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Workout Schedule for The Week Of December 15th

Workout Schedules | December 14, 2014

Hi guys,

I have for you some really great workouts with your kettlebells this week, we won’t leave beginners out and we’re going to have a lot of fun with the new Power Yoga workout. Talking about the Power Yoga, I’d like to let you know that we will be using a yoga block for the new routine and I think it’s worth getting it if you don’t have it already, because you can use that little piece of equipment to add extra challenge to most of your exercises and not just yoga. If you don’t have the blocks, don’t worry I will let you know in the post how to do the exercises using books and pillows instead 🙂

You’ll find 2 older workout routines in this schedule as always, because it’s important to strive for new personal bests and make sure that you are progressing on a weekly basis. If you see that you’ve done more reps or completed the workout faster than the last time, you know you’re on the right track. I think it’s way better to focus on the fact that you’re getting stronger than just looking in the mirror and looking for visual changes. I mean who am I kidding, I stare at myself all the time too, but I know that it’s silly and my perspective of myself can change from one day to another based on my mood and how happy I am with everything else. If I’m stressed about the mess I have at home that needs to be cleaned up, or all the comments I haven’t replied to yet, I tent to see myself as an unattractive shapeless blob. But if I can prove to myself that I am actually making a progress and I have a real proof of that, then I feel accomplished and the momentarily perspective can’t ruin it for me. Numbers don’t lie (except the ones on the scale), so make sure to keep track of your personal bests!


Monday – Kettlebell Advanced #2 (New in ZGYM)

Tuesday – BodyCrush #7 (Beat Your Personal Best)

Wednesday – Guns & Pistols #4 (New in ZGYM)

Thursday – 5 Minute workout #22  (New in Workouts)

Friday – CASH #7 (Lifted Butt Series – New in ZGYM)

Saturday – BodyCrush #6 (Beat Your Personal Best)

Sunday – POWER YOGA #9 (New in ZGYM)


I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I like how you always allow us into your world and prove you are just like most women by baking and almost devouring a dish when still hot, having self-doubt, and issues with fitting in so many things in your day that are all equally important. I feel down at times when I have been on my feet for hours or did an intense have swollen legs. I must agree that we all need to show self-love and appreciate our bodies for the strength and abilities we have. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you so much everything you said is how I feel so now I feel better lol 🙂 awesome schedule xx

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This looks great and i look forward to a new week with zgym workouts! :). i wonder if it would be possible to get the workout schedule the night before EST time? then i would be able to pick a workout from the schedule at mondays before work, now i have to go to work before it is up.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    caseyville, illinois

    Hi Z,
    don’t mean to sound silly but when you say add more reps, do you mean we should try and add more reps per exercise than you do prescribe and keep the routine at the same length?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I guess she mean more reps than the first time when it is a amrap workout and for a time challenge, faster than the first time 🙂

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        caseyville, illinois

        Maybe by reps, she means rounds. That’s probably it. Thanks!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      There are no silly questions 🙂 So AMRAP means as many reps as possible. Let’s say you have a 15 minute AMRAP and there’s a circuit of 4 exercises. Each exercise is 10 reps. Your goal is to go through the circuit as many times as you can and not stop until the 15 minutes is up. During the 15 minutes you may complete 3 full circuits and 6 reps of the first exercise. What counts is the total amount of reps so you did 3 x 40 (4 exercises by 10 reps each)+ 6 = 126 reps total. The next time you should aim to complete at least 3 rounds and 7 reps of the first exercise to beat your personal best.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    hi, could you please make a foam roller routine to stretch out after the X workouts. thanks

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    1,Why can I not click on some days? 2,Is there something I can do with slow internet? 3,And how do you come up with the workout schedules ?
    I have been following you since you started bodyrock and I have not stopped loving you and your workouts!
    I’m glad I did the $1 trial really forgot how good u are! Becoming a member come January 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      los angeles, ca, usa

      Hi Melissa!

      1) the days on the workout schedule that are not clickable are because those are brand new workouts that Z hasn’t finished yet. 😉
      2) for slow internet, you can try letting the videos buffer before playing. That is, click the play button to start, then click it again to pause while it loads. Let it load all the way before playing.

      I’ll let Z answer #3. 😀

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Ok I will try preloaded it all the way tomorrow and see if that will help, looking forward to zuzka s response to question #3:)))

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          I have a system that works for me. Some days need to be harder, then others and we need to have a good amount of cardio, strength & endurance training, stretching, and core & stability. It’s all about finding a good balance.

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Could I make my own schedule? Like today I feel the need for a good stretch so I was thinking of picking a power yoga instead of the #4 guns and pistols and back on track for Thursday?
            Also is there a year subscription, for my new year, new me 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ahoj Zuzko,
    nemohla by jsi prosím tady na webu ještě přidat nějaké záložky, kde budou workouty rozděleny na zwow, body crush…atd atd.
    Mám v tom teď strašný zmatky. Měla jsem dva deníčky na zwow a zshred a měla v tom krásný přehled. Teď jsem přikoupila další poznámkové bloky ,ale už vůbec nevím, jak si je mám rozdělit, abych ji nemusela mít deset 😀
    Ale i tak si myslím,že při hledání workoutu by to hodně pomohlo. Taky se mi líbilo jak to bylo předtím rozdělené na partie cvičení – ab, leg, arm….

    Díky za tvé workouty 🙂 jsou super 🙂

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey guys I just joined! !!!I’m so excited Zuzka to workout with you daily. Ciao Angelina

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love that these are mainly body weight workouts. I am traveling over the holidays and could not bring weights with me so I’m always looking for body weight workouts out of town. Keep them coming please!!!

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