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Stuffed Breakfast Peppers (FM)

Recipes | December 08, 2015


This is a sort of “everyone get in the pool” recipe – I just took leftover stuff from my fridge and improvised this recipe but it turned out really good! This will make 1 serving, or you can split it into 2 servings if you want it to be more of a snack or light breakfast.

1 red bell pepper, cut in half from top to bottom and then remove seeds
2 tablespoon chopped red onion
1/3 cup finely chopped mushroom
2 tablespoon finely chopped broccoli florets
1 small garlic clove, minced
3 eggs
pinch of crushed red pepper
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 avocado, cut into 4 slices
2 tablespoon shredded mozzarella cheese
fresh parsley (optional for garnish)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degree F.
  2. Make sure all veggies are chopped into small pieces.  In a pan over medium heat, drizzle on olive oil and then add the broccoli, mushroom, garlic and onion.  Sautee for 2-3 minutes until slightly tender.
  3. In a medium sized bowl, whisk the eggs and season with salt, pepper and crushed red pepper flakes.
  4. Add the sauteed veggies to the eggs and mix well.
  5. Pour the egg/veggie mix into the pepper halves. Wrap the peppers in foil and place on a baking sheet in the oven for 30-35 minutes until cooked through. (press the top with a fork and make sure it’s solid)
  6. Remove from oven top each with 2 slices of avocado, sprinkle on cheese and season with a little more salt and pepper.  Add back to the oven for approx. 5 minutes until cheese is melted and slightly browned, garnish with a little fresh parsley on top then enjoy!

Calories: 447.4
Carbs: 19 g
Net Carbs: 10.7 g
Fat: 30.4 g
Protein: 25.9 g


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I will try to prepare it this Sunday 🙂 Thank you for the great idea!

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      you’re very welcome 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I do my workouts in the mornings, because I know that if I don’t do them before the rest of my hectic day sets in then I won’t do them at all. I was wondering how long I should wait to workout after eating breakfast. I want to make sure I’m giving my body enough time to absorb energy from my food but also not work out so soon after eating that I get sick during my exercise. Your feedback on this would be much appreciated! 🙂

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      Private Member  | 

      Also, I eat the same breakfast everyday: A small amount of cooked green lentils with 2 eggs, scrambled, chopped up spinach and a little bit of preservative free salsa for flavor… all mixed together. Are there any critiques you have on this meal? And does it sound like an adequate pre-workout meal?

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        Private Member  | 
        belgrade, serbia

        I would say that would be a great post workout meal because the carbs from the lentils..

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I made these stuffed peppers and the deviled avocados recipe for dinner last night. The only change I made was using Parmesan cheese instead of mozzarella because that’s what I had. Both recipes were good. 🙂

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    11 days ago I posted a comment with a few questions and never got a response. 4 days ago I sent the same questions to the support email address to see if I’d have better luck getting answers, but still nothing. Am I going to get any feedback?

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    belgrade, serbia

    These are real easy simple & clean to make & taste really good.
    I used kale instead of broccoli. I added jalapeño then topped it with cilantro at the end:)

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