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The Busy Body's Guide to Working Out

Fitness | February 08, 2019

Not everyone has the luxury of being flexible with their workouts. There are certain jobs that require more time, or abnormal times. Some people may have to juggle several responsibilities that compete with personal time. And of course, there’s the bitter truth that life just happens. Family, holidays, events, school, appointments, all the “grown-up stuff” that interfere with our routines. In short, I totally understand the difficulty that comes with balancing working out and a busy schedule.
Luckily though, I’ve got some tips that can help. So if you’re a busy body that’s always on the go, read on before abandoning your workouts altogether!

Short and Sweet
I actually don’t commit to workouts that last up to an hour or more. My philosophy is to keep my workouts short and sweet. If you’re a member of the ZGYM, then you’re already familiar with the length at which my workouts go. For the most part, they last anywhere between 15-20 minutes. Some exceptions do exist; a couple may go up to 30, and others only 5. But for the most part, I stick to a shorter time frame. Why?
First is that I don’t like to live in workout mode. I’d rather be spending my time on other things, whether it’s going out and exploring or investing in a new project. Second, I don’t believe in wasting the time that I have. If I’m going to workout, I’m going to workout. That means I better bring my A-game and make every minute count. There’s no stumbling around and drawing things out longer than they should. You’ll be surprised at the results you can make with just even a few minutes a day of training with me!

Use What You’ve Got
Sometimes, you have to play with the cards you’ve been given. If you only have a small window of time to yourself in the middle of the day, then use part of it to workout with me. Even if it’s only for five minutes (like with my challenges), know that doing something is better than doing nothing. Think of your workouts as a ball rolling down the hill. If you miss a day or think you can’t devote even 20 minutes, then do a shorter routine. Just keep the ball rolling and the momentum consistent. That way, no matter how busy you get, you’ll find a way to squeeze in some form of exercise. If you have time to go a bit longer, great! But if all you’ve got is 5 minutes, then that works, too. What’s more important is being consistent. As I like to say, the people who make great progress are those who’ve created long, lasting changes while staying patient, steady, and smart with their training. Think of it this way: with just one short workout a day, you’ll have 365 workouts under your belt in just a year. No need to go to extremes!

Switch Things Around
Every week there’s a workout schedule over at the ZGYM. And you’re allowed to follow out based on your level of experience- beginner, intermediate, or advanced. On that schedule, there are 1-2 days of lighter training, just to give your body a break and help you recover from the more intense sessions. But if you’re schedule doesn’t align with the ZGYM’s, there’s no need to abandon ship. Say you have two days off from work, but they fall during the week. (Example: you get Monday and Tuesday off, and work the remainder of the week). What you can do here is follow the longer workouts on those days, and then do the shorter routines during your workdays. Or, you can treat your off days from work as your lighter routine days. Feel free to mix and match and switch things around according to your schedule.

Find Holes
Let’s be honest, many of us have more time than we think to workout. A lot of people that complain about not having enough time to workout seem to know a lot about things like the latest movies, celebrity scandal, and headlines. They also seem to be really active in the virtual world of social media. Now, I’m not saying everyone is like this, or that this applies to everyone. But really think twice before convincing yourself that there isn’t enough time to workout. Especially if you’re following along with me at the ZGYM. None of my workouts come close to breaking the 1-hour mark anyway. There’s got to be a hole of time for you to fit in a session! You can even repeat my five-minute challenges during commercial breaks when you watch TV. If you start your day later in the morning, use the early morning to fit a short and effective workout with me. Or, if you come home at a later time, then do one of them after you come home and clean up. It could be a great way of helping you to break away from the tension of a long day of work!

Prepare for Success
Getting yourself to workout can be a mind game. If that’s the case, then prepare for success! Pack your workout clothes and gear ahead of time, especially if you’re working late or can only fit in a session in the morning. Let it be your bedtime ritual of finding the right clothes and equipment for the next day, that way all you have to do is show up and put in the work. For those of you who workout after work, try slipping into your workout clothes before heading home so that you can immediately jump into a session!

Change Your Perspective
Instead of viewing exercise or working out as a chore, see them as personal investments. Give yourself a reason for working out. Staying healthy, managing stress, losing weight, building muscle, getting flexible, – these are just a handful of reasons to workout. If there’s a particular goal or sport you need to train for, use them! Whenever you’re emotionally invested in something, it no longer becomes a hindrance and instead becomes a crucial key towards an achievement. Your workouts should ultimately become a part of your lifestyle. Then doing them becomes as effortless as brushing your teeth. I know I definitely feel off whenever I skip a workout or two! So with your workouts, shift your perspective and give meaning to them. When you do so, you’ll find a way to get them in. They no longer become trivial; instead, they’re essential.

Make Them A Priority
Similar to my last tip, this one is all about prioritizing your workouts. Once you understand the importance of fitting them in, you’ll no doubt find a way to fit them in. But if you’re afraid of staying consistent, then try making them a priority. The best way to do that is to treat them like you would a business appointment. You wouldn’t cancel a big meeting, would you? Write it down if you have to. This actually legitimizes your workouts, instead of making them seem spontaneous or easy to pass off.

Hopefully, these simple tips will keep you on the right track when it comes to working out consistently! Remember, it’s all about developing the habit of working out rather than the sheer force. The more extreme you approach your workouts, the higher the likelihood of you ditching them for the worst. If you’ve got any tips of your own you’d like to share, feel free to leave them down in the comments!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    my tip when I am very busy in winter, I get my mindset out of the “workout session”, I squeeze in . 1-2 minutes of drills here and there during the day. I mostly do it while cooking (mostly strength), while helping kids to do homework (stretching), breaks at work (mobility, posture reset…) and off course the cardio will be when I have snow shovelling to do, giving hay to the pony, making snow-shoes tracks for my husband’s job, cross-country fun with my daughter, etc… every opportunity to get going. I don’t have to be in sportswear, neither clicking a timer …I -just-do-it.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      hailey, id

      those are great reminder tips, Laila 🙂 Keep busy as you do your busy-ness!
      tons of snow shoveling here in Idaho, too!! wooo hooooo!
      moved 8″ Sat am, on my 3-car length drive (single wide for 2, and double wide for 1). then 7 more inches Sat afternoon
      then, 6″ Sun am, and then went to break snow for a 1.5 hour snowshoeing venture around Galena Lodge, here in central Idaho. That was SO beautiful..! If you Facebook, I use up a few minutes after I workout to share events like this.. you’re welcome to find me -Tanya Alexis
      Now – it’s snowing again, but I love it… it makes this amazing tunnel to my house where no one can see me drive in because the snow’s over 6 FEET on each side of the drive, now.. and it’s so Q U I E T !!! 😀 😀 😀
      have you been getting a lot of snow there, too..?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    Great article, Z.. thanks for helping to always see a way to keep motivating us – I am sure it also motivates you because you get so much out of being committed to your own goals, that it nourishes your own to feed ours.
    ONE of my tips to keeping consistent with working out is this one simple thought: “no one is going to do it for me.”
    Like brushing my teeth, .. sleeping, feeding myself, driving to work, getting my work duties done, using the toilet…
    no one can do my workouts for me and make them effective – only I am in charge of that.
    So – I “authorize” myself to do them.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    Great Article! Very useful and so true: many people find excuses not to workout… what about finding “excuses” not no skip your daily workouts? I have a lot of friends and clients that say they don’t have time to workout, but they do see a lot of TV or Netflix. I love series too, but my priority is my health.

    I’m a mother, spouse, have tons of friends, I run my own Consulting Business, I like to read, cook and enjoy life! Not every day is the same, but if you plan ahead, everything seems to run smoothly. I follow the ZGYM schedule quite often, but sometimes I go for a run, a dance lesson, a pilates session or long walks. Anything to keep moving!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I enjoyed reading your Guide to Working Out. I felt like I was having a conversation with you. Working out can be difficult for many because they see it as a chore. My workout sessions are definitely an investment for me. Well said Zuzka!

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