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Irina And Her Inner Soldier

Uncategorized | March 02, 2018


“My dearest Zuzka you are real Light to me.. I was thinking a lot to share or not my story but I can’t hold it back may be it can serve to someone… I have two kids and a few month ago delivered and lost my second babe when he was just a few weeks old … it hurts so much still but as you said we are soldiers no meter what battle you are in you win or you lose.. no meter what you choose either you diside never give up and overcome any pain and disappointments or you die .. I decided to win and Zgym has helped me a lot to overcome it all mentally every time I did exercise I put all my anger and pain into it and I each time I felt better .. thank you so much for being such an amazing tool in Gods hands to heal not only body but souls .. continue what you do as long as you can..  I have pictures where I am one week postpartum and after 2 month I exercised regularly with you. I see  results definitely and I will keep up  And will be the best I can with your help and support. ”

The only thing is it ok I not clearly show my face (I wish to stay a little private still) and I don’t have Instagram..
Love , Irina

A couple days ago I shared Nicole’s review with her Before & After photos on my Instagram, and based on your feedback I decided to create a contest:

For the following next 3 months, anyone who follows ZGYM, and/or purchases and follows one of my Meal Plans, posts a review on our product page, and shares their own Before & Afters on their Instagram, will receive a 6 month free ZGYM membership, and get a shoutout on my social media and here on the website.

Basic rules:

  1. Before & After photos have to show an obvious progress and pictures have to be clear, and of a good quality as Nicole’s. If you want to share how you lost your baby weight, please note that photos of your pregnancy can’t be accepted as before photos. Take a postpartum photo of yourself and show us how you got your body back into shape after you gave birth to your bundle of joy!
  2. If you share your progress on Instagram, make sure to tag me (@zuzkalight) and keep your account public.

I know that some of you guys would like to participate but don’t have an Instagram account or don’t want to use it for privacy reasons, which is understandable, however offering the same reward wouldn’t be fair to someone like Nicole who really puts herself out there and brings more value by spreading the word amongst her own followers. For that reason we can offer 3 months free ZGYM membership to those who want to send their before and after photos to partnerships@zuzkalight.com together with their story and  permission to use their pictures on my social media and here on the website. Irina here is a great example of such contestant. Even though she sent her story before I started offering rewards, she’s getting the 3 months of free ZGYM membership, because I’m grateful and she deserves it.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ft lauderdale, fl, usa

    Irina, God bless you and your family. Your strength is an inspiration to all. A reminder that our outer strength starts with our inner strength. Can’t have one without the other. You are a warrior!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    vancouver, bc, canada

    Wow! What an incredibly brave and strong woman you are. Thanks for sharing your story! God bless you Irina! Philippians 4:13 ❤️

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Dear Irina, Im so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. I do believe that when life really hits us We get transparent and the Light of God shines through us and thats what i feel in you. It takes away everything that is unreal and unimportant and make a connection from heart to heart. That is so beautiful. Thank you for touching my heart today with your light. God bless you and i wish you and your family peace.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    vancouver, british columbia, canada

    Dear Irina, it’s a hard time for you and whatever you can do to make yourself feel better, I’m glad you found it. I am wishing you to have lots fun and laugh in your life too.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    berkel en rodenrijs, netherland

    Irina, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing your story! You are very inspiring woman!!!! Sending you lots of love and a big hug!!! Take care sweetie!!!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    phoenix, az, usa

    I have followed you for YEARS and love how you are continuing to impact women in such a positive way! Thank you for sharing Irina’s story. I too lost a child through miscarriage and it can be devastating and life changing. I almost ruined my life by turning to alcohol after I lost my child but I got sober and health and wellness are what ultimately changed my life and brought me meaning and hope. I hope that Irina continues to find peace and comfort through health and wellness!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    That’s a progress! Your second photo is kind of my goal so this is quite motivational!

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