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10 Reasons To Get Into A Great Shape

Fitness | July 22, 2014



       Consistent exercise may be the answer to your prayers and questions on how to maintain a young, vibrant look. It may be the best medicine we can have for anti-aging process. When we get older we become more frail, we start to lose our muscle tones and our bones lose their density. We can definately put a break on that process by working out with weights to build bone mass and muscles, doing more cardio for endurance and stamina and eating well of course. Exercise is known also as the largest contributor to growth hormone release which is known for slowing down the aging  process and promoting youth and vitality as well. 




        Every day workout not only contributes to slimming down and adding muscle tone, but also makes our skin looks more radiant and can fight stress and anxiety. I don’t know a one person that walks out of a gym, yoga studio or after a good workout that will look unhappy and stressed out. Exercise can improve and change our mood tremendously and give us a calm that will last for hours. 




       It is guaranteed that on the day that you have exersiced you will not only feel amazing and refreshed but also will sleep better at night. Shawn Talbott, PhD, nutritional biochemist explains that exercise sharpens the body’s sensitivity to the stress hormone cortisol, which can enhance sleep. Exercise is essentially a release valve for cortisol, helping you sleep more soundly and greet the day looking more refreshed, Talbott explains. “It sends a message to the brain that you’re using the cortisol for its original purpose — movement — and that it’s safe to turn off the tap afterward.” Your body is able to use the downtime for the tissue-repair work that keeps you both looking and feeling great.




    Physical activities are know to release endorphins, which are the chemicals that promote happiness. Researchers from the Penn State University found in their study that the more physically active people reported greater general feelings of excitement and enthusiasm. The important part is to convert the exersice to a daily habit. Even 20 minutes will get you a full daily happiness boost and put a smile on your face for rest of the day. All you need is to start working out with me in the Zgym on a daily basis! I keep telling you that 🙂 




     Confident people radiate certain physical appeal and charisma. Daily activities contribute to staying fit and healthy, which directly effects our self esteem and self perception. We can also benefit from exercises that make us literally taller, stretch and strengthen our muscles and correct our bad posture. It is almost impossible to be feeling down and sad when we are walking with our head up and a smile on our face. It is an investment in your mind, body and soul.




      Increasing your heart rate several times a week or a day will give you an incredible boost of energy and will make you feel stronger. You will be amazed how all of the sudden you can clean the entire house, wash yours and perhaps even neighbors car and take a dance or yoga class after. It will also help your immune system, by increasing your immunity levels and decreasing your chances of developing any diseases. Physical activity helps flushing bacteria out from the lungs and the temporary rise in your body temperature may prevent any bacterial growth. 




        We all tend to get stuck in our daily routines, not only at the gym or running around the same block every day but also eating the same food and watching the same old shows on television, rather then going out for a walk or trying out a new workout. To challenge our self we need to step outside of that same repetative way we are living and exercising. Try to cook something entirely new, go for a swim, bike ride, crate an art project or learn how to play a new sport, the trick is to do something different to keep the excitment growing at the gym, studio or home and to avoid and overcome any boredom.




       A workout injury can happen to anyone at anytime, but it is definitely more common to be happening to the people that are not exercising on a regular basis. Besides doing the right thing like a dynamic stretching before and after your workout and a classical warm ups that will loosen your muscles and joints, you can reduce risk of injury by getting in a stronger shape. If you have a good agility you can easily avoid a pedestrian while biking, good balance will provide a stability when you will need it, and a power will help you in many situation when you need to hold or move something out of the way. 




       We all have many goals in our lives that we want to accomplish. Sometimes we are not even aware of our own potentials or what our bodies are capable of until we overcome an obstacle and reach the goal. The closer to the goal we come or the weight loss we achieve the more comfortable we feel. Try to hike the tallest mountain near by or camp by the lowest point of a canyon, learn how to ride a horse, take a scuba diving lesson or join the Zgym and try to do a workout with me every day. Think about how ecstatic, motivated and joyous you will feel when you will succeed and overcome anything that you thought you couldn’t.  




     By building more muscles and stamina every activity becomes more easier. Because we become more productive and happier while exercising it also increases our enthusiasm and willingnes to try something new and challenging. When you are in a great shape you can not only start doing a different workouts in the gym or at home but also enjoy more outdoors activities like hiking, kayaking or tennis and even try a rock-climbing. Nothing will prevent you from joining a random sports game and you will be able to except any challenges from now on. 


We all have different dreams and goals and not all of you are going to relate to all of the 10 reasons, but I think that almost all of you can pick at least 5 that will be enough to push and motivate you to get into a great shape and maybe even the best shape of your life. If there are more reasons that I have not mention in this article, please share them in the comments below. The more the merrier 🙂





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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ciao Zuzka,

    these reasons have prompted me to resume physical activity after a long time. I’ve always been an athlete, but lately I’d abandoned any physical activity. Thanks for these reasons. Now I’ll follow you for a long time and you are an ispiration.

    Greetings for Italy. Ciao!

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      Private Member  | 

      Ma stai scherzando? Con tutti i trainer professionali e preparati che ci sono in giro, la persona che ti ispira è una ex attricetta a luci rosse da quattro soldi, che si è improvvisata esperta di fitness quando ha capito che poteva guadagnare di più con le mutande che senza?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You got a very good point, Zuzka.

    It makes a huge difference to be consistent with workouts and diet! Overall I feel great, thanks to your workouts and constant reminders in your blog posts! Keep them coming, you are great, we love you!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This post makes me so happy! I just read a book by neurosurgeon Dr. Brett Osborn called “Get Serious” and it says a lot of the same points. I recommend it for anyone that likes to read about fitness. The book is also mentioned in Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine this month. Thank you for all you do Zuzka. You are amazing!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    To all those responding to the disgusting comments that “PSYCHO” Elena Cerreteli is constantly making, you are just feeding her need to cause a reaction out of those that follow Zuzka. She obviously goes on this site to bully Zuzka and you guys are reacting exactly how she wants you too. Ignore her comments, eventually she will get tired and hopefully go away. For the time being, just pray that she gets the medical help that she so desperately needs.

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      Private Member  | 

      Amen, Tania.

      Too bad I gave this much attention to it, but felt like stepping up for our girl there! I guess Zuzka gets critisism for what I, on the other hand appreciate about her: Being a living proof of that you don’t need to be perfect at all to be successful and happy.

      Love to all!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Keep up the great effort. People will always have different view points, and the fitness world is no different. I am a regular to your site and decided to chip in for once

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    For me the main reasons wre 6 and 7. And I really worked hard for that. After my son was born, I was overweight and FAT. The first thing I did was to undergo a lipodissolve process which dissolves fat deposits inside our body. After I recovered I started my diet and work outs and now I can proudly say that I am back to how I had been before my pregnancy and my son turns 1 this november. 🙂

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