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Quinoa Lentil Salad (WEM)

Recipes | October 18, 2017

FM/WEM meals

*yields one portion

1/2 cup cooked and chilled quinoa
1/2 cup cooked and chilled lentils
2 scallions, chopped
small handful of fresh cilantro, chopped
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp avocado oil
zest of 1/2 lime (important part of this recipe)
Sea salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. Combine the vinegar, oil, mustard, maple syrup and lemon zest in a small bowl and whisk.

2. In a medium size bowl combine the quinoa, lentils, scallions, and cilantro. Add the vinaigrette, garlic powder and mix well. Taste it and then season with salt & pepper to taste.

Calories: 412.2
Carbs: 55 g
Net Carbs: 46 g
Fat: 16.1 g
Protein: 13.5 g

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    Hi Zuzka, I noticed you have decreased the amount of meat in your diet. I was wondering if there is a reason or do you just like veggies more? I’m just curious 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      České budějovice, czech republic

      Z is working on her meal plan for vegeratians. 🙂 So she is trying all the recipes on herself first. 😉 And I think it’s great, I love the variety…I am not a vegetarian, but I personally think one does not need to eat meat everyday to get all the nutrients. 😉

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      As Elen mentioned, I’ve been working on a plant based meal plan so my diet is mostly plant based. It’s been a several months, however I’m no longer completely meat or dairy free. I just cut it down to once a week. All of my new recipes are Plant Based to fit into the meal plan, but the meal plan will have a lot of new recipes as well.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you for working on this and all the recipes ideas. I asked you one time awhile back why i couldn’t get my abs to be defined . I was following a very low carb diet and using your recipes. Then you had a post on food intolerance , so I looked into that. Come to find out I have several foods i’m intolerant to and I also did a blood test for food allergies and I am allergic to Milk , wheat, eggs, peanuts. now that I’ve cut those foods out its made a huge difference for me. I just wanted to thank you for bringing awareness to this . You are the best!!

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          Private Member  | 

          Hi ddenney, I was wondering if you had blood test for allergens done by your primary care or did u see an allergist?? I suspect I have intolerances too, but I have struggled to pin down exactly what it is…. I cannot lose weight around my middle despite following diet and exercise, and have been zapped of energy for months now…
          Anyways, I am happy to hear you are feeling better after cutting out allergens!! And agreed, she totally IS the best!!! 🙂

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            Private Member  | 

            I went to an ENT actually. He ordered an ige food allergy panel. That really helped me quickly eliminate problem foods. Then I’ve been trying to also narrow down what food I’m intolerant to. I ordered the igg test from pinnertest that Zuzana talked about in her post. I should have those results back in 7 more days. It’s made a huge difference with my abs already. They are soo flat and defined now. Plus the biggest bonus…. I feel soo much better now. Good luck in your journey. Please update me with what you learn.

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              Private Member  | 

              Thank you so much for the info!! It’s great to hear you have relief..I hope to join you soon! 🙂

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                Private Member  | 

                Erika, I was wondering how you are doing? Have you found any relief yet from foods that are bothering you?

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                  Private Member  | 

                  Hello! So sweet of you to think to ask 🙂 I have relief when I don’t consume dairy, and I’ve cut back on animal products altogether to see if that will help further. I have always felt best when I’m getting lots of veggies and clean protein (go figure! Lol) …it’s really just about being consistent, which isn’t easy as I’m sure you know. It’s tough too, that my fiancé isn’t as health-conscious, so I have to be the one to do the healthy cooking these days…. oh yea! Coffee is a major irritant, so I’ve ordered my matcha tea to see if that will help as well.
                  How have you been doing/feeling???

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                    Private Member  | 

                    I’ve been doing great so long as I avoid the foods I know to avoid. It is hard. I cook for my family and then make myself separate meals. Did you ever do the blood test to check for food allergies?

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                      Private Member  | 

                      Oh boy, I can imagine that had got to be a serious challenge cooking for multiple people separately 🙁
                      I didn’t do the blood test yet, waiting for insurance to come with the job I’m hunting down currently. Just trying to stick to what is obvious to me for now. I hope you can find some ease in your process somewhere, but happy you are feeling better!! Wish it wasn’t so much work😛

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            Private Member  | 
            lake tahoe, nv, usa

            You can also try elimination diet – cut out the main allergens such as soy, dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, caffeine, gluten, and nuts or any foods that you suspect might causing allergic reactions. Typically you want to remove all of these for at least 2 weeks and then slowly re-introduce them back into your diet one at a time. So the third week you would bring back dairy, forth week it would be gluten, etc. True food allergies can cause immediate symptoms such as hives, rashes, puffy eyes, vomiting, and even anaphylaxis. However, if you have just a food intolerance, like most people, the symptoms can be less severe and even show up two or three days after eating the food. Food intolerance symptoms include indigestion, heartburn, nausea, cramps, headaches, and fatigue, among others.

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          Thank you for sharing your experience – this is another great example of bio-individuality.

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            Private Member  | 

            It really is amazing how we all react to foods differently. Just because somethings healthy ,doesn’t mean our body agrees . lol I started adding some foods back in and can tell that my belly isn’t happy. I get bloated and tired really quick. I will be sticking with what works for me. I feel soo much better when I listen to my body.

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        Private Member  | 

        Zuzka, are you feeling a plant based diet is working better for you? Or are you just giving people another option for meal plans? I know in the past you tried going vegetarian and felt it didn’t work for you and WEM were for after workouts and low carb the rest of the time.

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          The plant-based diet is tricky and I’ve learned a lot for the past several months, not just from theory but also from my own personal experience. When I tried the vegetarian diet for the first time, I was just following it by the book and I didn’t think out of the box and how I can adjust the diet to make it work for me. I’m happy to say that I came up with a sustainable way of following a plant based diet that I really enjoy and I think it’s going to be very popular because it really does offer variety and solutions to particular issues such as weight loss, workout performance, etc.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I appreciate Zuzka has been adding up plant based receipes as I’m a newly vegan, it just happened overnight and I’ve been on it for 2 months and I don’t feel like giving up. It’s a shame I had purchased Zshred meal plan before that, I should had been waiting for the vegan option of it as I have no doubts it would be just as effective as the regular one- this thing is a miracle.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    melbourne, australia

    Аня, привет!
    Я все время вспоминала тебя. Как дела? Как ты решила перейти на веганское питание?

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      Private Member  | 

      Ого, как приятно-то!)) вот честно, это настолько случайно вышло, зацепила пару видео на ютюбе, таких, душераздирающих.. и отрезало..
      Очень неоднозначно в плане влияния на фигуру, и плюсы, и минусы замечаю..
      как твои дела? Я видела коммент твой, супер результат по итогам 8 недель, ты и была худенькая, но часто бывает,что самые упорные пару кг тяжелее всего убрать, так что респект тебе за силу воли и дисциплину!!

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        Private Member  | 
        melbourne, australia

        Обалдеть!! Я просто пару раз пыталась и поститься и веганиться, но у меня так ркзко портились волосы и кожа, что я бросала это дело. Но до сих пор неравнодушнвюа к подобному подходу) Так здорово, что ты нашла свое, во всяком случае на текущий период времени. Я вот сейчас хочу пойти га второй круг по питанию. Все таки очень удобно, когда прописано все – от рецептов до покупок. Пока что я в свободном плавании, ем все, себя особо не ограничиваю, но вес как влитой. Это удивляет и радует))

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          Private Member  | 

          Класс! А ты сейчас дни по 500 ккал устраиваешь?

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            melbourne, australia

            Неа. Ничего специально не делаю и даже пока не тренеруюсь, потому что нельзя по мед.показаниям. Но вот с понелельника уже можно. Пойду на второй круг вместе с питанием.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ahoj Zuzko,dneska jsem cvičila inferno a je to opravdu masakr,jsem pokročilejší cvičenka a tohle zatím opravdu nedám.Tebe obdivuji.Dnešní cvičení jsem si vyměnila za lehčí.Renata

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      To dozenes 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    Hi Z,
    I have a quinoa dish that’s been a staple in my kitchen for about a year, now.
    Maybe you’d like to try it – when you’re pressed for time and have no creativity, it’s perfect food!
    1 can of Amy’s yellow lentil soup
    3/4 cup dry quinoa
    1 large clove garlic
    chevre goat cheese (flavored ones are ok)

    Mince and crush garlic so that it’s gold and yellow from crushing (with knife blade side and salt).
    Bring 3 cups of water and quinoa to boil *covered* and then turn down heat to simmer for about 10 minutes.
    Add garlic and cook about 5 more minutes.
    Add can of Any’s lentil soup *yellow seems to taste best with this.
    Cook about 2 more minutes and serve with goat cheese.. and salt & pepper.
    <3 super yummmmmy…
    And when it cools down, I put it on my salad for lunch the next day.

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