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Banish Your Keto Breath!

Health | June 10, 2018

You just started switching over to a ketogenic diet. And for a while, everything is going smoothly. But then you start picking up a strange scent. Then it hits you: it’s your breath. It’s funky- like a prolonged state of morning breath, even though you’ve already brushed your teeth and capped it off with a good swig of mouthwash, too. How the heck did it come, and what can be done to get rid of it ASAP? Let me tell you firstly that nothing is going wrong with your body. Unless you practice poor oral hygiene, this breath is a sign that you are in fact entering a state of dietary ketosis, when your body’s preferred sources of fuel are transitioning from sugar (glucose) over to fat and ketones.
Here’s what can be done about the phenomena known as Keto Breath. For those of you who are currently eating on my latest Keto Meal Plan, listen up, because this may apply to you! For the rest of you thinking about attempting keto or are dealing with keto breath, consider this your go-to guide for banishing Keto Breath for good!

Lower Your Protein Intake
According to UltraDEX, a UK-based line of clinical, innovative oral-care products, the bacteria in our mouth can potentially worsen our breath as a side effect of a high-protein diet. [1] As you know, a ketogenic diet is not high in protein. The only exception would be for extremely active individuals like elite athletes whose activities demand a higher intake of this macronutrient. But for the average person- as well as my ZGM members, who are nowhere near as active as say an Olympian- high protein isn’t as necessary. Look over your diet and see if your protein intake has increased since going keto. If so, you may want to decrease it and replace what’s missing with more fat, or very low-carb, fiber-rich veggies. (As a side note, keto isn’t low protein either; it’s moderate. Treat it like a goldilocks test of balance and you’ll be good to go! [2])

Re-Asses Your Routine
Maybe your keto breath is a blessing in disguise: it could be that your idea of oral cleaning isn’t as efficient as you once thought! Are you brushing properly? (2 minutes twice a day is the standard recommendation- don’t rush! [3]) Is your toothpaste strong enough? (Some brands even help to freshen the breath, reduce bacterial load, and prevent build up and tartar. You can go with a natural or conventional brand; however, if you’re really cautious, you can’t wrong with a toothpaste that has the American Dental Association’s seal of approval.)

Efficiency In Cleaning
You may have to go the extra mile in your routine to really make sure you’re cleaning efficiently. I know it’s going to add a couple of extra minutes to your routine, but if you want to address your keto breath, then your efforts will be well-paid. Consider cleaning your tongue in addition to your teeth. While research on the efficacy of tongue scrapers is mixed, it’s not a bad idea to include it, especially if there’s any build up or debris on your tongue. The aforementioned research has admittedly shown that tongue scrapping helped to lower bad breath temporarily, [4] so anything to help shorten bad breath is a win (especially with keto breath). Another practice you can adopt is oil pulling. It’s a very easy thing to do, and can even help to reduce plaque and bad bacteria in your mouth. All you need is about a teaspoon of (melted) coconut oil, which you swish between your teeth anywhere between 5-10 minutes (some people go as long as 20 if they have the time) before spitting it out into a plastic bag or container. [5] With oil pulling, you do not want to swallow, since the oil itself has absorbed all of the gunk and bacteria from your mouth. Spitting it out into the drain is also not advisable, since the coconut oil can harden and potentially clog your drains. So keep a plastic bag or container you can easily rinse off to avoid this issue!

With or without keto breath, you should strongly emphasize the importance of hydration when in dietary ketosis. While staying hydrated is a basic health practice we should all maintain regardless of diet, those who are in ketosis especially need to maintain optimal hydration. That’s because the lowering of carbs causes the body to release a lot of fluids and electrolytes, which runs the risk of dehydration. Dehydration is also the culprit behind the dreaded Keto Flu, which Keto Breath is a potential side effect of. So once again, if you’re in the early stages of your keto diet and are suddenly experiencing bad breath, you may want to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and loading up on essential minerals to stay hydrated. (For information on overcoming the Keto Flu, read my post here.) On a side note, drinking enough water can remove any leftover food particles from meals as well as give a bit of lubrication to your mouth, helping to remove any potential odor or smelly build up. [6] I also recommend trying Sole water.

Fight Fire With Fire
If unwanted scent is the name of the game, fight fire with fire. Use a strong mouthwash to ensure your breath has a pleasant smell of its own. You can go with a conventional or an herbal mouthwash. (Note: Herbal mouthwashes tend to be gentler, but they may or may not be as effective as your typical grocery store brand. It’s all a matter of preference, so you’ll have to experiment.) Simple remedies also include chewing on pieces of ginger, mint, parsley, or fennel/fennel seeds; all of these can naturally freshen up the breath. I wouldn’t recommend going with store-bought mints or gums, since they’re loaded with sugars, artificial sweeteners, food dyes, and preservatives. They also contain sugar alcohols like Sorbitol and Xylitol, which have the potential to upset sensitive stomachs and worsen Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). [7] A final but slightly pricy last-ditch effort is taking a liquid Chlorophyll supplement. Chlorophyll is essentially plant blood, the green pigment that gives vegetables like broccoli and spinach their color. It’s also been said to be an effective deodorizer for the body, neutralizing any toxic or nasty smells. [8] Chlorophyll tablets are another alternative if you’d rather not consume the liquid form. The one thing you have to be careful though with chlorophyll is that it does contain a high amount of copper, so make sure you’re eating enough zinc-rich foods like beef, pumpkin seeds, shrimp, hemp seeds, cashews, cheese, eggs, and liver to balance it out. [9] [10]

Bottom Line: Wait It Out
If all else fails, know that Keto Breath should subside within a matter of weeks. It’s simply a side effect of the transition towards a high fat diet like keto. However, if you’re going for months on end with the nasty smell, then please check with your dentist and/or doctor to see if there aren’t any deeper issues at hand.
I hope these tips help! Share with me how you deal with keto breath done below- it may just help a friend in need.

[1] https://ultradex.co.uk/ketosis-breath-causes-solutions-for-bad-breath/
[2] https://ketodietapp.com/Blog/lchf/All-You-Need-to-Know-About-Protein-on-a-Low-Carb-Ketogenic-Diet
[3] https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/features/brushing-teeth-mistakes
[4] https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/bad-breath/ada-08-tongue-scrapers-offer-short-term-reduction-of-bad-breath
[5] https://drjockers.com/strategies-to-overcome-keto-breath/
[6] https://www.aaom.com/dry-mouth
[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4014048/
[8] https://www.healthline.com/health/liquid-chlorophyll-benefits-risks
[9] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-foods-high-in-zinc
[10] https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/modern-diseases/copper-zinc-imbalance-unrecognized-consequence-of-plant-based-diets-and-a-contributor-to-chronic-fatigue/

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    bone broth doesn’t help if it was made with several garlic cloves. I haven’t found a tip to help remove that sensation of eternal thirst when you consume garlic (NOT talking about the smell, but the thirst sensation). I like lemon-bitter stringent drinks, or green-tea, or a dab of ACV in water. any other tips?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Well – Keto breath is here. :-/ It is really bothering me most of the day and especially when I am around people. Coffee makes it even worse and gives a bad taste. For me the best thing that works is to stay hydrated and clean my mouth with mouth wash or brushing teeth. I also use a tounge scraper in the morning. Might do oil pulling again as I always found it to help especially in the morning. I hope the KB will not last the whole 8 weeks. I am now in my second week. Anyone any experience on this?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Update. My keto breath is gone. It was really only the first couple of weeks and now it is not there anymore (thank god!).

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