip it in coconut milk – YUMMY!

Blueberry Toping with Sour Cream
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tbsp grass fed butter (unsalted)
1 tbsp erythritol  or Monk Fruit
4 tbsp Sour Cream


Melt the butter in a small pot (the smallest you have) over low/medium heat and add the blueberries with erythritol. Stir until the blueberries become steamy hot.
Place the sour cream on top of the waffle and pour over the sweet blueberry sauce. My portion size is 1/2 of the waffle with half the amount of sour cream and blueberries.

Macros Per Portion:

563.9 calories

48.3g fat (434.7 cal)

13.9g carb

7.7g net carb

24.1g protein

(77% fat)

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    Will you be sharing your daily meal plan soon? And maybe some on the go snacks you could pack for work?

    Also, it would be very helpful to share single serving recipes that are quick and easy to do.

    Btw…I tried your keto pancake recipe and loved it! Could you also use egg whites or other fillers to make it low carb? Have you experimented with other additions? I think I am mostly going to try low carb and keto recipes, but not full on keto. I think the high fat content might be a little too much for me right now 🙂 Thanks Zuzka, your so helpful, friendly, and encouraging!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    perth, wa, australia

    Is sour cream used instead of Greek yoghurt for a reason?

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Please be careful with xylitol around your dogs…
    Xylitol is well established as a life-threatening toxin to dogs. According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, the number of cases of xylitol toxicosis in dogs has significantly increased since the first reports in 2002. Dogs that have ingested foods containing xylitol have presented with low blood sugar, which can be life-threatening. Low blood sugar can result in a loss of coordination, depression, collapse and seizures in as little as 30 minutes. Intake of doses of xylitol has been implicated in liver failure in dogs, which can be fatal.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Yeah, Xylitol is a poison for dogs. That’s why I use Erythritol – it has no side effects and it’s not harmful for dogs.

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        Private Member  | 
        seattle, washington

        We never know what a individual dog might be poisoned by. Some can safely eat chocolate others will die with a very small amount. I wouldn’t feed any of your furry buddies things with erythritol either, just to be overly careful.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    helsinki, finland

    Thank you so much for the delicious recipe – I love waffles! Just a little question.. I know this might sounds funny, but I never used xanthan gum and erythritol, and that’s why I need to ask can I make the waffles without those ingredients? Or are those very important that waffles comes out well? Thank you so much 🙂 Love you!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ponte vedra beach, fl

    I’m interested in what your post workout snack/meals look like on keto. …and I totally missed the part about eating only 1/2 the waffle. Crap.

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      Private Member  | 

      LOL:) Yes, I think Zuzka should state the portion size and calorie content in the title:)

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    Hi Z and community?

    Might you have ideas for how this recipe could be made without cream cheese/dairy? I am insensitive to casein, and my symptomatic reactions to dairy are the strongest of all foods….which is sad because I enjoy some dairy. I figure a small amount is no biggie, but I’m wondering if you have tried anything else?

    Though I notice that when I eat less to no grain/carbs, I am less sensitive to casein, the sensitivity is still definitely there.

    I’m wondering if you or anyone have experimented with other nuts. I like almonds, but I like the oilier nuts better. I guess I could try this myself, but I’m curious if you’ve tried making this recipe, or other similar ones, with other nuts. I was thinking that I could use a mixture of cashew and flaxmeal (the flaxmeal would give more of that “hold” that the almond fiber provides, maybe?).

    I love that you don’t count calories. I understand that….:) Not really necessary. There are better ways.

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      Private Member  | 

      Hey Francesca, for pancakes or waffles, you can substitute almost anything for milk, for example almond milk or coconut cream or milk. Generally, it helps to use only the tiniest bit of milk/substitute. The less fluid you put in, the less flour/nuts you need to chieve the right consistency.

      So start with the eggs: separate them, beat the egg-whites until they are stiff, and put them aside. Then stir the egg-yolks, then pour in whatever you want to make the mixture less fluid. It depends, what you want/what diet you are on. If you want to stay grain/gluten free, you can use potato flour instead of regular flour. Or any kind of pure starch, honestely. You can also use a mashed banana to make it thick enough. If you want to stay starchfree/low carb, it’s trickier. Any nut-meal you like will do. Coconut-flour really helps because it binds a lot of water.
      Stir in a tiny bit of salt.
      Then use a very little amount of milk/substitute and stir it in.
      Now take the stiff egg-whites and fold them under the batter gently.

      You can use honey/stevia/whatever you like to make this sweeter. If you used banana, you don’t need anything.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    plzeň, Čr

    Hi guys 🙂 what do you think is the best way to make this meal WEM? 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      add a banana, and use apple sauce as a sweetener instead of erythritol.You can also replace part of the almond flour with a starchy (grain) flour (oatmeal, buckwheat, chickpea…whatever you prefer..but the consistency may need to be adapted with more/less liquid)

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    salem, or, usa

    I don’t have a waffle maker, so I simply used 1/4 cup batter and made pancakes. It made 7 pancakes. They came out great! Even my daughter and my husband loved them. It has been difficult to find a low-carb pancake/waffle recipe that has the same consistency and taste as the regular versions. This one is phenomenal. By far, my all-time favorite!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    pszów, poland

    Do I really have to use xantham gum? Or there is any subtitude for it? (I can’t find it in shops in my area)

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      You can use oat fiber instead (not oats)

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        Private Member  | 
        pszów, poland

        Thank you! 🙂

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