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My New Pre & Post Workout Blend Available Exclusively in My Store!

Blog | July 27, 2019

Introducing my all-natural pre and post-workout adaptogenic blend – Strawberry and Cocoa flavour  which are now available exclusively in my store! Thanks to my friends over at The Reserve (formerly the Matcha Reserve- remember this video I did with them way back?), I was able to design the perfect two-in-one product for energy, strength, and recovery. Yes, you read that right! Rather than buy a bunch of different ingredients or products, I’ve combined both an energy-boosting pre-workout together with a recovery formula that will help to support your exercise goals inside and out. It gives a natural boost without overstimulating, while also improving skin elasticity, bone strength, blood vessel health, and muscle strength. And as an added bonus it supports a balanced yet focused mood. Once again, perfect for working out!

But I get it- with so many options out there, what makes my adaptogenic mix stand out from all of the rest? Let me explain.

It contains a combination of ingredients that I personally chose for their particular properties, which work together in unison to provide all of the benefits I mentioned before (energy, strength, mood, etc.). You’ll also be getting a good amount of protein, which is crucial for building and maintaining strong muscles, bones, tendons, and skin. That said, let’s not beat around the bush and unveil these elusive ingredients!

You get:

  • Organic Matcha
  • (Marine) Collagen
  • Ashwagandha
  • Pine Pollen

Now, these ingredients are sobeneficial that they each deserve a post of their own. So, if you’d like to learn more about them, then keep an eye out for upcoming ingredient spotlight posts! Those will give you the 101 and prove why I chose them!

Questions? I Have Answers!

I’m sure you may have questions about this blend. And don’t worry, I’ve got the answers! I took the liberty of looking over your comments and concerns on my social media announcement post and have compiled them here. So, let’s get started!

What does it taste like?
You’ve got two choices- chocolate (cocoa) or strawberry. If you like a more dessert-like flavor, go with cocoa, and if you prefer something light and fruity, then go with strawberry.
Both of these flavors are subtle enough to be tasty without being overpowering. You can also dilute it by adding more water or liquid.

How do I take it, anyway?

While it’s meant to be shaken into a drink, you can definitely incorporate it into smoothies, oats, yogurts, or other recipes like protein pancakes, mug cakes, cookies, and more- really, the possibilities are endless! The Reserve even says you can add it into salad dressings, which would be pretty interesting.

Does it contain caffeine?

Yes, albeit in small amounts. That’s due to the organic matcha powder. However, you shouldn’t be getting any jitters or shakes from this mix. First of all, while there is a degree of caffeine found naturally in matcha, it’s nowhere near the same amount as coffee, or other pre-workout blends that are typically sold. You’d have to be extremely sensitive to caffeine to get any kind of negative jolt. Not only that but the combination of L-Theanine and antioxidants found in matcha cancels out the negatives of caffeine, so once again, you shouldn’t be having any sort of negative reaction to it. (When in doubt, trust your gut!)

Are there any sweeteners?
No! Absolutely no artificial sweeteners or sugars (natural or elsewise). I requested just the tiniest hint of stevia- enough to give a slight sweetness without the strong aftertaste, which I’m not a fan of. For my blend, it’s works great in small amounts. (If you feel that it does need more sweetness, I recommend adding more stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit to desired taste.)

Is it keto-friendly?

Yes! And low carb, too, obviously.

Is it vegan?

Sorry guys, but no, it’s not. (Unless you’re willing to make collagen protein an exception.) Vegetarians and flexitarians can definitely have it, though!

Is it gluten-free?

100% yes!

What else is this free of?

Soy, dairy, additives, and fake foods! That’s right, it’s all natural!

Do you drink it before or after working out?

While you can go either way, I prefer to take it BOTH before and after my workouts. Before gives me a natural energy boost and after helps me to wind down by supporting muscle recovery and calmness.

Can I still take it if I work out at night?

Yes, I would think so. But you can experiment with half a serving and see how your body does with that. If it’s all good, then try a full scoop. Another option is to see whether you do well with taking it before or after working out. Everybody is different though, so put on your scientist cap and see how your body reacts!

What temperature should I drink it in?

Doesn’t matter! You can take it either hot or cold. It functions both as a cool, refreshing drink on and a warm, cozy beverage.

Would it break a fast?

In my opinion, no, it wouldn’t. Not any more than a cup of plain herbal tea would. However, in some people, it might, especially if you choose to go out of your way and sweeten it. That’s because in some individuals it triggers a marginal insulin response by proxy of being sweet. In other words, you taste something sweet, and your body reacts thinking you’re eating food. (Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But if you’re really dead-set on being fasted, then don’t sweeten it all and, if anything, test things out by monitoring your blood sugar before and after taking it.)

I’m pregnant or breastfeeding- can I still take it?
While the folks over at the Reserve consider it safe to drink (as do I), it’s always best to consult with your healthcare professional first to get the OK!

What’s the nutritional value?

Feel free to contact the folks over at the Reserve for the nutritional breakdown! They’re also available to chat on their social media.

Serving size?

1 teaspoon (tsp)

How many servings?

Approximately 30

How should I store it?

Store it in a cool, dry space and use it within 6 months after opening it.

I live outside of the US. Can I still order it?

Yup! We ship worldwide!

How much does it cost?

$29.90 and ZGYM members get their 10% discount.

Get on It!

One last thing as I wrap up this post, everyone. The adaptogenic pre and post workout mix is a limited-edition product which is now exclusively sold in my store. If you love it as much as I do, please leave a review. If it turns out that you guys enjoy this all natural supplement, we’ll definitely re-order and keep it going.

If you’re interested in checking out other great adaptogenic blends and matcha powders, check out  the Reserve.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    I LOVE this formula!! Zuzka, from the perspective of Chinese/Oriental herbology and energetics/functions, that formula seems very carefully crafted and well balanced. I’m intrigued by your choices here. Seems like it provides a jump-start for a workout by stimulating the adrenals while also nourishing them, promoting alertness and focus, supporting tissue repair (muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints), and specifically supporting the hormones that are involved in exercise/physical work/athletic activities. And the ashwaghanda is supportive of a healthy stress response, including promoting calm/restful sleep….and the matcha green tea is very high in chlorophyll and antioxidants……The pine pollen and ashwaghanda help mitigate any stimulating effects of the caffeine in the matcha, making it suitable for even those who are caffeine-sensitive, and preventing any potentially harmful effects of caffeine. I just love how this formula was composed, its simplicity but vast application. This is well researched and considered. I will likely purchase. 👍🏽

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    I got the strawberry flavored one and will tell you what I think of it. I already drink matcha tea or yerba mate in the morning before a workout. I will probably just adjust my tea so I can add this in it.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Let me know what you think!! Can’t wait to hear some feedback.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        santa cruz, ca

        This morning was my second morning drinking it. I don’t taste it at all because I just mixed it into my typical matcha drink (I reduced the matcha powder very slightly to accomodate the addition of this workout blend). I add a splash of cream, which tastes nice but is mostly to prevent nausea (caffeine from tea and coffee do that to me on an empty stomach). If anything, the drink just has a richer flavor and feels thicker, which I really, really like. I haven’t tasted it alone yet.

        As for how it feels, it’s hard to say because it has only been 2 days. These herbs take at least a few more days (maybe even a week) for the therapeutic/medicinal components to build up in the bloodstream… But some immediate effects I’ve noticed is significantly more focus and clarity, which improved my sense of balance and coordination; I just feel more energy, and it’s not a “caffeine energy” (again, I reduced the typical matcha powder I drink). I DEFINITELY seem to have recovered more quickly and….better. I even feel like if I had the time I could workout for longer. Today I did a million chores really fast after working out, lol. And I haven’t felt any sort of energy slump or crash. I typically don’t, BUT, I noticed I had significantly more energy throughout the day. For example, yesterday I had 8 patients, 3 of which were new patients, and a few very hectic circumstances (one patient bringing a crying and screaming infant and trying to breastfeed while I treated her, lol…another patient one hour late and two that were 20 min late each….another patient with severe depression and suicidal tendencies….you get the picture). Normally a day like that leaves me feeling A LOT more tired/drained (especially emotionally) by the end of the day and just want to go home and crash. But last night I felt great and went out to sushi with my partner, plenty of energy.

        Anyway, I’ll report after a few more days and perhaps in a couple weeks. It’s always possible that it has to do with my cycle, but I actually think I’m in week 3, when i’d normally be cranky and more tired…..SO…….I can give you more accurate and reliable feedback when I feel I can rule out other factors that could potentially explain these beneficial effects I’ve noticed. 🙂 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    Hey Zuzka,

    I bought the cocoa one last week, it is not my favorite tasting drink but it’s definately for the greater good. I have been using it after my wo and I swear I have more energy and feel really good after!!! I’ve been using it for 5 days now and love it! I will continue to buy while it’s available and hopefully it will stay that way!!

    Thank you, as always you’ve outdone yourself!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I dont know what I’m expecting from this but I’m not opposed to trying out something that can be good for my body overall. I’m going to order it and give it a try.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas

    Hi Zuzka! I bought both flavors when the Reserve first announced it. I have since bought another 2 cans. I really enjoy the flavor of both. I was super surprised at how much I like the flavors. Still trying to kick my coffee habit, but these blends have me curious to try straight up matcha tea.
    As far as energy, I definitely feel a boost, but it is subtle. I usually mix mine with plain water, no need to sweeten. I drink before workouts, a sip during ( especially with Summer Shreds 😉), and after.
    It’s fabulous!!!!!! I have tried to leave a review on the Reserves website, but it won’t allow it 🤔. Will try again as I’m hoping they will keep it permanently.
    Oh an added benefit …. my skin is glowing ❤️

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,

    I purchased the cocoa/ chocolate mix and started using it last week. I mix it with water and drink it before my zgym workouts. It does boost my energy level, and I feel much more energetic post workout.

    I am going to purchase the strawberry mix before it’s gone. Hopefully this product will be around for a while. Also TheReserve was very responsive and helpful when I ordered your product.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    michigan, usa

    I ordered chocolate and strawberry when it was first announced and have tried it a couple times. There isn’t much flavor at all to either -in my opinion- but that’s not a bad thing since I don’t like sweet beverages. liked the way it made me feel so far 🤷‍♀️🖤

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I thought the same about the flavor.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    castle rock, colorado, united states

    I just received the strawberry flavor today and am chomping at the bit to try it! I’ve been alternating Vital Protein Collagen and a protein shake every other day and am wondering if it’s ok to maintain this routine as I did note the mix only has 45 grams of protein per can.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    CONGRATULATIONS Zuzka for developing this formula!!!
    I truly admire not only your health and fitness inspiration, but also your entrepreneurial side.
    Looking forward to try both flavors! I need to figure out if I can bring them into my Country (I live in Chile, South America) as sometimes there are issues with Customs… I’ll make it happen and let you know about my impressions 🙂

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I just bought them …. For France the shipping fees 11 $ It’s ok

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